Chapter 4 A Bastard (II)

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Amos was in a dilemma. He had decided to leave HELL for good to bid farewell to a life of killing. But if he made a move here, it would certainly get him into unnecessary troubles, and when the news of his return to New York leaked out, his dream-free life would surely come to nothing. But if he did not help, that stuff treasured by Rebecca would definitely bereave by Purple Widow. And the little beauty would also be wounded. What can I do? In a flash, a plan came to his mind. At this time, Rebecca and the bald man were about to fight, abruptly, Amos stood up and walked to the bald man’s side. He flattered, “Hey, Bro. Such a beautiful girl! Wouldn’t it be unfortunate if you just kill her? I’m quite into her. Leave it to me. Let me take her down and then leave her at your disposal.” “Huh?” It was a balding man not only, even Rebecca was surprised for Amos coming out boldly. However, after hearing the yokel’s indecent words, her face showed disgust immediately. “You bastard!” A man can have no money, no power, or no status, but he must have integrity and dignity. How can one be a man when he can only bully the weak and fear the strong or hit someone when he was down? The bald man seemed to be a little confused by Amos’s officiousness. When he was trying to push the impudent man away, his face suddenly changed, and there was fright in his eyes. For he found that instead of pushing the impudent boy away, the strength in him disappeared at a great speed! It was as if the body had turned into a balloon and was poked into a hole. What the hell was going on?! “You! Who are you?” As the senior member of Purple Spider, the bald man was perceptive enough to know that he had met an awesome character today. But Amos seemed to not understand the bald man’s word. He smiled. “I’m just a nobody. Well, if you want to deal with the girl yourself, I’m out of the way.” With that, Amos made a please at will gesture towards Rebecca and the bald man respectively and then did get out of the way. For the shameless performance of this man, the passengers on the scene were all with disdain on their faces. This guy was not only bad-mannered but also being shameless to death! However, Rebecca looked at Amos with suspect. Although she did not know what had happened after all on that bald man, his shocked and fearful look made her affirm that this yokel can’t get away with it. Anyway, this was an opportunity! Rebecca then seized the opportunity and hit the bald man mercilessly on the chest. “Puff...” Blood spurts out from the mouth of the bald man and he just straightly fell to the ground. But in an odd way, his eyes stared in a direction from beginning to end. Rebecca followed the direction and found that he had stared at the bastard with fear and horror. “Boss… Boss… Boss!” Seeing their leader actually killed by a fist of this violent girl, the two remaining bandits immediately had no will to fight. They exclaimed and were about to run away from this devilish girl. But Rebecca wouldn’t give them the chance to run away. With a shot step, she rushed her body straight up and knocked the men down with two hand knifes. “Dare to rob our money! Beat them!” The passengers who had been robbed of their belongings, all raised their fists at the unfortunate gangsters. And in a few minutes, the two men were beaten out of shape. After waiting for the aimed police to arrive, Rebecca slowly sat back in her seat. Being silent for a while, her eyes firmly fixed on the man beside her, “Hey, bastard, did you just do something to that guy? Why didn’t he even have the strength to resist? And I know that I haven’t reached the point where I could kill a man with only one fist.” Until the words had finished, Rebecca just discovered that guy unexpectedly fell asleep again! Fuck! He just ignored me deliberately! All right! Let’s wait and see! Since you also flew to New York, I would find out who you are! ... Then all the way, with the rhythm of snoring of Amos, the flight finally arrived in New York after a few hours. Due to the hijacking, all people on the plane were left to do the record, including Amos. But from beginning to end, without any suspectable action, he just easily left. Walking on the streets, Amos enjoyed the sight of the long-lost New York City and smiled lightly. When Amos opened his arms and wanted to express the feeling that surged in his heart to the future, a black Mercedes S600 stopped beside him with a sound squeak. And then the window went down, a cool voice was sound. “Hey, baster, get on the car!” Hearing the voice, Amos recognized that here came the ice beauty met on the plane. “Miss, do I know you? And by the way, my name is not baster. I am Amos.” Amos answered while glancing up and down the cool girl. Such a nice face and body! What a goddess! But the only fly in the ointment was the icy temper. I just had come back. Living a warm life was my dream and did not want to be frozen to death. “Amos…” “If nothing else, then I should go.” Amos was with a remote air, not because he was completely immune to the beauty, but he was very clear that this little girl had something Purple Widow wanted. It’s definitely not something ordinary. Any involvement with her can expose himself, and all his plan for the future may be in vain. “Wait!” Rebecca took off the sunglasses and looked directly at the yokel. “Before on the plane, you helped me, right? Who the hell are you? If you also target my mother’s remains, I’d advise you to stop that thinking.” Hearing the words, Amos said with disdain. “Hey, girl, you have a rich imagination. It would be a pity for you not to write a novel. I am too busy to be interested in your stuff. However, if you want to talk deeply about life with me, maybe I can sacrifice myself for it. If not, well, goodbye.” After that, Amos directly ignored Rebecca, humming a ditty and walking toward the airport outside. “You!” How dare this guy ignore her?! Rebecca burst with anger. At least she was known as one of the “Four Flowers” in New York. How many men did not flatter her when they saw her? Even in order to be able to say a few words with her, they would worked it out with all means! But this damn shameless man actually ignored her directly?! And dare to say something rude?! Hum! Amos! Right? Very good! I’ll sooner or later find out who you really are! Rebecca then put her sunglasses back on angrily and asked, “Uncle Mike, let’s go home!”
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