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The next month was a blur and I do not honestly know what was really happening, other than the fact that Gregory was making me love him and that Quinn and the rest of the team were taking care of the target while I’m on “vacation.” But it was nice to have some attention from Greg. So, after Luke and Ryker’s birthday, I finally had the attitude to wake up from this sleep trance I have been in. It was very gratifying to have Greg around. It was also nice. That is how I know that I have started to fall in love with him. But he is supposed to be that way, I have been told. But I love him all the same. Anyway, that night I was in my room, with music blasting and he came in and turned down the volume of the music. I smiled at him and moved over to give him room. He was looking at me in his strange way. Like I was the moon, sun, and stars and everything in between them. But I became accustomed to the way he looks at me. It was nice to have his heart in his eyes, when mine were always in my eyes. He spoke in a silky voice, it kind of reminded me of a peal of bells, “Hello, my love. How are you this evening? You seem better. Much better.” I made a face at him, but answer anyway, “I’m fine, thank you. How are you? By the way, I’m awake.” He laughed and sat on my bed beside me, “Yes, you are. And I’m great now that I know that you are fine. So, what are you listening to? Surely not something to drown out the sound of the others? Come now, you’re not that mad, are you?” I sobered, “Yes, I’m drowning them out. They omitted the fact that my parents were vampires. I’m listening to Papa Roach. And yes, I’m that mad. You would be too.” I turned it up. But what he said next suppressed me, “I think it is time to talk about turning you. You can still live with your family, but I would have to live here to. You do know that mates, if one is human and is turned the vampire has to live with their mates but not necessarily in the same room. Just in the same house. Is that ok with you?” I thought about that really quickly and said, “I will have to think about it. Can you give me some time?” He nodded, “I can try to give you some time. But hurry. Please.” I nodded, and we just sat there and listened to the music. I was thinking very hard. It was a pretty easy answer, but I wanted to make sure it was what I really wanted. The next day, I went up to Gregory and whispered in his ear, “I would like to become like you.” He looked pale like he thought I would have said no to him. But he nods. It was kind of funny. So, we went to History, Mrs. Johnson’s class. All through class, he kept looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Then, finally, lunch came, and he said, “We should skip the rest of the day. Let’s go to your house and talk about the change some more.” I nod, and Greg led the way to his car. It was a black and red Ford truck. It was pretty cool. He walked over to my side and held my door open for me He’s that polite. Then, he drove the way to my house and parked. When I was getting ready to open my door he ran over with dizzying speed and helped me get out. On the way to the front door, he took my hand and twined our fingers together. But he let me open the door. And walk over the threshold. Then, he picked me up and carried me through the house and into my room. There I said, “So what do you want to talk to me about?” He rushed his answer, “I want to ask if you want to be changed now, while no one is here to stop us from doing this? Or do you want to wait till you feel more comfortable?” “Do you feel up to doing it now?” “Yes,” he whispers in my ear. I’m about to kiss him, when my door opens and Quinn walks in. He stares at me and Greg on my bed. “What are you two doing?” Quinn demands. “I…” I start to say. “We are about to change your cousin,” Greg defends, “I have her full consent.” Quinn takes a breath, “Why are you doing this in the middle of the day?” “So that we could avoid this situation. Did you follow us home?” Greg said. Quinn raises his eyebrow, “Iv, do you really want to be changed? Do you know what the change does to you?” I look directly at him as I answer, “I do want to be changed. And I do understand the change and what the consequences are to me. It causes me to become a vampire. I will need blood, live a longer life, be faster, and have other vampiric qualities and powers. I fully understand this decision, Quinn, or I would have made sure that I understood the consequences better before making it.” “Ok. That is all I need to know. Good luck to both of you. If you need anything, I will be on the porch, standing guard.” Quinn gave his blessing. I smile gratefully at him, “Thank you, Q.” Greg nods his respect and gratitude to Quinn before he leaves. Greg turns back to face me and smiles gently. “Ready?” I nod. I was ready. He starts to look feverish when he nods his head again, “Lay on your bed. It may hurt for a minute, but it will turn into pleasure. I promise. Just don’t fight me on this.” When I was comfortable on my bed, he came over and sat down. After looking at me for a minute he leaned over me and tilted my head and bit down. It hurt really bad, and the was replaced with a pleasure unsurpassed by anything I have ever felt. Too soon he lifted his head and slashed his chest. I don’t know how it became uncovered but was grateful that he helped me get my head to his wound. I drank for what seemed a few seconds, when he pulled me off of him. He whispers, “Here’s where the pain is unbearable. Please be strong for me.” As soon as he said that I felt the worse pain I have ever felt wash through me. But I felt him shouldering a lot of the pain. When I yelled, he yelled with me. It was a depressing moment, but I couldn’t say anything to stop him from taking the brut of the pain. For this, I love him even more than I did before. But at some point, I blacked out from the pain of the change. It was a week before I woke up again with Gregory and Quinn sitting in chairs on either side of the bed, sleeping. Gregory must have felt he movement I made or the hunger that was gnawing at me. He was up in a split second from when I woke. Which, in turn, woke Quinn. He jumped up and hurried over to us. Greg was on the bed already. I could barely move my body from the hunger. But Greg was there holding me to his throat. I bit into him and feed for a few minutes. After I had fed from both Greg and Quinn, I could sit up and move. But I was still dizzy, so the boys sat on either side of my bed for the rest of the day and throughout the night.
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