Prologue - Memories

462 Words
Ever since I was an infant my mother would tell me the stories of a peaceful world, full of girls and boys running in the street and playing together without a worry in their lives except for growing up and being happy. Funny how I once believed her. But to think that a world like that could exist is to dream impossible things. In history women were always seen as the weaker s*x, once they gained control of politics and the militar everything became better for society, but every time the White Rose does not act with extreme harshness, men rise up and try to diminish everything. She told me that story when I turned five years old, right before they took me to train at the Rose academy, little did I know, that would be the last time I would see my mother. I still remember her words but I disposed of the memory of her face a long time ago. As they say in the Rose academy, your family is nothing but a mere dream of a past life, one that contributes nothing more than pain and nostalgia, limiting what you can become. I’ve been part of the Rose order for 15 years now, and I have been appointed since last summer as the primer leader of the Twelve Sisters squad, conformed only by the best warriors of our generation. We work directly with the White Rose Elders, being the number one squad of the White Rose. I worked my whole life for this, always taking extra classes and proving to my teachers that I'm the best of the best. It has been my dream since I was a young girl, and even though I knew I wasn't something special, I became something extraordinary. Some of the other girls got jealous when the order chose me, but I knew I deserved it. And up to today I have proved to be more than perfect. Every morning I take my squad on a run and afterwards we dance in a synchronization that almost seems unreal. By the afternoon we practice combat alternating between every existing form. We study latin, french, italian, spanish, japanese, chinese and arab, preparing for any type of encounter we might have. We never rest, we are always prepared and ready for any mission that may be entrusted to us, always giving our 150% and no less. I knew that being the prime of a sisters squad as exclusive as this, was going to be very difficult and it would restrict in a lot of ways my life and my decisions, but this is what I love, fighting for my nation, proving my worth, being an example for my sisters and protecting those who can not protect themselves.
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