Chapter Two

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*The same day*     I went straight to the doctor so no one would question what happened. But honestly, I seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time because as I sat waiting for the doctor to see me in the room that only had curtains the Alpha and Luna walked in.     "You should try to not upset the Luna, Marine," The doctor said. "My existence upsets her," I said as I was holding my shirt against my chest as my back was exposed. The doctor froze. "Alpha," the doctor said as he stepped away in between the curtains. They were talking in a low voice when the doctor said, "While you are here, I must suggest Marne not do much heavy work for a couple of weeks." He nodded to the doctor and when the doctor came back through the curtains, I could feel the Lunas eyes burning into me along with the Royals eyeing me suspiciously.     "Is she alright?" The Queen asked. "Oh yes, Your Majesty. Those rose bushes can be a nasty thing sometimes." The King was suspicious of the Luna for none of us knew of the power the Royals held.     "Well you have a wonderfully trained and well-mannered pack here," The King said. "Thank you, Your Majesty," the Alpha said as he and the Luna bowed, "Now let us turn in for the night." The Alpha soon led them outside when the doctor spoke to me.     '"I know the beating you receive can be deadly to you, but please just try and keep your head down." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I can't 'keep my head down' while the Luna is here. She wants me dead and we all know it." I said as I threw my shirt back on and left. As I was heading back to the servant’s quarters to finally get some sleep I could feel as if I were being watched. And I was right. Callan was watching me from his window in the Alpha and Lunas home. I looked up and our eyes met, and for once in my life, I could feel my heart flutter. I put my hand to my chest to calm my heart. I looked away first and ran back to the servants' quarter. *The Next Day*     It was another hot day. I went to the doctor very early in the morning for the paste to be applied and new bandages. Once I was finished the Luna was holding a meeting for all servants.     "Today my daughter and son will be coming home from college for the holidays. We are going to celebrate all they have accomplished and welcome them home with open arms." With a wave of her hand, we were all dismissed and handed a list of what she wanted to be done to the gardens around the backside of the house. When I mentioned her expensive taste, I also forgot to mention how excessive she can be with things too. The list rolled down to our feet, but good thing we were all used to this.     She wanted us to completely transform the garden like a high school prom. Streamers dangling from every available surface, golden balloons spelling 'Welcome Home'. Just things that make me want to throw up. A punch bowl and finger sandwiches, and an area for a live band. Just a mental slap to the face. Many hours after finishing a car begins down the road, and we all stand and wait for the car's arrival.      "Mother!" The one and only, Claire, screamed as she stepped out the car. Claire is a mommy and daddy's little girl. She is a girl who is mostly fake in every way possible. She wanted to grow up to be like barbie and she got it. but as for her brother, Connor, he is the opposite of her. He is nice to anyone he meets and actually has a brain. He stood up for me to his mother too many times to count, but every time he was away from home, she rained down on me, and I had to act as if nothing happened. We were best friends.     I was daydreaming the entire time as everyone was already heading inside. Many of their friends and family had made their way here for the celebration and I had to attend the food table. I was just staring into space while serving drinks and food because I have done this a thousand times until he walked over. "What would you like Your Highness?" He looked at me and smirked. "How about a dance?" He chuckled a little. "Claire would be more than happy to dance with you." He leaned over the table and whispered into my ear, "I want to dance with you." I could feel my face trying to become hot, but I breathed and maintained my face. "I am sorry Your Highness, I am working right now. I doubt their Majesties would like to see you dancing with a lowly servant." And then Claire came in and swooped her arm under his. "I'll dance with you, Your Highness." I looked down as I rolled my eyes. He nodded and they turned towards the dance floor. Claire looked over her shoulder at me and glared as if she was trying to terrify me. Poor girl, she has no idea how dumb she looks. 
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