Hello, Aster

3301 Words
The evening was already making way for the night when they got there. The horse took one last neigh and stopped in its tracks. Zina heard the Noble Coachman’s thump as he got off the horse and opened the carriage door. She bowed in appreciation and disembarked, her heart taking full speed with nervousness. The Noble Coachman watched as she fumbled for her luggage and her hands shaky, one fell to the ground. He bent quickly to pick it up, steadying it in his hands. He patted her shoulder and smiled at her, a smile that showed the yellow of his front teeth “Being an Aster is one of the best things that would ever happen to you. Like you, I have picked up a lot of young people from their homes and brought them through these same gates. It may be frightening at first, but you would survive, and you’d be glad you came. My son talks about his experience all the time, says this place made him”. The smile was back again and this time, he looked very proud. Zina’s heartbeat normalized for a spilt second as she studied his face. She wanted to see Pa talk about her like this “Thank you, sir. I’d do my best” She bowed deeply. Some men and a woman she assumed worked in the Palace rushed over to help move her things inside. “Take good care of this one” He called after the workers as they took her things inside. He turned to Zina “Do not worry about a thing and just be good, for your gramps and sister, but mostly for you”. Looking at him now, he looked like a safe place, like the kind of man who would raise the loveliest children and make his wife the happiest. So, Zina bowed deeply again and walked towards the stairs. Two Royal Guards standing watch at either side of the thick, dark, oak door with the golden mane of a lion engraved on it bowed lightly to her. She scanned their spears; silver and sharp enough to amputate, before returning the bow. Clutching her knapsack firmly, she stopped in her tracks, You’re Zina Anfari, unafraid and strong. Taking a short breath, she went in. The hallway was simply stunning. She let her eyes take in the décor, her heart running wild at the sight of the vivid paintings and arts that designed the walls. She only came to a pause where the paintings stopped. There were now two wide corridors on either side of her, both furnished sparingly with comfortable sofas and side benches. “Aster?” She turned startled. She had not noticed the gaping staircase in front of her, and now she watched as a man descended those stairs, taking confident strides towards her. She cleared her throat carefully “Yes, sir!” Another deep bow. Reverence for older people was important, and even more necessary for any person affiliated to Royalty. North Ogaza prided in that. Close up, Zina examined how regal he looked; his head protected with a velvet black kufi, wrist and neck adorned with black beads, his entire body draped in a yellow chiffon coat that complimented his dark chocolate skin,   belted tightly at his midriff and his black pants clung to his ankle. He walked with his hands by his sides, relaxed, but his face was tough and stern, telling that he didn’t condone indiscipline or misbehaviour of any kind. “Follow me” He moved past her and turned towards the right corridor. Zina walked behind him, trying not to move too fast, to create a reasonable space between them. He pulled the exit doors open and introduced Zina into yet another enthrallment. There were flowers, of diverse species and kinds, colours and heights, all manicured perfectly. A statue of the first King of Ogaza smiled down at her, even the statue looked perfect. Workers sat under shades while some others plucked fruits from the trees. There were other Royal guards, sporting the same olive- green Ankara print shorts and shirt as the ones she met at the entrance. Everybody looked like their lives were perfect. Seeing the white and olive-green Ankara print dresses and pants of the workers reminded her of her luggage, she had forgotten all about it. They soon got to another building, a small house, much smaller than the first one they had come out of, but with the same thick, black oak doors and the golden mane of a lion engraved on it. It even had the same clean scent; wood, jasmine and wealth. Other people were already there busying themselves with formal introductions, small talk and mere sightseeing around the room. 14. Zina had counted them quickly with her eyes and she was the 15th Aster to arrive. She saw that everyone’s luggage was stacked neatly together at a corner of the room. The man she had walked in with summoned them and everyone quieted down and stood in front of him. A broad smile broke through his tight lips. “Asters, you are all welcome to the Royal Palace. May I see your letters?” They whipped out their letters and he nodded. He began to pace “My name is Poja Anika, your Royal trainer and mentor. Simply call me Master Poja. Of course, I would be in charge of everything that concerns you” He looked everybody in their eye, observing them. “I have trained Asters for 10 years, and each year, I learn great things from them even as I teach. You have all been properly scrutinized and watched while you were outside the Palace, so for you to be here, you truly have been counted worthy. A question, do you know what you all have in common?” He waited for an answer and a few hands shot up. He pointed at one of them “We all are talented, disciplined and hardworking” The girl was confident, but when Master Poja scoffed, she literally shrunk. “Wrong” He pointed at a boy whose afro could hide an entire building “We were made for this, born to be leaders” He didn’t bother continuing when Master Poja shook his head in negation “You are all amateurs. Regardless of how long your parents must have prepared you for this day, for this life. It does not make you any different from each other”. Zina stared into space when he got close to her, completely avoiding eye contact “Therefore, I would appreciate it if you got off your high horses. It is very common for newly drafted Asters to feel a sudden rush of privilege, specialness. You are not!” They jumped at the unexpected voice raise. “If you are going to be an excellent Aster, and an even more excellent citizen of North Ogaza, you would have to see yourself as similar to every other person. As common, like the rest of them. Your character is what eventually distinguishes you as a respectable citizen, as an Aster”. He could almost hear their hearts ramming against their rib cages and he liked it. For him to make them better than they are, he had to be blunt and hurt their feelings sometimes. “Not all of you would last till the end of the training. Some of you would become tired, bored, rebellious. But while you are here, let yourself be taught and teach others too. See yourselves as little pieces of iron, sharpening each other” He folded his arms “Very well then, may I know my Asters?” The broad smile returned, like it never left.   Darkness came quickly, and with it came loneliness and the realization that she was actually away from home and now a resident of the Royal Palace. They had put them in rooms pairing them in twos. All 20 of them were here now; 10 boys and 10 girls. The boys’ dorm was in another similar building not very distant from theirs. She had unpacked her things and put them into the wooden wardrobe close to her bed. She also had a small table and a chair, her little space. She opened her woven basket of pastries and kept it on her table. Her bed was big and soft, softer than the one she shared with Zoka. The bigger the emptier, she sighed. She hadn’t really said much to anybody other than “It’s down the hall” to the girl who wanted to see the painting of the first female Aster and “Thanks” to the boy who said he liked her hair, or the lack of it. She did have a feeling he was lying though; his eyes were mischievous. Now, her roommate sat on the floor, folding coat after pants and dresses and putting them into her own wardrobe. Zina busied herself with going through her sketches, looking at the side portrait of Zoka’s face, a picture of Pa’s hands whilst he sewed. Heaviness forced its way into her chest and she got out of the room to walk it off. Bowing to the dorm mistress knitting what looked like baby socks, she swung the doors open and before she could walk down the stairs, she heard a bell ring- the signal for supper-and so she went into the dining hall. The hall was small and homely, set up with twenty-two chairs arranged around a long wooden table. Plates, cutlery and wooden cups were placed and ready to be used. At a far end of the room, she could see the kitchen and could hear the quiet chattering of the chefs and their utensils. The peppery aroma of fish and stew wafted into her nostrils and her stomach growled in acceptance. As she drew out a seat at the edge of the table, she wondered what Pa and Zo would have for supper. It was Sunday evening, so light food, like toast and fruit juice maybe. Almost immediately, someone took a seat beside her. She looked to see who it was and her eyes met curious eyes looking into hers. Huh, strange. She made to move her seat inches away from him “I’m Angel” He held out his right hand “You have lovely eyes” She stared at the outstretched hand for a moment before taking it. He had a firm grip. “Thanks. You have a… unique name. And strong hands” He smiled and Zina felt her belly warm. He had soft dimples that made him look very young as he smiled. She didn’t tell him that though, instead, she turned away, wanting to not converse any further. A few people had started to troop in already, trying and choosing convenient seats. “I’m scared” Zina faced him again, his eyes were sincere “Of what?” He shrugged “Just scared. What if being an Aster is not the way I dreamed it would be?” How does a scared Aster encourage another scared Aster? Zina nodded slowly, she understood his worry, she really did. “We’d survive. Let’s just, be good, and work hard. We’d survive” The Noble Coachman’s advice seemed to stick with her. Angel smiled again and this time, her heart really warmed. This was the longest conversation she had had since she got to the Royal Palace. She looked around to see that Master Poja had taken a seat at the biggest chair at the middle. The other big chair opposite it was still empty. The cooks brought in bowls of food and took their bows as they left. Master Poja motioned for them to dig in and they did, everyone eating in absolute silence. When they were done, they took their dishes to the kitchen and returned to their seats. Master Poja hunched over, his elbows resting on the table. “Well done, Asters. You just passed your first test of character” They exchanged glances. Test of character because they ate in silence? “You cleared your table. That is one of the rules of Discipline every Aster should live by; be responsible for your own mess. I have seen Asters come to the Palace and drop all their manners right at the gates. So, well done again” “The empty chair, who does it belong to, sir?” Someone asked “You would find that out tomorrow. Which brings me to say, tomorrow is the annual Night of the Asters dinner, where you get to meet the Royal Family” Excitement filled the room. The members of the Royal Family were not the kind of people you saw every day, except during community festivals and feasts. Even then, not everyone got a chance to see them up close. Zina didn’t have any particular reason to be very excited, so she sat calmly and only shared a superficial smile with Angel when he smiled at her. “Do your best to not embarrass yourselves and your family name. Most importantly, do not embarrass me. You only just got here, remain on your best behaviour. At the event, we would give you details on everything you would be learning here which largely includes the SMEARDS program. Now now, I see the questions in your eyes, don’t ask them. You have the whole of tomorrow to bother me.” He stood “Make sure to return to your dorms before 10pm. I do not want to receive any complaints from your dorm masters and mistresses. Good night”  And with that, he was gone like the wind, leaving the Asters seated, minds brimming with questions and curiosity. “He’s so cold” A girl whispered slipping down in her seat. A few people agreed with her. “I hear, that the Emperor is as tall as a giant and as wise as a wizard” A boy called their attention. Zina saw that he was the one who complimented her hair, or the lack, earlier on. “A king should be wise, that is necessary. But here’s more enticing information” Like puppets on a string, their heads gravitated in sync towards the girl with the “enticing information” “I heard that the Empress sees and talks to ghosts. That’s why North Ogaza always does better than the South, the ghosts spy on the South, bring back information and boom!” They flinched “We’re one step ahead of them. Also, this is inside secret, but the Crown Prince is looking for a wife, so be on the lookout, if you know what I mean.” She winked as she rounded up. Zina wondered how she knew all of that “Aish, Jael, that is ridiculous. Be careful what you say about them, remember we’re in the Royal Palace” Another girl Zina assumed was Jael’s friend called her off. They kept passing information Zina wasn’t interested in, so she made to leave. “Are you leaving already?” Angel asked. She forgot about him for a minute. She nodded “There’s not much to do here, I should get some sleep” Angel smiled for the 100th time that evening and Zina was convinced he probably was born smiling “Let’s walk together then. I could walk you to your dorm, if you want” She didn’t mind that so she nodded and they started to leave. She noticed his limp and for some reason, her heart warmed again. She felt something between pity and closeness to him. “Would you look at that, the high class never actually want to sit with the commoners” Someone made a mocking comment and they turned to see who it was. Zina then noticed that another boy had gotten up to leave as well. He tilted his head to face Jael “Commoners should know their place, and interact strictly with their kind” His voice was baritone, but it had an element of coolness around it. “Their kind?” Jael scoffed as the boy continued to walk. He stopped when he got to Zina and Angel. He stared at Angel first, and then at Zina who held his stare, her expression blank and daring. What was his problem? “Hey there, fellow high-class folks” He grinned slipping his hands into the pockets of his khaki. Zina’s gut was beginning to build irritation, and so she held Angel’s wrist and pulled gently as they started to leave. “Hey, vulture. It’s rude to walk out on someone when they’re talking to you. Did you leave your manners at the gate too? Show some discipline” “Amare!” Angel swirled to face him “You need to stop. Right now!” Zina didn’t turn immediately. She was pleased, and surprised that Angel could raise his voice. And now when she turned to see Amare’s half smirk, she wanted to wipe it off so badly. She started to approach him, slowly and boldly “If the criteria for choosing Asters involved character, then I wonder how you made it in here. You know, I could go back and forth with you, but I am an Aster, responsible and decent enough to not cause a scene on my first night at the Royal Palace” She was up-close now “And my name is Zina, Zina Anfari. Not vulture”. They had what seemed like a stare down for some seconds. “The first night and there’s already chaos, love it!” Jael echoed and her friends cheered with her. Zina wanted to reach up and poke his eyes till he bled, but that would just make her the first Aster in the whole of history to be sent home, and even worse, on their first night! A stupid smile crept in on Amare’s face and like he meant it to, it triggered Zina “Is something funny?!” Her voice had taken a tone even she hadn’t expected, and the Asters knew trouble was brewing. They didn’t want to alert any of the chefs who would inevitably report to Master Poja “Zina, ignore him” Angel rushed to hold her hands. Zina felt her breathing change, she was getting very upset and she didn’t like it. “Is everything okay?” The small voice of one of the chefs came as she stood concerned. She was as tiny as her voice and was wrapped in a white apron “Yes ma’am, everything is fine” Zina’s roommate stood “We were just about to leave. Thank you for dinner” She smiled as she walked over to Zina, her face tense “Let’s go, roommate” She brushed Amare’s shoulders as she moved past him The other Asters had gotten up as well and were making their way out. Zina and Amare stood; eyes still locked and nostrils fuming. She didn’t care who Amare was, or thought he was, she was going to set him straight, and she had all the time to do that.                
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