What happens when people break?

2386 Words
         Amare stalked on straight to the Royal lounge, leaving the guard who came to fetch him far behind. He didn’t appreciate the various images and drawings that designed the walls, the tough wood, and the shiny, well-polished jewels, the way Zina would have. When he got to the door, he didn’t even wait for the guard keeping watch to open it for him. He pushed them open and was met with his father’s back, draped in a red, furry, cloak.           Royal Statesman Steves turned around when he heard the door shut, the rays of sun coming through the huge window causing his neck beads to glitter and Amare winced as he saw an older, but spitting image of himself standing before him. Amare and his father were practically the same people. Save for the graying strands that sparingly added new colorings to the Stateman’s light brown hair. They had the same honey skin, wide forehead, a pinpoint mole under their right eye, flat nose that rounded off pointy, full lips. They had the muscly build, straight backs that made them look intimidating as they walked and a height that if nothing, added to the entire intimidating aura.           When he was younger, Amare used to wish he would grow up very fast, so that he could be as tall as his Dada. Right now, he could comfortably see the crown of his Dada’s head without having to move an inch. Even though he was in his late forties and his muscles were not as rigid and upright as they were in his youth, Royal Statesman Steves was still an attractive man. Any female would swoon over him, the way they do over his miniature self.           “What do you want?” Amare said, maintain that deeper voice.           “Amare!” His Dada threw his arms open, the staff in his hands going up as well. “Where are your manners? Doesn’t your Dada deserve some form of reverence? A hug maybe?”           Amare’s jaw tensed. “Cut the bull crap. Nobody can hear us.”           He dropped his arms slowly, balancing his staff on the ground. “The Palace hasn’t had any effect on you yet. Our time apart has obviously not fazed you. Well, I missed having you around the house, son.”           “I was in the middle of something very important and non-time wasting when you called me. I’m eager to go back, so if you have nothing to say, excuse me.” The coldness in Amare’s eyes and voice could stir up winter in the entire Ogaza, even though it wasn’t near winter season yet. He still stood close to the door, leaving a very fine distance between himself and his Dada.           The Royal Statesman closed the distance by half, striding towards him. He put his hands inside his robe and emerged with a sealed envelope he handed Amare. “You don’t necessarily have to open it now.”           Too late. Amare already tore open the seal and retrieved the letter. His hand cells stopped functioning as he read it. Once, twice, and then read it over and over, till every word was engrained in his brain, and he ripped it apart, throwing the pieces at his Dada.           “Are you serious?” His voice was solemn.            “You have to be at the ceremony. That’s why I had to come myself, as opposed to sending someone. We would also carry out the incense ceremony afterwards.” He didn’t have to add “for the deceased” for Amare to know what he meant. He was going to get married again, and he had the audacity to plan an incense ceremony for Mama and Adara?  He must be mad. He must be completely insane! Amare decided.           “I’m not coming,” Amare said in a surprisingly calm voice.           “That is not your choice to make, Amare. It is only right that you be present when—”           “I said I’m not coming!” The calmness in his voice disappeared, and his tone had gone an octave higher. “I'm not going to be a part of your reckless decision to finally marry one of your w****s!” Amare's face was violently swerved to the left, as his Dada sent his palms flying through Amare's face.           Amare smirked, not returning his face back to its original position, and not placing a hand on his cheek, even though it stung so much and he was sure it was beginning to redden.           “Don’t you dare refer to Cora in that manner, “He spat.           Amare faced him now, sporting his even deeper smirk. “I would say it again, even to her face. Because it’s true. It will always be true. You know, I wonder, how long it took you to make up your mind, to decide on which of them you’d want to spend the rest of your miserable life with. And me, what in the name of the Emperor do I have to do with this? What do I have to do with all this?!” He hadn’t realized he had been clenching his fist, till he felt that jolt of electricity that resulted from the numbness.            He chuckled, a bitter chuckle that made his stomach knot, and his breathing heavy. “Go, get married. Throw a crappy, big ceremony, drink wine, dance!”— he swallowed — “and, have other children. As many more as you want. But while you’re at it, leave me alone, okay? And don’t even think about burning any stupid incense for Mama and Adara. You can disrespect me, but I won’t let you disrespect them like that. Don’t come back here looking for me.” “Amare,” Royal Statesman Steve’s whispered, but his son had reversed and slammed the door after him. “Oh, Amare.”                                                                               ****           Amare had become . . .well, not Amare. He was still very much upset and plagued by his meeting with his father. And it showed. He didn’t return to meet Zina and Angel, so they had to go and check if he was still at the Royal lounge. They looked around the Palace for him, and they only saw him when it was supper time; he was already seated.           He didn’t say much, didn’t tease Zina and didn’t retort when she teased him. He just shrugged it off when she asked how his chat with his Dada was, and when he got back to the room, he broke it quaking sobs and Angel patted his back, assuring him that he would be fine. He went to sleep without saying anything.           He avoided the question when Angel asked the next morning and just sat rigid beside Zina when Angel gathered the Asters under the huge shade of the training fields. They were all set to take on Point 2 after the little “get to know ourselves” thing Angel had planned.           The Asters sat in a circle. Angel had been avoiding any conversation with Marjani, for obvious reasons.           “Asters,” he started. “Thank you for being here. Today, we want to begin with getting to know ourselves . . .  a little more than we already do. We have about 5 months of training left, and after that, we would all be scattered around town. Like little seeds. We may never meet each other again, so while we’re here, let’s make the most of this togetherness. “The Asters applauded.            “I’d start. My name is Angel Cairone. Only child, so I’m sure I get lonelier that most of you would. Born in the year of the Buffalo, so I’d be 22 this year. I don’t have a lot of hobbies, so I’m just another boring person, but I guess I can be a little fun to be around. Oh, and I make a mean pot of vegetable porridge!” The Asters giggled. “Really though. Amare is a witness to that fact. I enjoy studying history, and reading other books as well. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m your guy!” he finished, beaming and the Asters applauded again. Angel's personality was simply contagious and comforting, they all had no choice but to like him. Well, most of them.           Each Aster introduced themselves, some stirring up laughter, others, some form of empathy and the rest, stirring nothing but the usual applaud at the end. Zina and Amare were the last two. Zina was before Amare, so she was going to speak.           “Zina Anfari,” Jael said first, flashing her sly grin. “Of course, we all know who you are. The Princess’s little Princess. We also know who your boyfriend, or should I say, partner is. So why don’t we skip the boring introductions and get to other fun parts. Like the part where I ask how it feels to sleep with someone?”           “Jael!” Angel cautioned. “Did I not ask you to stop with that silly rumor? Why did you have to bring that up now?”           “Go on, lovebirds. We’re listening.” Jael completely ignored Angel, leaving her oversized eyes on Zina.           “It feels great,” Amare said, his voice strangely calm, in that way that hints that there is anger beneath the calm. “It feels absolutely amazing, to be “sleeping” with someone. Anyone at all. As long as that person isn’t you.”           “Uhh, Jael, I think you should apologize,” the boy with the Afro said, sensing trouble.           “Jael, I think you’ve done enough. Don’t say anything about them again and let's continue.” Angel warned, shooting Marjani a sign for her to interfere, given that she was sitting close to Jael. She just averted her gaze.           “Don’t talk to me like I’m a five-year-old!” Jael yelled.           “Then act like you’re not!” Amare angled his body to face her, all the pain and anger he had bottled up since yesterday already rushing to the surface, ready to spill. “Act like you’re a decent human, an Aster with half a brain. Holy mountains, Jael, are you that starved? Are you so frustrated that the only thing that adds spice and fun to your life is the stupid lies you throw around about people? You’re pathetic. So pathetic, and this is the last time I’d warn you, don’t you ever say anything about Zina and I. As long as we’re in this Palace.”           Jael's nostrils fumed. She couldn’t stand been ridiculed like that, in front of everyone. She was going to take her anger up with Angel, she hadn’t expected Amare to say much since he always acted indifferent about the rumor. “Or, what?” She got up.           Zina gripped Amare’s arms. Don’t, her eyes said.           For some reason, her grip sent a wave of calmness coursing through his body. It didn’t wipe away his anger, but it momentarily made everything seem better. Like they were the only ones in those fields.           “Or what, Amare?” She was stepping closer to him and Marjani was doing nothing to stop her.           Angel sprang up and went to stand in Jael's way. “Go back to your seat, Jael. Must you always cause a scene? It’s tainting you very badly.”           “Mind your business, Angel! Who do you think you are walking around like an irregular, broken object telling me what to do just because you’re Captain?” Jael spat and Angel froze in place. Some Asters tried to call her back to order, but she didn’t listen.           Amare jolted up then, the seething rage Zina had tried to mellow coming right back up with even more force. No one had the right to talk to Angel like that. “What did you say to him?”           She had come close now, very close that their heads could be touching if Amare didn’t tower over her.           “Jael, stop it!” Zina got up, pulling Amare away from Jael.           “What are you doing? Playing wife?” She flashed her sly grin again and Amare charged right back to her.           “You know what is only meters away from misery? You. You’re such a sore loser, that you get high off breaking people into bits you think are smaller than your fragile, nonexistent ego. Now, I’m really going to warn you for the very last time. Angel and Zina, mention any of them again, and you’d have me to brawl with. I would tear you apart without batting an eye.” Amare’s death stare showed that he meant his every word. “Go apologize to Angel. Now!”           “Don’t talk to me like that!” Jael shoved Amare’s chest but he didn’t budge. Gasps and murmurs were filling the space.           “Jael!” The boy with the Afro called but she pushed Amare even more. When she saw that she couldn’t move him, she jumped on him, hooking her legs around his waist and her hands firmly on his neck.           “Jael!” Zina yelled. She was causing such a scene. Amare shook her off, detangling her limbs from him and hurling her unto the ground. A piercing scream escaped her mouth, and only Marjani ran to help her off the floor.           “Steves!” Master Poja bellowed from behind them. The Asters were huddled together now, save for Amare and Zina who were still in their spot, Marjani and Jael who were on the floor at the center, and Angel who was still frozen in place.           “What barbarism is going on here? Steves, Meza, follow me!” He stormed off and Amare went after him in his fit of rage without saying anything to Zina.           Marjani helped Jael up and she dusted dirt off her body. She had scraped her elbows and knuckles. As she walked away, she whispered into a frozen Angel’s ear. “Oops, look how much of a flop your first grand idea is. Who knows how bad the others would be? It’s tainting very you badly,” She said snidely before strolling away, leaving Angel’s eyes pooling as Zina ran to him, and the Asters stood, still trying to process the drama.
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