They break others too . . .

2195 Words
        Amare had a nightmare when he slept that night. In that one, he was having lunch with Mama and Adara when their food suddenly disappeared. He was perturbed, but Mama and Adara seemed laidback about it. Their luggage came out of literally nowhere and they set off. Except, Amare’s luggage didn’t magically appear like theirs. Regardless, he ran after them, but even with his strides that were way longer than his mother and sister’s, he wasn’t able to meet up with them. He started shouting then, loud screeching sounds but they didn’t turn. When they eventually did, it was just to wave, and just like that, Amare was left alone on his knees, snort and tears mixing on his face.           Prior to that, he had an earful from Master Poja who reminded them that were not to engage in physical combats that had nothing to do with training. They apologized, and during the course of trying to explain the situation, the whole ‘Zina and Amare are sleeping together’ nonsense came up. Jael was punished for starting the gossip (She was to cut every grass and weed in the entire Palace, by herself. And then be on kitchen duties for a week), and was made to apologize to Angel, Amare, Zina and all the Asters. Amare was allowed to go, but he wished he would have been punished like Jael, so that he could torture her while they’re at it.           Meanwhile, Zina decided that things were actually out of control now. She got to the room before Marjani, and ambushed her the moment she stepped in.           “What do you think you’re doing, Marjani? What do you think you’re doing, letting Jael say awful lies about me? What happened to ‘I don’t want my roommate getting tagged wrongly’?” Zina asked and Marjani faced her, remembering that conversation from after the Amare incident.           “So what, Zina? How do I know what you are doing and what you’re not? For all I know it could be true.”           “And that’s the problem!” Zina was beginning to get mad. She felt like she was nearing the edge of her sanity, and she knew that was a place she didn’t want to be in. Or show anybody. “That is the problem. Whether or not you’re certain if we’re sleeping together is not the issue. You know what the problem is? The fact that you’re sitting there doing absolutely nothing! You sat like there was glue on your bottoms while Jael blew that place up, said horrible things to Angel, and even physically assaulted Amare. And you did nothing!” Marjani bit her cheek as Zina lashed out at her.           “What do you think it means to be a leader? Did you not see how Angel tried to stop her? What kind of wasteful friendship do you both have, that you watched Jael act like a total fool today, hurting people, and you weren’t moved?” She scoffed, realizing.           “This is bigger than Amare and I, it is beyond the Asters. The problem is the both of you. You are so messed up that you can’t even see it. Shame on you, Marjani. Shame on you and shame on Jael. Keep her out of this room. If she comes here again, I’m reporting to—”           “The Princess?” Marjani helped her finish it, that combination of anger and jealousy brewing inside of her again.           “Yes, and you’re lucky the option of fighting is not allowed. Because I would break your every bone, regardless of all the lifelong training you’ve had as a ‘General’s daughter’.” She emphasized the ‘General’s daughter’ with mockery and fury.           “What do you do?” Marjani said, as Zina gathered her sketch book, quill and thick clothes to go outside to clear her head. “What exactly do you do, that makes the Princess so . . .aware of you?”           Zina glared at her; disgust apparent through her every expression. “That’s what you can say? After everything I just told you, the only thing you can ask me, is why the Princess is aware of me?” She huffed.           “You know, if I were as stupid as Jael, or as useless as you, I would go around telling the Asters that you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with the Princess. Maybe, I could even tell the Princes directly, that my roommate is so interested in you in a way that is scary. Then for her own safety, you would be sent home. A disgrace. But I’m not like that . . .I’m not you and your loser of a friend.” She slammed the door with a force that could send it out of its hinges and into the ground.            Marjani’s eyes had started to water, not with remorse, but with the realization that the Asters were not her main competition. She would do everything possible to leave as Aster of the year. Her main threat was this bald girl she shared a room with. Zina actually had the power to destroy her, if she wanted to.                                                                   ****           Zina and Amare were out of the Palace again and tracing their way through Point 2. Whilst they passed Point 1, Zina handed Amare a scarf to cover his nostrils so he doesn’t inhale any more allergy inducing leaves. He rejected it, using the back of his hands to shield his nostrils instead.           They eventually identified Point 2, and Zina began again, marking the few rocks she found, and the barks of the trees. There was the small stream drawn in the map running along there, so she laid the rocks close to it. The stream in itself was already a marker for them, but she left the rocks there. Just in case. It was such a small stream, who knew how quickly it would dry up under the ferocity of the North Ogazaian sun? She ticked Point 2 in her sketch book, and then went to meet Amare who was seated by the bank of the stream, still not saying anything to her.           She recalled Angel’s worried eyes when he said, “Please, keep an eye on him. Try to talk to him too. He hasn’t said anything to me. Maybe he would open up to you.”           She heaved and planted her gaze on him. Normally, he would have said something snarky to her, but now, just acted like he couldn’t see her. Like there was something in the stream he was looking for. She saw how clenched his fists were, his knuckles were almost turning white. And when she reached out to release them, he jerked away from her.           “You’re clenching your fists too hard,” she said, watching his teeth grit. “And your jaw too.” He opened his fists slowly, but didn’t stop with the teeth gritting. “We could head to Point 3. If you’re ready.”           He got up and started ahead of her. She grabbed his elbow pit and he stopped. Then she went to stand before him. “Talk to me, Amare. I know we’re not all . . .cordial. We fight all the time, but your silence is really loud in my head. It’s driving me nuts.”           Amare shook her off him. “Why do you care? I’m not being a nuisance. Shouldn’t you be happy?”           “No. No, Amare. You haven’t even called me vulture once since you met your Dada. Angel is worried about you; you won’t talk to him. You’re not talking to me. I don’t know what to do.” She tried to search his eyes for answers, but they were distant. “Talk to me, Amare. This mission would be meaningless if you’re not talking to me.”           Amare nodded, and then laughed. But it wasn’t the laugh that made his plump lips spread beautifully, that made his eyes shine. It was just . . .a laugh. With no emotion. “That’s what this is about. This show of “care”. The mission. If I’m not talking to you, it would somehow affect this adventure. But don’t bother, when there’s something to talk to you about regarding it, I’d let you know.” He started off again.           Zina was confused. “What are you talking about?” She hurried to meet him but he didn’t answer her. “Amare!” She yanked his wrist with all the force she could gather. He faced her. “What do you mean by show of “care”? You think I don’t care about you?”           “You don’t. Nobody does! It’s all about crossing the Obsidian, isn’t it? That’s the reason we started talking and working together in the first place. So keep your focus on the Obsidian. Stop bothering me.” He started off again and Zina had had her fill. She was getting angry now. Why are you being so difficult?           “It’s not your fault! I blame myself for asking!” She yelled after him and in a fit of rage, had to run so she could walk ahead of him.           Soon after, they were no longer in each other’s sight, and she didn’t care. When she tried to care, he brushed her off so hard she bruised her ego and feelings. So, she would tell Angel to sort Amare out on his own. She didn’t care. She looked at her map, and then at her surroundings. It didn’t quite look like a match, so she forged on, in the thickness of the woods.           When she had walked for a while, she would stop to compare map and environment again before continuing. Why wasn’t she there yet? she thought. Have I taken the wrong route? Amare came to her mind, but she pushed him aside.           “Are you lost, honey?” She heard someone’s voice echo. She didn’t even know people came to the depth of these woods. She quickly shut her sketch book and turned to see who spoke. They were two boys, in their early twenties she deduced from their appearances. But the shorter boy looked older than the taller one. They both wore similar tunics and pants that stopped at their ankles. Their faces screamed mischief.           “No, I’m okay. Thanks.” She replied to both of them, unsure of who spoke, turned sharply on her heels and kept walking. Amare gave her a dagger already, thankfully. She steadied herself, ready to run when the time would come. Not even up to a day without Amare and look what I’ve gotten into! She shoved Amare out of her thoughts again, even though he was hell bent on staying there.           “A beautiful damsel like you shouldn’t be walking alone in these woods! There are dangerous people out there. Animals too. Let us escort you to safety.” She still wasn’t sure who said this, but this voice sounded more singsong ad tinier than the first. And it was closer. They were following her.           “I said I’m okay! Thanks!” She called again, hastening her steps. She heard the leaves underneath their feet ruffling more. She craned her neck to see why, they were walking more briskly now. Panic engulfed her. Calm down, Zina. You can take them down. You’re a trained Aster. You can take them down. Despite telling herself these, her heart was racing so wildly.           “We’re trying to help you, honey. Don’t say no to us.”           She stopped walking and they stopped too. She turned to them, clutching the straps of her knapsack as tightly as Amare was clenching his fists. Stop thinking of Amare!!!           “Thank you for the help. But my husband is waiting for me. I have to go.”           The tall one guffawed. Zina observed now how sharp his fangs were. His laughter giving his face an overall sinister look. “Don’t lie to us, honey. You’re a young, beautiful, unmarried damsel.” His eyes scanned her body in a thirsty way, and Zina wished she could jump him and pluck out his eyes. She was thankful for her cloak that hid most of her body.                    “Beneath that cloak, I know you’re hiding a perfect, untouched body. I can see it so clearly.” He was almost drooling. “Let me escort you to safety.”             Oops. Spoke too soon. An alarm went off in her head. Danger. This was actual danger. If any of these boys caught up with her, they would . . .She started running, with all the speed her legs could muster. She ran and ran and she heard them race behind her. The tall boy was grunting like a wild animal and she was so scared. She would rather be eaten alive by a wild bear than let this boy get close to her. He would do unimaginable things to her.           She ran and ran, but their heavy footsteps were getting closer. Closer than she thought they would since there was a reasonable distance between them. No. Oh, no!
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