A life worth living

678 Words
A suden sound woke me up, I immediately recognized the alarm, even dough I had never heard it. Someone had infiltrated the Academy and we were under attack. I ran as fast as I could and gathered with my sisters, they where all holding their weapons. I hadn’t even tought about that when suddenly Sophia handed me my katana. She had probably grabbed it when she grabbed her gun, she was proving to be an excelent Sister. We got separated in groups of two in hopes that it would be easier to find the intruder. Celest, 11 th Sister, and I decided to go to the garden in case the intruder was planing to scape. Celest was really good with the bow so it was practical for us to go together, she could cover long distance and I would cover close body combat. The garden is devided in different sections, but in the practice area there is a tall tower. I had to think quickly, we didn’t know who was attacking and the best we could do was be extryamly coutious. I told Celest the plan, she went up the tower and I walked towards the right side of the garden to inspect. I walked for a while, trying to be as silent as posible and always on guard. As I approached the rose maze I heard a noise. I had to go inspect, so, with one hand in my katana, I walked into the tall bushes. I followed the sounds with a slow but steady pace. I knew those gardens like the palm of my hand, so if the intruder was actually there, he was walking straight to a dead end where I would block him and capture him. As we apeó he’d the corner I felt movement behind me. I turned arround as fast as I could and saw a pair of green eyes. His face was completely covered with a bandana, excepto for his eyes. As I pulled my katana to attack I felt a strong pain in my abdomen. I fell to the ground and as he stared at me I started to lose consciousness. I moved my head to see why it hurt so much and I notice I had blood all over my chest and abdomen, I was probably bleeding out. The rupture in the fabric seemd to be about 10 cm long. Was I gonna die ? What’s that it? I started to feel my body heavier and heavier. He had probably put some kind of venom on his knife. I felt ashamed of how vulnerable I looked. I don’t know if he noticed but as I closed my eyes to avoid contact with his green eyes, he left. I was all alone and defenseless, I had trained all my life, I was the best, and yet when he attacked me I couldn’t do anything. As I looked at the roses in the garden I realized the irony. I was gonna die, surrounded by white roses. My dripping blood had covered the petals that had fallen, painting them with a bright red. In that instant I realized that I was afraid of only one thing, dying. I tried to call for Celest but I knew she was to far away to hear me and that she couldn’t see me because of the darkness that covers that part of the garden. My vision started to get blurry and the roses started to transform into white spots surranded by darkness. I knew i could fight it as much as I wanted but it wouldn’t stop my fate. I wished I had done more things, trained more, laughed more, loved… Suddenly his face came to my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything I had not done, all the time I had wasted trying to be the best, and yet I couldn’t even protect myself. I fought with the urge to close my eyes as I lied in the cold grass. But afther a few minutes I passed out from the lose of blood.

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