2060 Words
“What nonsense are you talking about brother? What has come over you? What do you mean you want to set me up with someone ? “ She sounded outright shocked “Yes same thing I said , what’s so strange in what I just said? You have been promised to the duke of sucexx “ “What?? Have you gone mad? You want to give your sister to that rouge? He is retarded ! I knew nothing good could come out of you insisting to wait for me to come down stairs when you have loads of work to do” she pleaded with her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You heard right my dear , your brother is just giving you the news of joy” they could hear the voice of their father coming from the other end of the room. “It can’t be real father , you would not actually do that to me would you ? I will do anything to please you, you can’t possibly do that to me” tears were already filling her eyes , she pleaded. “ Father please, don’t do this to me please “ she tried again “My dear , you don’t have to act like you are being forced into a marriage, you are not been forced, you will need to meet him , you will see him and you will conclude for yourself that he is actually a good match for you” “Father , I have met him in galas and some outings , I don’t think I can like him , at all. He is not for me and I am not for him” she looked at her brother’s face , if he could just come to her rescue. But that was not even possible, he would always do whatever their father wants him to do . “You guys don’t always think of how I feel , do you? You don’t have a care for my feelings” she looked from her father to her brother, it’s like their minds have been made. “Now enough of this and go about what you need to do, don’t you need to teach your students or meet your friends or even go a function? “ her father said dismissing any other thing she had to say , and left the palace with her brother. This could not be happening to her , they need to see what is been done to her , how her mental health can be involved in this. First she had to find Erik , being the A Sandalio wolf , maybe he knows something he could do to get her off this mess. She doubt it though. She would have canceled seeing and meeting her friends for the outing that had been planned, since she wasn’t in the mood now, but she needs to see Erik Grigori, she needs to find him , even if she wouldn’t be able to find him him,maybe , just maybe he would feel that she needs him and she is desperate. She called the attention of the butler , made it know that she was going out and she might be getting back late, not that it would even matter if she got back home late , but she had to tell someone she was leaving. “ Mr sham , please tell the driver to meet me out front with the vehicle, he would be dropping me off at the garden near the lake at the center of the city.” Mr sham the butler , nodded and went in to do her bidding. She quickly went to her dressing room , wore her gloves and headed outside to await the driver , she only hopes the outing won’t be useless, she hopes he would sense her fear and anxiousness to meet him , she knows she was connected to him somehow , he had marked her isn’t it? He should be able to feel her. She told the driver to go back home and not to wait for her , that she was going to stay out late , just like she had told the butler , and knowing that she was going to be in the company of friends and acquaintances, he left. As she tried to find her way to her friends, a few heads turned her way, they know she hardly come out , so it was amazing for people seeing her by herself for a while. She knew she was beautiful, even if she partially try to hide her identity in the black dress and the huge had she had on her head , there was not way she won’t be known. She had been told she a spectacular body shape, and she could thank she gracious up bringing for her milk ish skin. She had sighted her friends from afar , but she was taking her time to meet them , when she had almost gotten to the garden they had gathered and agreed to meet , she heard a deep voice beside her . She could feel the tingling voice in her mind , at least that was what she thought, she thought she had been thinking it , she must have been going insane to think how clearly she heard Erik Grigori say her name, there was no way he would find her so fast. She kept a straight face, looking ahead. Erik Grigori was looking at her as she entered into her vehicle, he had sensed something was wrong with her , he had wanted to help , he had not liked that she could have suffered and he wasn’t there to help her. He realized that as she was coming out of her home , she looked disturbed and it was killing him to find out what was putting those worried lines on her beautiful face. Knowing he could not wait another minute to find out , she had followed her. She looked so lovely , with the beautiful black dress that graced her body, even though she tried to hide herself as possible, there was no way she could escape not being recognized. Not only her beauty but her grace would make people turn twice or thrice and with that , her cover would’ve blown , not that she was trying so hard anyway. He moved behind her “ Princess Isabella “ he had whispered her name , he knew where she was headed, he had seen the people she was going to meet. He called her name again , she must have heard this time because she looked to find who called her name. Princess Isabella heard her name again, this time it was clearer again, she stopped walking to look around , she recognized his voice but she can’t see him , was she thinking it , then a small moment, he was beside her. “ you look really beautiful in that dress my princess “ he took her arms , “they bring out the color of your skin” he looked into her eyes . “I was almost thinking I was insane hearing your voice here , how did you find me? How did you find where I would be in fact? “ she could hear excitement in her own voice. “I told you I always watch you , I will always know where to find you” he promised “Oh Erik , I am so glad you found me” “Something is bothering you my sweet” he wasn’t asking a question, he already knew something was wrong. Her mind was not settled, so it was hard for him to read her thoughts. He would stick with her, he thought to himself . “Why don’t I finish with my friends and you could come with me after” “No I think I might just stick around” She saw that they were still waiting patiently for her, some of them had seen her now , they ran towards her . But he was gone . She doesn’t even think it’s the right time for her to introduce him, what would she introduce him as , definitely not as a werewolf. The garden was beautiful, the place all look green and peaceful, they were different beautiful types of wood benches for people to sit and enjoy their time , the lake was really beautiful too , she could have anything to be in that lake with him, she knows he would safe her if she was in danger. It was a perfect place for her to meet her friends, they love to listen to her talk and lecture them about a lot of things, she was well knowledgeable about the supernatural beings , she was the best to lecture them since her family were in charge of keeping the city in shape and keeping it safe. It had been a while they have gathered together like this , her friends , Kaitlin , Jose, Augusta , Ellen and Lovett have pretty much grown up with her , they were her only friends who knew her best. “Ladies would you let me join you” Erik said coming close to the gathering. “What on earth, I thought you had left “ Princess Isabella asked “Do you know this man, Isabella?” Of course he is a man , a handsome one at that. “Yes I know him” looking closely at him. Then looking at her friends, they have now turned their attention to Erik, there was no way they would have guess that he was not human, he looked just exactly like one. He had completely caught their attention , they were practically swoon at the sight of him. Ellen talked first , “ are you guys seeing each other” she was not so shocked about the question, she kind of saw it coming . “Absolutely not” “Then where have You known him , I don’t think I have seen him around town, he must be new , which mansion do your family own here , my parents must have met them “ Ellen said again slightly confused. “Actually, Mr Grigori here is new to the area, he is a fashion man from London, and his family don’t stay around here, they are back in London” she said looking at Erik And he seems to be enjoying himself and they situation that he has put her into. She had no choice but to think everything she did today had gone wrong and here he was making it more crazy than it should be. “Yes , exactly what she said, I am a very important part of Princess Isabella life as long as I’m here” he said knowingly She shot him a glaring look, he had better not said anything more thank What he had already said. Luckily he had listened to her and kept him mouth shut after that. He took his leave and promised to be back before they were almost done with their little girl talk. She had told them about the duke of sucexx and how she had been practically forced to choose to marry him , they had all said what they think about the situation and about they promised to think of ways that she can be helped out of her situation, even though they was little they could do , The king had the final say , they did what they could to make her feel really better. And promised to reach out to her again. After they had gone , he was back beside her again, she had earlier sent home the driver, so he was practically responsible for her. “Do you have enough time left ? Let me take you to my home” ...
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