CHAPTER 5: Long Debate

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Lolo Victoriano stated, still looking eye to eye with Lolo Delfin, "Bri, apo, you may already go back to your residence once you are done preparing the breakfast. Zach, apo, you could drive Bri back to her residence. We will all just see the two of you at the arena." Zach and Ella chorused, "Yes, Lolo." Zach immediately brought the pillow and the blanket back to the master bedroom and got the packed bag containing his team uniform. He had his toiletries and some changes of clothes in Ella's huge walk-in closet and so he didn't bring his overnight bag. Mommy Violeta, Lola Armina, and Lola Carmen were helping Ella set up the cups of coffee and the breakfast dishes as Zach came out. Lolo Victoriano and Lolo Delfin were still eyeing while Daddy Alexander was just being vigilant, ready to referee the two elders. Mommy Violeta then motioned Zach and Bri to leave just using her eyes and slight head movement. Lolo Delfin asked, "Why will they leave?" Daddy Alexander said, "Papa, they have to prepare for their games. Bri just dropped by to bring breakfast for us because her food delivery order was not accommodated." Lola Armina and Lola Carmen urged the two to leave using their hand movement. When Zach and Ella had come out of the door, Zach's elders had all sat down for breakfast. Mommy Violeta broke the deafening silence, "Let us all have breakfast." Lolo Delfin stated, "So you are all against me in insisting with the pre-arranged marriage of Zach and Kelsey including you, Armina." Lola Armina replied, "We tried our best to match them but it will not just work out, Delfin. They don't like each other." Lolo Delfin pointed out, "Kelsey likes Zach. But Zach just ignores her." Lola Carmen stated, "Because she is rude, always complaining or throwing tantrums whenever she doesn't get her way. Is that the kind of lady you want our grandson to marry?" Lolo Delfin emphasized, "Bri does not have the outstanding family background that Kelsey has." Lolo Victoriano responded, "So what?! Is it now the only basis for a marriage?" He also stressed, "You married for love, Delfin. Why can you not just let our grandson follow his own heart? Bri is a very nice young lady and they mutually care for one another. I just let you be with the matchmaking of Zach's siblings to your choices. They worked out. They have fallen in love. But Zach's case is different. Apart from Kelsey's outstanding family background, Bri outlasts her in all other aspects. Bri has become a billionaire in her own efforts, while Kelsey has to depend on her family's fortune. Yes, the Marianos are rich. They also have strong political influence. But why do you have to sacrifice our grandson's happiness just so you and Cristiano can fulfill your lifelong wish of creating another power couple though your grandoffspring? Zach is not even interested in politics, even if he is a very good leader. He doesn't even want to work on your business empire. He had established his own company with his friends. He has succeeded without getting the trust fund that you set up for him. He used up his savings as well as his e-sports championship winnings to carve his own name in the business tech world. Just give up. We are all supporting Zach in his relationship with Bri." Lolo Delfin firmly stated, "I won't give up." Lola Armina said, "It is all up to you, Delfin. Please eat now. The breakfast that Bri prepared is healthy and delicious. You like all the dishes she has been cooking for you, right? You were even requesting her to prepare something for you when you were still staying at the base and she was not that busy, and you didn't know yet that she is the lady that our grandson is in love with. Don't say no to good food. You have not even eaten much at the base last night. Admit it, you also like Bri but you cannot back out anymore with your agreement with Crisanto." Lolo Delfin said, "I have never said that I don't like her. But she cannot be my granddaughter-in-law." Lolo Vicoriano declared with conviction, "I want her to be my granddaughter-in-law. If Zach and Bri have already decided to get married someday, then I will fully support them. Their children will definitely be all smart, good-looking, kind-hearted, multi-talented, and multi-skilled. My great grandchildren with them could be a visual artist, a computer wizard, a world champion e-sports player, an author, a fashion designer, a chef, a businessperson. The possibilities are just unlimited because they are both diligent, dedicated, and disciplined in everything they do." Lola Carmen added, "You still forgot something. Our great grandchildren with them could be a world champion tennis player, a game developer, a gadget inventor, a UNICEF Youth Ambassador." Mommy Violeta stated, "Their children can be what they want to be, Mama. I am sure that Zach and Bri will support their children in reaching for their own dreams and aspirations." Lolo Delfin just ate, never minded what they were saying about Zach's girlfriend. He was already aware of her many good qualities. He knew why they preferred her more than Kelsey. But he could not back out on his agreement with his best friend. On the other hand, Zach had driven Ella's SUV on their way back to the condominium building where she lived. They talked. She asked, "What do you think will happen, heart? Lolo Delfina and Lolo Victoriano seem to be angry at each other." He assured her, "It will just be a long debate, a battle of reasons. Nothing physical will happen. They are both already in their late 70s. They might not be the best of friends, but they had been classmates from elementary until high school. My ancestors were neighbors in Swedan. Lolo Delfin is outnumbered, so he will just eat it out. He loves your cooking, so he will definitely eat the breakfast you prepared. He does not say no to good food. He likes you. He is just being stubborn regarding the agreement that he had with Kelsey's grandfather." As they arrived much later on the arena that morning, Ella greeted Zach elders and handed each a box of healthy snacks for the three female elders in Zach's family, one snack box for Mommy Violeta and Daddy Alexander, another one for Lolo Delfin and Lola Armina, and another box for Lolo Victoriano and Lola Carmen. Each snack box contained homemade blueberry scones, homemade carrot cake bliss balls, and bite-seized homemade granola bars. Then Zach handed each of his male elders a vacuum flask containing tea, and then said, "She preferred everything because you may not like the snacks at the cafeteria." Lola Armina commented, "That is really so thoughtful of you, Bri." Ella answered, "It is my pleasure, Lola." In Kelsey's mind – It seems that Lola Armina also favors the b***h more than she favors me. I only got Lolo Delfin on my side from their family. And the b***h is doing so many tricks just to gain the approval of Zach's family. On the other hand, Zach's siblings had different reactions towards Zach's revelation of his relationship with Ella. Kuya Vladimir had a discussion with his wife with regards to it. Kuya Vladimir reacted, "What was Zach thinking about having a relationship with Bri? Lolo had already pre-arranged his marriage to Kelsey a long time ago." His wife's response was, "Well, if I were in Zach's shoes, I would also have a relationship with Bri rather than Kelsey. Kelsey is just so full of herself. She thinks that she is very special and important that she looks down on people around her, especially those of lower social status than hers. Bri is in every inch a better choice than Kelsey. Bri might not be from the upper class and might not have a rich, powerful, and influential family, but she and your brother are perfectly matched." Kuya Vladimir agreed, "I am aware of that. I knew for the very first time when I saw Bri on Zach's 25th birthday that my brother had special feelings for her," but then he said the reality, "But Lolo Delfin will be against their relationship. Zach had this special friend back then in senior high school. Lolo had immediately put a stop to it and Zach just followed." His wife gave her honest opinion on the matter, "I don't think that your brother will follow Lolo Delfin this time around. Zach had already expressed his disapproval of Kelsey so many times in the past. It was not the first time that he defied Lolo Delfin when it came to his own life, and then she asked her husband, "If you were in Zach's shoes and I was Bri, would you also fight for your love for me?" Kuya Vladimir wasn't able to reply right away. So his wife pointed out, "See, you cannot even answer. We were just lucky enough that when our elders tried to match us, we happened to get along and fall in love. Zach and Kelsey are just not perfectly matched. Will you fall in love with a lady like her if you are in Zach's shoes?" Kuya Vladimir's answer was, "I will not. So I am thankful that Lolo Delfin highly approves of you." Kuya Willard also had a discussion with his wife that morning. His wife asked her, "Hon, are you aware that Zach has been hiding his relationship with Bri for six months already?" Kuya Willard answered, "I only heard of it yesterday as well, when I watched the rerun of their games last evening." His wife asked further, "Do you think Lolo Delfin will approve of Bri?" Kuya Willard's response was, "Well, he is very decisive about Zach marrying into the Marianos. Zach had always rejected the idea of being with Kelsey. Their match didn't progress at all. It is all thanks to Kelsey's arrogance, short-temper, and violent tendencies." His wife remarked, "Well, I like Bri more than Kelsey. Despite her fame and fortune, there is just no sense of arrogance in her." Kuya Willard replied, "I also like Bri more for Zach. But then the problem will be Lolo Delfin." His wife pointed out, "Well, it seems that Lolo Delfin also like Bri." Kuya Willard stated, "Appreciating a person for her goodness is very much different from approving of her as a granddaughter-in-law. Lolo had already set his heart on having Kelsey as his granddaughter-in-law with Zach. So, no matter how Lolo appreciates Bri as a good person, he might not accept her as Zach's future wife." His wife said, "Well, they are still both very young to be thinking about marriage. Bri just graduated for her creative writing degree." Kuya Willard emphasized, "But then Zach is not the type of guy who plays around. The fact that they had liked each other for so many years, and that they just acted on their love for one another six months ago goes to say that their relationship is a serious one. They have also kept it for a while, so they knew all along that Lolo Delfin might not approve of their relationship." His wife asked, "Why would Lolo Delfin not approve of their relationship? They love each other and Bri is from a good family." Kuya Willard said, "Outstanding family background is a must for Lolo Delfin. Our match worked out so everything went smoothly. I already mentioned to you before that I had a girlfriend prior to the matchmaking done by our elders with us. I was willing to fight for it, but then the lady chose the money that Lolo Delfin gave her rather than fighting for us. Bri might already be a very successful young lady but her family background is not as outstanding that of Kelsey." His wife questioned, "Does it matter?" And she also stated, "We didn't get along at first back then, like Zach and Kelsey. But as we get to know each other, better things have gone better. But our case is very much different to that of Zach and Kelsey's. Up to now, they have still gotten along even if they had so many interactions in the past already. Kelsey doesn't like the many life choices that Zach had made through the years. She doesn't get along with Zach's friends, because to her, they are not just worthy of her time and attention because they are not from the upper class." Kuya Willard responded, "No matter how perfect the match between Zach and Bri is, Lolo will do everything to break them apart." Kuya Xerxes and his wife also discussed the confirmation of the romantic relationship between Zach and Ella. Kuya Xerxes' wife asked him that morning, "Have you already heard about your brother confirming his six-month relationship with Bri?" Kuya Xerxes answered, "Yeah. I saw their interview last night as I was watching the rerun of their games." His wife asked him further, "But what about Zach's pre-arranged marriage with Kelsey?" Kuya Xerxes' response was, "Zach has already made his choice. There is no way that Lolo Delfin can stop him on this. He is very stubborn. He has always followed what he wanted. Lolo wanted him to be a lawyer, but then Zach opted to take Computer Science. Lolo wanted him to work for BGC, but then his will to establish his own tech firm along with his friends had prevailed. Even if Lolo had bribed him with his five-billion-worth trust fund, he just continued on doing what he wanted for his own life. He used his savings as well as his e-sports winnings to be financially independent. He even has his own private residence built outside of Casa Belmonte. So his pre-arranged marriage with Kelsey is definitely off the table." His wife stated, "Well, I honestly don't like Kelsey as a person. She is so conceited." Kuya Xerxes said, "I like Bri for my brother. They have a strong solid friendship before they became a couple, just like the two of us. As for Kelsey, I have nothing against her. But Lolo Delfin must realize that Zach definitely doesn't want to be with her, not because Zach wants to defy him, but more so, because Kelsey is not just the one for him. Zach and Bri had this undeniable chemistry." His wife affirmed, "I agree with that." Adele and Sergio had also discussed the relationship between Zach and Ella. Sergio asked his wife, "Have you heard the news about Zach and Bri, honey?" Adele affirmed, "Yes. I encountered an online news about them when I was browsing my phone this morning for my emails." Sergio commented, "They look very good together." Adele reminded her husband, "Do not ever tell that in front of Lolo Delfin, love. To him, there is no one good enough for Zach except for Kelsey." Sergio further stated, "But then Zach and Kelsey are just so mismatched." Adele agreed, "That is so true! But then Lolo is too stubborn to admit that, even if Zach had already told him time and time again that he did not like to marry Kelsey." Sergio concluded, "Then Zach and Bri will be at odds with your grandfather." Adele affirmed, "Yes. I really feel sad for Bri. She has to face Lolo's indifference just because she loves my brother." Sergio said, "Well, knowing your brother, I think that he will protect his girlfriend from anyone who tries to harm her." D' ZINGERS had won all their games that weekend. Despite all the thoughtful efforts of Ella towards Zach's family, Lolo Delfin's warm treatment of her had not returned. July 10, 2016. Sunday. Kelsey and Lolo Cristiano were on their way back to home to Beaunne City. Lolo Crisanto told Kelsey, "I already give Kiel my go signal to act on his feelings for Briella Solomon. Somehow it might shake up their relationship." Kelsey pointed out, "That b***h has always kept her admirers at arm's length, Lolo. I don't think that such a tactic will work out. Kiel might just be hurt in the process. I have already told you in the past that even Reymund Aguinaldo, who is her persistent suitor, was not able to win her over. All along, she has been eyeing Zach." Lolo Crisanto said, "They had just been together for six months. I think Zach might have heard our plans of setting you and him on formal dates so he had pursued his best friend's sister much earlier. We also didn't see it coming because they were just behaving like good friends. Zach was just treating her the way he had treated their other female friends. We also didn't see any sign that Briella was into Zach because she treats all of her brother's best friends equally. They were so good at hiding their feelings for one another that I and Delfin failed to see through them." Kelsey then calmly told her grandfather, "Perhaps you just give up on this, Lolo. I'm just twenty-three anyway. It will still be too early for me to get married. I will also want to find love. Zach definitely does not like me a bit. So perhaps just match me with somebody else of your choosing. I will never ever rebel anymore. If the match works out with another person, then I will just follow whatever you want. I might not be able to have a career as a professional dancer, but I am very satisfied now with my dance academy. I just want to be with someone who can fully understand me. Zach isn't that person. He might have so many good qualities but if he didn't want to be with me, then I also don't. You have to give me some sense of pride, Lolo." Lolo Crisanto declared, "No way!"
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