CHAPTER 4: Battle of the Grandfathers

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After their game in the morning, Zach's maternal grandparents had invited Zach and Ella for lunch with Zach's parents in a private dining room in a nearby five-star hotel. On the other hand, Lolo Delfin and Lola Armina had lunch with the Marianos while the rest of D' ZINGERS had their lunch in the arena's food court with the food they had pre-ordered from FoodBlaze. During the lunch of Zach and Ella with Zach's parents and Zach's maternal grandparents... Lolo Victoriano said, "I am so proud of you, Zach. You have fought for your love the way an Almeda does." Lola Carmen added, "And Bri, welcome to our family. Your planned secret wedding is very safe with us." Ella had acknowledged such, "Thank you very much for accepting me, Lolo Vic, Lola Carms." Lolo Victoriano stated, "You and Zach love one another. That's what matters the most." Zach then asked his grandparents, "Will you be staying for the entire weekend to watch our games live, Lolo, Lola?" Lola Carmen responded, "That is the plan." Zach stated, "Then you can all stay at the base. Although you can also stay in the condominium unit you gifted me years ago, you will be much more accommodated in the base." Ella added, "I can cook for all of you, Lolo, Lola, Dad, Mom." Mommy Violeta said, "I will not say no to that." Lolo Victoriano asked, "But will we not disturb your game practice?" Ella answered, "We don't have game practice during game days, Lolo. I have my own kitchen in my bedroom suite while the rest will be fed by our resident cook at the base. So just tell me what food you like eating, so I can ask our resident housekeeper in the base to purchase the necessary supplies if we don't have them at the base." Lola Carmen asked, "Is she really this sweet and thoughtful, Vi?" Mommy Violeta answered her mother, "Yes, Mama. Zach is well-fed by Bri. They usually spend dinner time together at her private residence. She will often cook for him or order Zach's favorite food from their restaurant if she is too busy." Daddy Alexander added, "It will also be a great opportunity for you to explore the base, Papa, Mama. ZING Technology Building and the base are just located in one compound. You will see all the fruits of Zach's efforts, which he has attained along with Geoff, Vin, Nate, and Bri." Lolo Victoriano said, "Then we will stay there." Lola Carmen then inquired, "How about Delfin, Armina, Crispin and Kelsey? Where will they be staying?" Daddy Alexander responded, "I am still not sure if they will be staying for the weekend." Zach then suggested, "If they are staying on the base, then it would be better if the four of you would stay at my condominium unit after our games. I and Ella can keep you company for a while. I don't want her staying at the base if Lolo and Kelsey are staying there." Ella added, "I will still cook for all of you. My private residence is just near Zach's place and the base anyway." Mommy Violeta expressed, "Then that's the plan!" D' ZINGERS had won all their games that day. Lolo Delfin, Lola Armina, Lolo Crispin and Kelsey decided to stay on the base and so Zach and Ella accompanied Zach's maternal grandparents, and his parents to his condominium unit. The resident housekeeper of the base, who was also in charge of the housekeeping of Zach's private residence, had already delivered all the food supplies Ella had listed down. Zach and Ella helped out each other in the kitchen while his elders relaxed in the living room while watching TV. Ella prepared an appetizer first, a fruit, cracker and cheese tray, which was served by Zach. For dinner, they prepared: baked salmon in foil with asparagus and garlic lemon butter sauce; shrimp stir-fry (with sweet corn, zucchini, grape tomatoes, and fresh basil); and cherry tomato couscous salad. They also had Sauvignon Blanc for wine, and berry fruit salad with honey lime dressing for dessert. Their dinner conversation went like this: Lola Carmen said, "Vi is very right about you, Bri. You really have excellent cooking skills. Everything you prepared is delicious and healthy." Ella acknowledged such, "Thank you, Lola," and then shared, "I just grew up enjoying home-cooked meals with my family. Papa and Mama love cooking together and they often include me and Kuya Geoff in food preparations. Then, when they passed away, I did help Tita Gina a lot on our restaurant business, so I learned a lot from her. She also insisted that I take cookery and baking certificates so I did." Zach added, "Geoff is much more of an eater than a cook. Oftentimes when we still didn't have the base, Ella will cook for us here before our training and game practices." Lolo Victoriano assumed, "So this has been your e-sports base for a while." Zach affirmed, "Yes, Lolo," and then further shared, "Then when we already have the base, whenever the ZING brothers and BING sisters get together, Ella will also prepare lots of food for us with the help of the other ladies." Lolo Victoriano then requested, "By the way, your wedding will be a day before my birthday. I do hope that you just leave on Tuesday morning for your honeymoon trip so the two of you can still celebrate with us." Ella said, "Sure, Lolo. Anyway, Zach and I planned not to have a honeymoon trip yet. We will just take a week off from work after the wedding and stay in his private residence in Horrev just to relax. So we can celebrate with you on your birthday." Lola Carmen commented, "That is nice!" But then she asked, "But when will you have your honeymoon trip?" Zach answered, "After our retirement as professional e-sports players, Lola. We will extend our last trip for the invitational cup. By then ZING Technology will have already launched our AI robot." Mommy Violeta asked, "Do you plan to have children right away?" Ella answered, "Zach and I agreed to enjoy a few years of our marriage just on our own before we have a baby, Mommy." Zach added, "We have been focused on our careers and the e-sports for years, so we decided to enjoy just the two of us for a year or two into our marriage." Daddy Alexander commented, "It is not a bad plan! Anyway, you are still both very young. Your Mom had your Kuya Vlad when she was 24. We got married when she was 23 while I was 25." On the other hand, during the dinner at the base... Lola Armina asked Geoff before she joined her husband and the Marianos, "Where is Zach and Bri, Geoff? I haven't seen them since we arrived here." Geoff answered, "Lola, they were invited for dinner by Lolo Vic and Lola Carms. My sister will probably stay in her private residence afterwards, then Zach will come back here much later on." Lola Armina said, "That will be nice. I like your sister very much for Zach, but then you already know the situation between Zach and my husband. So, it is best for Bri to avoid him as well as Kelsey for the time being." Geoff responded, "Yes, I am aware of that, Lola. The girls will be joining Ella at her residence later on. I will drive them there and then Zach and I will probably return here together if he will not be staying in his condominium unit. He usually stays there whenever he has guests. I think Lolo Vic, Lola Carms, Daddy Lex and Mommy Vi will all be staying there rather than here at the base." Lola Armina commented, "Yes, I think that it will be better if they stay there to avoid any further disagreement. Lately, Lex and Vi have not been on good terms with my husband. They are not in favor of my husband controlling Zach's future for him. I also don't agree with my husband, but then I cannot blatantly oppose him." Geoff answered, "I understand your situation, Lola. You may join them now. Just notify me, Nate or Vin if you need something." Lola Armina expressed her gratitude, "Thank you very much for your understanding, Geoff. I will join them now." Geoff responded, "Anything for you, Lola." When Lola Armina sat down on the table with her husband and the Marianos, Lolo Delfin asked her, "What did you as Geoff? Where is Zach?" Lola Armina answered, "I just asked Geoff about his sister and Zach. According to him Vic and Carms had invited them for dinner, so they are with them as well as with Lex and Vi." Lolo Delfin just uttered, "I see." But in his mind – They are really going against me. Zach is having more courage to defy me because of them. They are allowing him to be with Bri even if they are very aware that I had already pre-arranged his marriage with Kelsey. In Kelsey's mind – So they got allies from his Almeda's side of the family. It seems that they like that b***h more than me. They invited her for lunch. And now they are having dinner together. Is one meal not enough? Why do they have to dominate so much of Zach's free time? Lolo Delfina and Lolo Crisanto want me to try to get closer to him. But how can I do that? He had rejected all of Lolo Delfin's dinner invitations, which were supposed to be our dates. Zach clearly does not like me, but then I had to follow what Lolo wanted for me. I cannot afford to rebel against my family again or else my dance academy will be closed down. I may not love Zach, but he is an excellent choice for a husband with all of his fame, fortune, and family background. He is easy on the eye. He is also a perfect gentleman, so he will just tolerate me. So what if he does not love me? Anyway, he has no other choice but to have children with me once we are already married. The b***h will definitely not allow herself just to be a mistress. After dinner, Zach and Ella just walked, going to the condominium building where she lived. It was just a few blocks from his condominium building anyway. They had already called up NIkki to pack up their team uniforms for tomorrow before the ladies went to Ella's private residence. Zach decided not to stay at the base for the night. He wanted to avoid confrontation with Lolo Delfin and so he would return to his condominium unit to stay with his parents and maternal grandparents once Nikki, Irish and Gwyneth had already arrived to accompany Ella to her residence. Holding hands while walking, he told her, "It feels great that we don't need to hide our relationship anymore." Ella agreed, "That is true," but she still voiced out her worry, "But Lolo Delfin turns cold toward me." Zach let go of her hand to put his right arm around the back of her waist, "He has already turned cold to you even if he hasn't confirmed our relationship yet. So what is the use of hiding our relationship from him? I want to protect you from him and from the Marianos. But if I always have to worry that they will find out about us, then I will not be able to protect you in full capacity. We need to face them head-on." Ella acknowledged that, putting her left arm around the back of his waist as well, "I understand why you suddenly had such public display of affection towards me this morning. But we still need to be cautious of them not to know about our wedding. I will have to keep the engagement ring in my security safe box for the meantime." He affirmed, "Okay. But we can now wear the couple bracelets and the couple wristwatches that we won last year on Lolo Vic's birthday." She smiled and said, "I didn't know you could be this cheeky. Yes, I will wear them, Captain. I have been wearing the heart key pendant necklace ever since you gifted it to me. I am also alternating with the Pandora bangle charm bracelet, and heart and arrow bracelet. But since you want us to wear couple's items, then let's do it." He expressed, "That will make me feel that you are mine even more." She seconded, "Same here." When they arrived at her residence, the other three members of BING sisters were not yet around. She took a quick shower first and dressed up in her pajamas while Zach watched TV in the living room. They were already watching TV together, cuddling, with ZING and Ginger on their laps, when the main door opened up. The ladies chorused, "So sweet!" ZING and Ginger approached and welcomed them. Gwyneth remarked, "Your fur babies are so sweet, always welcoming their aunties and uncles." Other than Geoff, Nate and Irvin also came. They all sat down in the living room after getting some snacks in the pantry. Nikki and Geoff squeezed with them on the long couch. Irvin sat on one of the single couch and Gwyneth sat on his lap. Nate occupied the other single couch and Irish sat on his lap as well. Nikki hugged Ella, "The base is so sad without you. The witch is there, so dark clouds are surrounding the base." Geoff shared, "Lola Armina asked about you, Zach. So I told her that you and Ella spent dinner with your parents and maternal grandparents. I also told her that you and Ella will probably not stay at the base." Zach acknowledged, "Lola is also on our side." Irvin then asked, "So when will Gwyn and I attend all those wedding preps schedules with you guys? I am so ready to see her in a wedding dress fitting." Irish said, "The four of us will all be together for such. No men allowed. We will all be trying wedding gowns to cover up for the real bride. While the four of you will also have to try on wedding suit to cover up for the real groom. You guys can only join us on food and cake sampling as well as wine tasting. We will all be attending the dance rehearsals as well." Ella then recalled, "Heart, we forgot to tell Mom that we will include Tito Ariel and Tita Irma as well as Tito Nollie and Tita Kristine, and Tito Gener and Tita Winnie as principal sponsors." They were the parents of Irish, Nikki, and Gwyneth. Gwyneth was a second degree cousin of Geoff and Ella through their mother and Gwyneth's mother, who were first degree cousins." Zach replied, "I already mentioned it to Mom, as soon as we confirmed their acceptance this afternoon, sweet." Nate pointed out, "So you call her sweet and Ella calls you heart, Zach. I like your terms of endearment. Sweetheart divided into two." Ella said, "Well, babe is already very common. All the six of you are using it. Sweetheart is a little mouthful so we shortened it. I got the beginning, he got the ending." After sometime, the ZING brothers had already left. Zach was dropped off by his three sworn brothers in the condominium building where he used to reside while the three went back to the base. Ella woke up early the following morning. She cooked breakfast for her sworn sisters and Zach's parents and maternal grandparents. She drove her car and brought the packed breakfast for them. As she entered Zach's condominium unit, she saw him still sleeping at the couch which had been converted as a bed. She woke him up with a kiss on his nose and a blow on his ear. When he opened his eyes, she told him, "Good morning, heart. I brought breakfast. The restaurant is busy with their orders, so I won't be able to accommodate my breakfast orders. I will already make coffee on your drip coffee maker, then I will return to my residence." He sat down, folded the blanket, turned the bed back to a long couch, and then followed her to the kitchen. He hugged her from behind, rested his chin on her right shoulder, kissed her cheeks, and then say, "Thank you, sweet." She had prepared five sets of healthy breakfast, each beautifully arranged in a three-compartment microwavable glass meal box, containing free range hard boiled egg, Greek yogurt, organic mixed berries, and almonds. Then she also brought muffin-sized pieces of Mediterranean Mini Frittatas. Then his elders suddenly came out of the bedrooms still in their pajamas. Lolo Victoriano stated, "I was awakened by the delicious smell of coffee and food." Zach said, "My very thoughtful fiancée brought us breakfast but she won't be staying for long. She needs to prepare for our game. She got the ladies in her residence. She will also have to feed them and our two fur babies." Ella did the pagmamano to his elders and said, "I won't be staying long, Lolo, Lola, Dad, Mom. The restaurant cannot accommodate my early morning breakfast orders due to bulk deliveries and food preparations for catering, so I had to cook on my own. I just dropped by to bring them. Zach will serve all of you. Bye for nowJust see you on the arena later on," and she exited. As she opened the door, she encountered Lolo Delfin and Lola Armina. Ella did the pagmamano to Zach's paternal grandparents, "Good morning, Lolo, Lola. Breakfast is ready." She quickly went to the kitchen and replicated the breakfast box. Good thing Zach had all the supplies in his kitchen. Zach's grandfathers were eyeing each other.
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