Chapter Three

1001 Words
*Meanwhile*     "If I must say, My Queen, His Highness, and Claire look like a wonderful couple together," The Luna said putting her little plan to action. "Yes, yes they do." The Queen said as she watched them dance, but she knows her son all too well. Anyone there could see that Claire was already drunk and tripping over her own feet. Callan dealt with her very well, more than I could say for myself. The Alpha came up to me and whispered, "Please help my daughter sober up. I do not want to be made a fool once again." I bowed and left. Once Callan and Claire stopped dancing, I stepped up. "Claire, your father would like a word with you upstairs." Callan tried to untangle her arms from his neck, and she tried to speak. "Okay! I'll see you later... handsome," as she said that she had slight burp at the end that made us both chuckle.     We went upstairs and soon she plopped on her bed dozing off. "Where is my father?" She said lazily. "Your father is downstairs. He wanted me to help sober you up. So now which dress would you like to change into?" I held up two dresses. Two dresses that could buy maybe four houses altogether. "That one." She lazily points to a white floral off the shoulder dress that was too pretty for her. She ran to the bathroom as I started up her shower. I threw her in as I went downstairs to get her coffee that was when I heard other servants whispering.     "Did you hear?"                "Hear what?"      "Claire is His Highnesses mate."                 "I would have never seen that coming."     "Did you not see the way they were dancing. Alpha was talking to Luna about a marriage proposal. Maybe that is the reason for the celebration." They giggled away back outside. I grabbed some coffee and back upstairs as Claire was sitting at her vanity slouched over. "Here drink this." She slowly drinks it. "You didn't poison this did you?" I rolled my eyes and began to do her hair and makeup. It may have taken an hour or so, but she was mainly sober and looked innocent for once in her life.        "Ah, darling there you are." The Alpha said as he put his arm out for Claire. "Sorry, it took so long, I was hoping to salvage my dress from the spill." Way to come up with a lie real fast Claire. I slightly rolled my eyes and resumed my position at the food table. Many of the servants were whispering to each other as the Royal Family danced along with Callan and Claire once again.     "They look so beautiful when they dance."             "Those two were made for each other."     "The King and Queen are the most wonderful dancers."                 "Do you really believe Claire is his mate."         "Of course, don't you see how they look at each other." And it was true. Callan looked at Claire as if she were the most beautiful woman in the room and Claire was living for it. I could feel my heart slightly break.     'What is wrong with me? What is this feeling,' I thought to myself. I had to step away from the party as I recused myself from my station. I decided I was not going back to the party tonight and decided to head towards a secret spot of mine behind the servants' quarters. Why does the sound of splashing water have such a calming effect? There is this little waterfall that leads into a lake the goes on for miles. It is a gorgeous place to see and you are lucky enough to find it. I found it when I was told to find one of Connor's footballs. I have been coming here ever since when 'that' family has just gotten too much for me. It was nighttime and being away from all the lights you could see all the stars in the night sky. I climbed up into one of the trees that seemed to have a big enough branch for me to sit. I would sit here for hours upon hours just feeling the wind, the spray of the mist as the water hit the rocks. I soon fell asleep. *Meanwhile back at the party*     "Your Highness, the way you and my daughter dance is spectacular," The Luna said as she stepped towards them. "Please, I don't mean to be forward when I say this, but it would be an honor if His Highness would come around more often," She continued to say as The Royals stepped over to their conversation. For a moment you could see the disgust on Callan's face but then he remembered and put on his poker face. "It would be my honor to visit as often as I can," Callan said as he looked at his parents. "Yes, we have had a splendid time here so far so we all shall visit as often," The Queen said, and The Luna's face started to show her worry slightly.  "What a great idea," The Alpha said as he stuck his hand out for The King to shake.     The night went on for another couple of hours until everyone decided to go off to bed. I still laid there asleep within my tree. I felt uneasy, I felt as if I were being watched again. I woke up and got down from the branch to see four glowing purple eyes at me from far in the woods. We starred at each other for hours. Their eyes felt familiar. They were not staring at me with anger or disgust but with sadness. I tried to step closer, but then they ran. I felt as if I were dreaming, but it felt all too real for it to be a dream. I decided to finally head back to the servants' quarters and hurry to sleep. There is work that must be done early in the morning. 
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