2.9| Was He thinking too much ...?

1037 Words

Gia wanted to call Dylan. Maybe talking to him would make her feel better? They were siblings after all. But right when this thought crossed her mind the car stopped. They had reached their destination. Although her heart was in a turmoil, Gia hardened it and prepared to go in. "Want me to go in with you?" She heard Marcus ask. Gia paused, her fingers twitched. For a split second she was tempted to say yes. If she had someone, especially Marcus, then everything would be much easier. "No. It may take some time so you can go back. I'll take a cab." Picking up her bag and papers, Gia left the car. Marcus frowned and leaned his head on the steering wheel. He wondered what was so bad about him going with her? It wasn't like he was going to mess things up for her. Marcus decided to park

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