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Princess Isabella picked up her mood, she wasn’t going to dwell in his presence, but that was almost impossible, she could even smell him on her bed clothes, that exotic , musky smell of maleness, aroused male ... aroused wolf, , the scent that plunged her over the edge again and again that morning was so incredible that it could practically make her go insane. When she first met Erik Grigori and he had made that crazy proposal to her, she had had no idea how indecent he had intended to get with her. She just found out. The man was incredible , He was a demon . A s****l demon for that matter , he would drive all the women in his life insane. And it’s working so well on her , even now she wished she could start the morning all over again , so he could be in her room all over again. And he could do all those things all over again to her. Damn! She should not do this , she would not survive a whole week with him , it would be impossible, could something be done, she thought to her self... while walking to take her bath , the telephone beside her bed stand rang suddenly, she was taken aback , she was in her heard space , she could not take the telephone with her to the bath cos she could only drag it with her until the wire stops, she pick it up , to find her brother at the end of the line. “I thought you had an outing with friends today , won’t you come down to break your fast before the sun starts to shine” Prince Galen said “I couldn’t ask for more ,brother , you even keep me in checks now, I won’t forget my appointments, do not worry. Don’t you have some things to take care yourself, I heard about the fair in the city you are trying to arrange , it will make Father more proud of you” Princess Isabella pressed “Ah trying to be smart are you? , where were you last night? I rang for you , did you go to bed early? “ “Yes brother, I didn’t hear it ring” she lied. “Come down here, I must lay my eyes on you bed I leave” “You would have to wait longer than you want to brother, but I would not want to keep you , I have dressed up yet” she pressed. “Is there something you are hiding from me sister? If not I will be waiting for you , be quick as possible as you can , that should not be a problem anymore “ without waiting for any more word from her , he ended the phone call. She was so mad that she couldn’t even think or even know what to do at that moment, she just sat looking at the telephone , what does he think she is , she is no more the little girl he thinks she is, they should at least trust her to be able to go about by herself in the palace At least , what more do they want , she wasn’t going to allow her brother treat her any worse than their father, the king treats her. In front of their subjects, she is a hot shot but who could have guessed the great princess was being treated like a baby, she was not going to allow that to happen to her even after she clocked twenty one. She got dressed quickly and went down the house to meet her brother , he was waiting for her like he said , as usual he had a book he was reading with him , as she started towards the dinner table , she could see him looking up from his book , he must have heard her come into the room. He looked pleased to see her , He beckoned to her to come closer smiling down to her . “Why are you smiling so hard, what is so amusing? She asked him . “ Because you have become a woman now sister, and you didn’t think we would forget to give you a gift despite asking us not to celebrate your birthday?” He said still smiling. “Okay , so what is it” “We are going to set you up with someone”
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