The party

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I clenched my fists tight. I have always thought about the moment I'll finally meet him again and how I would react. With him standing a meter away from me, the only thing I felt was anger, one that I had to do everything to control,and an unquenchable thirst for revenge. “ Go back to your room, you can't wander away from the safe zones, it's dangerous.” The man added before walking away. I heaved a sigh of relief, thanking the goddess that the i***t didn't probe or stick around for long. Who knows what would have been the outcome. As much as I hate him and would love to kick his ass, this wasn't the right place nor time. Forget that this is Blackwood pack, his turf, the matter at hand is too important to have any other business pop up to distract it. After paying my respects to my foster mother, I went back to the róom. There were still two hours before the banquet could start so I decided to take a nap. The sound of the door being knocked woke me up. Grumbling, I dragged my ass to open the door. “ The party will start in less than an hour. I can't believe you were still asleep." Caspian reprimanded me softly. As my Beta, I can't count the number of times he had kept me on my toes lest I mess things up.Without him, I don't know how the last five years of my life would have been. “ Don't worry, I'll be there on time." I replied. " You don't want me to walk you to the party?” Caspian asked and I don't know why I sensed bitterness in his statement. Regardless, I shook my head. “ There's no need." I answered, shutting the door. In less than thirty minutes, I walked out of the room and started making my way to the ballroom. After spending the better days of my life in this pack, I could find my way to the ballroom even with blindfolds. The party had already started when I made my entrance. Stepping inside the room, everything went still as all eyes turned to look at me. Being the center of attention wasn't something I appreciated in the past but after being an Alpha for five years, I had come to get used to it. Ignoring the curious glances casted my way,I took calculated steps, going straight to the table reserved for my pack,the Red Moon pack. I could hear gasps and whispers as I eased myself on the Alpha seat. “ The Alpha of the Red Moon pack is a woman?” Someone asked loud enough for me to hear. I snickered inwardly. Of course, no one ever expected that the mysterious faceless alpha of the Red Moon pack was a woman. In a world full of chauvinistic men, having a female Alpha was unheard of. To stay off the radar, I usually don't attend any external pack meetings and when I do, I always dress like a man and wear a mask to cover my face. Don't mistake my actions as being scared, I just don't like attracting unnecessary attention to myself. Ignoring the murmurs and whispers, I took a glass of wine and started sipping on it elegantly. I wasn't here for the damn party. I could care less about the reason for the whole party. I just needed to attend the meeting and see what could be done about the tragedy befalling our people. It's funny how even with a threat hanging loose over our heads, some people were in the mood to celebrate whatever it was they were celebrating. The slow music playing in the background added to the ambience. My eyes wandered around the hall and everything about the place screamed 8f grandeur. The chandeliers hanging gave a European vibe. “ I'm sorry to interrupt but can I have a dance with you?" A voice sounded, making me follow the hand outstretched. The blonde haired guy had a huge smile on his face which was infectious. I was about to turn him down when he bent down and whispered, “ Don't say no please, the whole house is watching." True to his words, all eyes were on me. Returning a smile, I took his hand. I made sure to squeeze it as a warning. I don't like it when I'm pressured to do something. The guy led me to the dance floor. “ I don't know how to dance ." I announced as soon as we stepped on the dance floor. I have always hated the idea of dancing and even when I assumed the position of Alpha, I did not bother acquiring the skill despite Caspian pushing me to. I would always find an excuse to escape attending dance classes. “ It's okay, Just follow my lead." The man answered. “ By the way, I'm Logan Davidson, Alpha of Mist pack." He introduced himself. “ Everyone knows that." I snickered in reply. No one across the land doesn't know who he is. After all, his reputation of being a womanizer is widely spread. “ I don't Know if I should be happy or worried with your reply." The man laughed and I glared at him. Dancing with Logan wasn't as boring as I thought . Actually, I even started enjoying it. Suddenly, I had this weird feeling that someone was watching me. Scanning the róom with my eyes, nobody seemed to be paying attention to me. Everyone was on and about their business. Shrugging, I continued swaying to the music. " I see you are not as bad as you made it sound.” Logan commented, making me roll my eyes at him. " I am a fast learner. You can't compare me to the ladies you bed.” I spat. I don't know why I sounded bitter as I uttered those words. Perhaps because his behavior reminded me of a certain someone. “ You seem to have a grudge with me. It's our first time meeting and I don't think I've ever offended you." The guy commented and I shrugged. He was right, this happened to be the first time we were meeting. “ Don't be so full of yourself. I just hate Men who can't stick their d**k in one p***y and be satisfied." I replied. " Ouch! That really hurts Alpha Rivera. It's too unfortunate that you think so lowly of me. I can see that you are unmated. We could make a perfect couple.” Logan suggested and I had to fight the urge to vomit from his words. Perfect couple my ass. With a man like him it'd be better to remain unmated. " If you'll excuse me.” With the music coming to an end, I expressed my desire to leave the dance floor. “ Think about what I said, I'll be waiting." Logan whispered into my ears. Glaring at him, I walked away. Leaving the ballroom, I made my way outside to get some fresh air. “ Alpha Rivera huh? Seems like life treated you better after leaving my pack." A voice sounded from behind me, making me halt in my steps.
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