Chapter 4: Dinner

3109 Words
 *MAXINE’s POV* “Hey!!! Let me out!!! Mom!!! Mom!!! Help me!!!” The princess inside the mirror keeps shouting and banging the mirror at the same time. How did this happen? I walk back and forth in front of the mirror which I just covered with a white cloth while biting my nails, I do this most of the time if I’m getting anxious or if I do not know what I should do. Am I cursed? Wait, why should I be cursed? I didn’t do anything wrong. Who did this anyway? Ow! My head hurts! “Hey! B*tch! I can still see you there! Let me out and give me my body back!” The princess shouted so I walked back in front of the mirror and peeked inside the cloth. “Princess I’m sorry but can you just please tone down your voice, I’m trying to think,” I said to her, starting to lose my patience. “What did you say? You’re ordering me to shut up!? You!? A low class vampire!? Wants me!? To shut up!?” She asked irritated as I cover my ears. She’s too loud. “Hey! Don’t you dare cover your ears when I’m talking to you!” She shouted again. “Wait, those are my ears!” I heard her talking to herself. “Yes, that’s right! Don’t you dare cover my ears when I’m talking to you!” She shouted again while pointing her index finger at me. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I try my best to control my patience. “Hey! Don’t touch my nose! Don’t you dare lay a finger on my body! That’s a very precious gem for this kingdom!” She shouted again. “Hey! Low class! Hey! Why aren’t you speaking, huh!? Hey!” She yelled at me again and that’s it. I lost my patience and raised my voice too. “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” I glared at her and she looked shocked that a commoner was able to shout at her. Well, she can’t get out of the mirror anyway. “H-How dare you to raise your voice on me! A princess!” She said while standing with bravery and confidence as I facepalmed. She doesn’t know how to shut up, does she? “Look princess,” I said to her, trying my best to be as calm as I could. “I’m trying to think about how am I going to give you your body back and how am I going to get you out of there, okay?” I said to her, emphasizing each word. “O-Oh,” she said then crossed her arms in front of her chest. “F-Fine then, I’ll shut up,” she said while trying to look cool even though she already lost it. Well, I really want to get you out of there but I also want to use this opportunity to help my family and to get my justice. So, I’m sorry princess if I can’t get you out of there, for now. “So?” Princess Zarah asked raising her left eyebrow. “I don’t have any idea yet,” I answered her. “Then what am I supposed to do here!?” She asked once more. “I-I don’t know,” I replied. “Can you at least remove this white cloth?” She demanded. “Fine,” I replied as I sighed and let the cloth hang on the side of the mirror. “Good. Now, have you come up with an idea already?” She entreated. “Uhm, none yet,” I replied while looking at her. “Well, we should think!” She shouted and started walking back and forth inside the mirror. I am trying to think. We were both trying to figure out how did this thing happened when suddenly we heard knocks on the door. “Come in!” The princess in the mirror shouted however, she has forgotten that no one, except me, can hear her. “Stop knocking and just come in!” Princess Zarah exclaimed. “Come in!” I said then the princess looked at me with her big eyes, like telling me why did I say something. “Princess,” a servant walked in and called me, I mean the princess. “Yes?” The princess asked but as expected, the servant didn’t hear her. “Uh, yes?” I asked while looking at the princess inside the mirror then I turned my attention to the servant. “The King and Queen want you to join them for dinner,” the servant reported as she bowed her head. “Uhm, okay. I’ll be there,” I replied then the servant bowed her head once again and left the Princess’ room. As the door shuts behind the servant, I looked back to the Princess. “Princess, what should I do?” I asked Princess Zarah. “Why are you asking me?” She asked in return. “Well, I do not know your etiquette and manners in front of everyone else,” I said to her while my hands are frantically shaking. “What should I do? Princess, what if they found out I’m not the real princess? W-What if–,” I was still talking when she interrupted me. “Hey!” Princess Zarah shouted so I zipped my mouth and listened to her. “You have my body and my voice,” she said, calmly, as I nodded at her. “Just be completely prim and proper,” she said and I nodded at her again. “Don’t slouch,” she instructed as I quickly fixed my posture. “Stomach in, chest out, chin up and most of all,” she said as I did everything she said. “Yes?” I asked while holding my breath as I keep my stomach in. “Walk with pride and honor,” she said as I looked at her in the mirror as she raised her head, waving her right hand and smiling as if she had an audience in front of her. I did the same thing she’s doing right now. “What are you doing?” The princess asked so I waved my hand and smiled at her. “Well, I’m trying to copy what you’re doing just now,” I said to her, still trying my best to smile. “You looked scary,” she said so I couldn’t help but pout at her. “Hahaha,” she laughed at me as I pouted more. What’s so funny? “Stop pouting, you looked like a duck hahahaha,” she said. “What? My mom said I’m pretty,” I rebutted at her. “Well, she’s your mom,” she said, as a matter of fact. “Oh, you’re right,” I replied, with a small smile on my face. “Hahaha,” the princess laughed at me again. Okay, I know I’m not pretty like you but you don’t have to laugh at me. Wait, she’s laughing so loud? I thought princesses are supposed to laugh like a princess? “Wow, I didn’t know a princess could laugh like a barbarian,” I teasingly said to the princess as she quickly stopped herself from laughing. “Hmph!” She crossed her arms in front of her chest again. “You should go, mother and father are both waiting for the princess,” Princess Zarah said. “Uhm, I’ll tell you everything that happened after dinner,” I said to her but she just shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll cover you again, just in case someone came in here,” I said to her and she just sighed and nodded. I grabbed the white cloth again and carefully covered the whole mirror with it. Then I started walking out of the room. As I shut the door behind me, I took a deep breath and started walking down the grand staircase. *THIRD PERSON’s POV* As Maxine walked her way down the grand staircase, she keeps staring at the details and designs of the palace. Starting from the tall ceiling which she could not even reach, the ceiling is also painted with different scenarios including the story of the Moon Goddess, Selene. There are also murals on it which depict the history of the Collins kingdom. “A very out of the ordinary artwork, I wonder who made those?” Maxine whispered to herself. She’s still halfway through the staircase when she saw a painting on the wall. It’s a family picture. She stopped walking first and stared at the painting where the queen and king are sitting on a royal couch while the prince, is standing behind the king while the princess, which is Princess Zarah is standing behind the queen while the queen is holding the princess’ right hand on the queen’s shoulder. “Don’t we look lovely?” A woman’s voice interrupted Maxine’s moment with the painting so she turned her attention and saw the queen, a few steps below her. “Mother,” Maxine smiled at the queen that shook the queen. Princess Zarah never smiled at her, but this time, she did. The queen decided to ignore the sudden change in her daughter and smiled at her daughter. The queen stepped her way to where Maxine is standing and stared at the painting too. “This is the only family picture we have,” the queen said while smiling at the painting, remembering the day she did her best to convince her husband and children to have them painted, as a remembrance for the next generation. “Only?” Maxine asked the queen, confused on why is it the only family picture of the Collins family. “Well, your father and brother are always busy,” the queen replied and turned to Maxine while smiling sheepishly. “And you don’t like to have your face painted on and displayed on the walls,” the queen added. “O-Oh, t-that’s right, I don’t like it,” Maxine tried her best to act like Princess Zarah in front of the queen. “Well, it’s alright, at least I have this now,” the queen said and pointed at the painting, “Just don’t destroy it, okay, honey?” The queen pleaded to her daughter as Maxine just nodded at her. “Great! Let’s have dinner?” The queen invited Maxine as she offers her hand and Maxine gladly accepted it, and once again, the queen was surprised with the sudden change of Princess Zarah, but as a mother, she doesn’t care if her daughter changes, as long as it’s for the better. While walking their way to the kitchen, Maxine was observing the queen on how she walk, talk, and even move. “Is there something wrong?” The queen asked her daughter while still looking straight. “Oh Uhm, nothing, I’m sorry,” Maxine said and the queen quickly turned her head to the princess and smiled. “Wow, that’s a first,” the queen said still smiling. “Huh?” Maxine asked, confused. “Nothing,” the queen smiled at Maxine as they have finally entered the dining room where two older men and a young adult man are discussing something while waiting for the queen and the princess. “Oh, here they are,” One of the older men said while gesturing his hands on the queen and the princess who just entered the dining room. All men stood up as the queen walked her way to a seat on the right of the king, while the prince is sitting on the chair towards the left side of the king, while the other older man was sitting beside the prince. “Zarah? Why are you still standing there?” The king, Princess Zarah’s father, asked when everyone has taken their seats already except Maxine for she doesn’t know where to seat or what she should do. Maxine cleared her throat and walked beside the older man. “Zarah!” The prince called Maxine, with a warning tone. Maxine looked at him, scared, and has no idea what she did wrong. “W-Why?” Maxine asked, her hands trembling, remembering the suffering she encountered before from all the royalties, especially princes. “Honey, what are you doing? You should sit here, beside me,” the queen said to the princess. Hearing the queen's voice, made Maxine feel relaxed and safe, knowing that there is someone here that will protect her at all cost, even if it’s just an act, just moments borrowed. “Y-Yes mother, I-I’m sorry, I forgot,” Maxine lied and walked straight to the seat beside the queen. “Are you alright, my princess?” The king asked and Maxine just looked at him then to the queen who’s also waiting for her response. “Y-Yes, father, I’m fine,” Maxine replied and smiled at her fake parents. “Are you sure?” The king asked once more. “Yes, sire,” Maxine replied but she quickly corrected her words. “I mean, yes, father,” She said then smiled at the king. “Good, good,” the king said while nodding. “Oh by the way,” the king once again talked as everyone looked at him. “Why didn’t you greet your uncle?” The king asked Maxine who look shocked at first but quickly replaced it and tried her best to smile at the man sitting beside the prince. “Hello, uncle,” Maxine said and smiled at their guest. “Hello to you too my dear niece,” the man said and smiled at Maxine. “Well, since everyone is here already, we should start our meal,” the king said then he looked at one of the male servants, a butler, standing on the corner of the room, awaiting orders and commands. As soon as the servant saw the signal from the king, he immediately bowed his head and went to the kitchen, and soon after, a line of servants with trays of different cuisines and meals are walking in from the kitchen. “Presenting the first on the menu, the soup prepared by our top and most prestigious chefs,” the butler said. While Maxine was listening to him carefully, another servant suddenly came to her left and served a tray covered with a golden food dome on top of it. As soon as all the trays are put in front of each of the royalties, including the guest, the servants removed the food dome, as the butler continues to explain what food is served for tonights’ dinner. “This is called Buddha jumps over the wall or also know as Buddha’s Temptation, it originated from China, and is known as the most expensive soup in the human world,” the butler explained. Wow, so they even know things about humans. “Let’s eat,” the king said and so they all started eating. Maxine, on the other hand, doesn’t know what kind of spoon should she use since there are at least one spoon and three knives on the right of the plate and three forks on the left. I guess this is the one for the soup, Maxine thought but before she picked up the only spoon in front of her, she took a glimpse on the queen and saw her with a table napkin on her lap, Maxine quickly looked on her table and saw a folded napkin, she took it and spread it on her lap. Next is she grabbed the spoon and once again took a glimpse on the queen’s way of eating. The queen, slowly scoop her soup while tilting the spoon away from her, and so, Maxine copied her. As soon as the soup enters her mouth, she realized that this is her first time having an expensive meal, so slowly, she treasured every drop and every scoop of her meal. After an hour of eating, the dinner was finally over. “Did you enjoy our meal tonight, my dear?” The queen asked the king while she helped him clean his mouth. “Yes my queen, did you request this to the chef?” The king asked the queen and she nodded in response. “I never regretted marrying such an amazing woman,” the king said as they both smiled at each other, obviously loving each other deeply. “Mother, father, may I be excused? I still have something to discuss with the prince of Courtenay Kingdom,” The prince broke their parent's momentum. “Of course son, good night,” the king said to his son, who quickly stood up and left the dining room. Courtenay kingdom? That’s a kingdom where a monster lives, Maxine thought to herself, remembering Prince El who is the third Prince of the Courtenay kingdom. “Uhm, may I be excused too?” Maxine asked, doing her best to hold her anger. “Wait, I still have something to ask you,” the king said to Maxine. “Yes?” Maxine asked while clenching her hands into a fist. “Have you changed your mind already about attending school?” The king asked. “What school?” Maxine questioned the king, forgetting about her hatred towards the Prince for a while. “The Universidad De Vampiros, of course,” the king answered. That school!? What a coincidence. Maxine thought to herself. And a chance for me. Another thought came to Maxine’s mind. “Father,” Maxine called the king. “I would like to enroll in that university,” Maxine firmly answered.
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