2.8| Case Re-open

1027 Words

Gia willingly helped Matt with his puzzle before his bedtime. There was nothing else to do so she decided to retire to bed. Gia was feeling tired after such a long day. Marcus did not talked to her this whole time. He occasionally looked over but nothing more than that. Even as she left the living room, he didn't say anything. That meant Abigail didn't tell him anything about her. Gia thought that maybe Abigail will try to paint Gia as someone with bad intentions. Either Abigail didn't know how to utilise an opportunity or Marcus just didn't want to bother with Gia. Either way Gia was relieved. She had some more time to bring out the truth behind Abigail. Right now Gia had her hands full with the case she had to reopen. After a night of tossing and turning, Gia woke up the next day

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