Cheers to new beginnings?

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            The next day moved quickly. Zina went down for breakfast and didn’t say a word to anyone, not even to Angel whom she sat beside. After clearing tables and going on the Palace tour with Master Poja and the others, she returned to her room and went through the notes Mama took while preparing for The Nights of The Asters Never break eye contact, that’s how they know you’re fearless, resilient. Maintain your graces and ask intelligent questions Laugh loudly if you must, why should anyone determine how you laugh? Do not take food before the Royal Family does. You are not a hungry mammoth, are you? She smiled as she flipped through the pages, memorizing rule after rule. Too bad Mama never got to be an Aster. She would have been such an amazing choice. “If you’re still sulking over the fight with Amare, then you’re an i***t” Her roommate’s voice yanked her out of her thoughts. Zina glared at her. She was going through dress after dress, smoothing each out with her hands, taking a long look at it before tossing it out to pick another. “I didn’t have a fight with anyone” Zina returned to reading her book. “Well,” The roommate faced her “we’re probably going to get a lot of tease from him. They love to belittle us, these men. So, we have to toughen up and face them head on” Zina abruptly shut her book. She just wanted to have this dinner, start having Aster training and plot her passage through the Obsidian. And why did the roommate keep saying ‘we’ and ‘us’? “Look, I don’t care, okay? He’s a manner less kid who happened to run into me yesterday, so don’t make a big deal of it. I’m here to be an Aster, not to make enemies. Or friends” Her roommate grinned, and she wondered what was funny. “Marjani. You don’t know my name, do you? Marjani Adey, you’re fierce, I like that.”           Zina stared on blankly. Marjani’s physique reminded her of Zoka; tall and slender, but while Zoka was broader at the shoulders, Marjani was broader at the hips. She had long, black, voluminous locs that were golden at the tips and she had a small septum piercing, if you didn’t look close enough, you could miss it. “The teal dress. It’s appropriate for a Royal dinner and not as revealing as the red. Pa made that, you should slay it.” She watched Marjani nod in realization “Fierce and fashion smart, we could as well be sisters. Thanks”, she stuffed the rest of the dresses back into her suitcase and put it away “I’m returning a favour. You stopped me from tearing that kid apart, and you saved me from getting into trouble with Master Poja” “I thought it wasn’t a big deal?” Marjani smirked. “I didn’t want my roommate getting tagged wrongly for nothing. And I hate it when boys mistreat girls” They didn’t say anything else for the rest of the afternoon.          The boys had gotten dressed for the dinner. It was 5:29pm, which meant that they had exactly thirty-one minutes to be at the Royal dining hall. Angel slipped his feet into his shoes. He was donned in a white cashmere two piece embroidered at the chest and sleeves with grey Ankara. He threw a black coat over the outfit and matched it with an equally black kufi. Amare was dressed as well. He stood idly, resting against the door frame. Angel was certain he looked well and started to leave. “Going to find the vulture?” Amare mocked, he grabbed Angel’s forearm “You’re not going to keep ignoring me because of some random Aster, are you?” Angel shook himself free “Behave, Amare. Tonight is important for every one and you know it. Just, behave. Please” Amare watched him walk away. When Angel got out of his dorm, Zina was there, waiting. He revealed his soft dimples as he moved towards her in his imbalanced see saw motion. Getting closer, he could make out her beads- decorating her neck, wrists and ankles. He could identify the almost floral pattern of her deep orange Ankara dress that danced freely below her knees. She was elegant, standing there, not smiling. Her roommate was there too. “Zina, you’re here. For me, I hope” He giggled lightly and she nodded, he turned to face Marjani “Hey, Marjani” He stretched his hands and she shook it. “At least you know my name. Zina didn’t” “I wanted to say thank you, for not letting me eat that kid whole. It’s still too early, don’t you think?”           They walked together into the Royal Mansion; where Zina had met Master Poja. Most Asters were there already, colourfully and lavishly dressed. The three Asters stood aloof. “Asters!” Master Poja clapped “Come together, please” He came from one of the wide corridors in the house; the left one. “The Royal Family would be coming to the dining hall any minute now. Be orderly and do not disgrace me or yourselves. Stand properly and why are you folks just getting here?” He turned to face the people just walking through the doors and they increased their pace “The Emperor is here!”  A chubby man shrieked and Royal Guards appeared unannounced, aligning themselves on the staircase. And then they showed up- the Makwis. The Emperor Negashi and Empress Liya were at the center, flagged at both sides by the Crown Prince Taye and the Princess Haile. They looked exquisite in their leopard print dresses and robes; an ensemble strictly reserved for the Royal Family. Master Poja bowed deeply, and so did all the Asters. When the Emperor got to the base of the stairs, he patted Master Poja at the shoulders with his round, large, feathery fan; right shoulder first, then left. “Your Majesty, it is always an honour to see you” Master Poja bowed again at the Empress who nodded in acceptance “Asters! It is a great pleasure to meet with you. You may lift your heads” Emperor Negashi’s voice boomed with the authority of someone who had done this all his life. He had the infamous North Ogazaian accent. The Asters obeyed. The Emperor started to move towards the dining hall and they followed co-ordinately behind. When they got to the hall, they waited for the Entire Royal family to take their seat. The Emperor and Empress sat at both sides of the host seats, the Crown Prince sat close to his father, and the Princess, her mother. “Let’s introduce ourselves before the food comes, shall we?” Zina was in awe at how glamorous the dining hall was. A chandelier floated high above the dinner table, and the room was bursting with lights. Beautiful art paintings- like the ones in the hallway- were spread around the walls and the cutlery and plates set on the table were not the kind you’d see just about anywhere. Must have cost thousands of cowries, she convinced herself.           After the introductions, they ate silently and when they were done, the Asters took their plates to the chefs who moved them to the kitchen.  Emperor Negashi cleared his throat and spoke “Every year, I meet 20 new Asters. From all over North Ogaza” Emperor Negashi’s way of speech reminded Zina of Pa- slow, articulate and firm. She balled her fists. She didn’t want to be an Aster. She should have been home, stargazing at the balcony with Pa and Zo, listening to the stories Pa had told them over and over, laughing when he formulates his. She had only been here a night and she had almost knocked Amare’s teeth down his throat. Remain focused. You’re Zina Anfari. You’ve got this. The Obsidian is all that matters. She had missed everything else the Emperor was saying “It is with pride and pleasure, that I introduce my only daughter, and the Princess of North Ogaza, as an official mentor and trainer for the Asters, Haile Makwi” The Empress started to clap first, and then everyone joined in. Haile remained expressionless, almost unmoved. She kept her eyes fixated on the wine kettle in front of her. “Starting tomorrow” Master Poja began “You would commence your Royal training. We have divided the programs into what we call SMEARDS; Swordsmanship, Meditation, Etiquette, Archery, Reading, Discipline and Skill.” He paused to observe their faces- the lovechild of terror and excitement. “We would take one program each day in the order Swordsmanship, Etiquette, Archery, Reading, Discipline and Skills. Meditation is reserved strictly for Sundays. Every Aster is required to show up for each training, the only exception is calling in sick. We would take tests every week to ensure that you are all catching on and moving at a similar pace. Cooperate with us, and your stay at the Royal Palace would be the best thing you would ever experience” The Emperor and Empress nodded. “We are very pleased to have you here. And while I am not your official mentor, I would be around and available to teach you some essential basics, as I was an Aster myself. Nobody at this table is a better archer than I am” Crown Prince Taye’s disposition was alluring. He had an air of ease around him, like a cool summer’s breeze. Master Poja smiled a tight smile and continued. “As the tradition is, one outstanding student would be recognized and chosen to be the Aster of the Year by the end of the training. That Aster would have their picture framed and hung along with the crown Asters from the previous years. And on your graduation, they will be presented to the people of North Ogaza before we send them to Jasmine”  Marjani’s eyes brightened at the sound of that. She purposed to work hard enough to be crowned. Jasmine, Zina thought. It must be nice to be posted to the nicest and friendliest province in North Ogaza. After their 6 months of Royal Training, the Asters are posted to any of the four provinces- Jasmine, Giwa, Dahlia and Azura- where they proceed to take on real life situations as they have been taught in the Royal Palace. She shook off the thought, she had a plan to execute, and that was all that mattered. “Meanwhile,” The Empress continued “crowning one-person Aster of the year does not relegate the rest of you to the curb. Being here is already enough reason to know that you are special, very special. So, be on your best of behaviours. And act like Royalty, because you are one now. Think of the Palace as your home and you’re allowed to leave when you want to, but not without a note permit from your mentors.” Empress Liya has a caring but firm voice. The same firmness her husband had, as though they had rehearsed authority all their lives. She added that they could leave the Palace only through Vines- the gates used by every Royal staff or visitor to enter and go out of the Palace. The main gates of the Palace were only opened on special occasions and Bones, that was not an option. The Asters were given chances to ask questions and they jumped on it. What criteria would be used to select the crown Aster? How dangerous would sword fighting trainings be? Would we get to come for training from home once in a while? Can we stay out at night to practice on our own? Why is crossing the Obsidian met with the death penalty? Zina’s ears tingled. Had she heard right? “Why” the voice continued “do we have to kill people who genuinely just want to be reunited with lost members of their families, their friends?” A wave of silence swept through the room. Everybody looked somewhat uncomfortable, and Zina looked to see who had asked. Amare. Amare?! But why would he… “We can make excuses and call it ‘punishment for disobedience’, but this is North Ogaza, not the South. We should be bounded by love and understanding, knowing that everyone who makes an attempt to cross the Obsidian is only intentional about finding the people they lost to the war. So why? Why do we keep wasting their lives? What reason would be human enough?” Zina took in the flame in his eyes; passionate. Why was this rude kid so concerned about the Obsidian? Did he perhaps lose someone…? “Amare Steves, is it?” Crown Prince Taye asked with a small smile, and Amare nodded “North Ogaza would not be what it is today if we did not have rules governing us. I lost my uncle to that war. He was my favourite person, and sometimes, I wonder if he is locked away in that hole. But I am a loyal citizen of this community, and I will abide to the laws” Amare broke eye contact, he wasn’t satisfied with the flimsy answer and wanted to retort. But he had made the atmosphere awkward as it was, so he kept shut. “We will return to the mansion now” The Crown Prince stood and the Royal Family did the same. They said their goodnights and left. Master Poja stared long and intently at Amare, and so did Zina. Why was he so passionate about the Obsidian? Who did he lose? Was he also planning on crossing it? She blinked in disbelief. She had many questions, and she needed answers. Quickly.
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