3 - Emergency Surgery

1072 Words
Jameson     As soon as we were back in the private room, Courtney went straight to Savannah and asked if she could examine her back.  Savannah calmly gave her the okay, but I could see her fear and anxiety swirling in those pretty, amber eyes.     Courtney instructed Savannah to sit with her legs hanging off the edge of the cot on the opposite side of her, and there was no stopping both of our eyes from going wide as saucers.  In addition to all of my mate’s ribs protruding from her lack of food and nourishment, her back and sides were littered with bruises and contusions.     The area that worried me the most stuck out like a sore thumb, despite all of those other injuries she had sustained.  I watched as Courtney gently pushed on that area, causing Savannah to hiss and wince from the pain.     A second later, my aunt professionally stated, “It’s a good thing Jameson found you when he did and brought you here.  There is damage to one of your internal organs, causing you to bleed inside of your body.  We need to perform an emergency surgery to repair the damage.”       With tears forming in her eyes, Savannah barely above a whisper responded, “Okay.”     Courtney quickly went through the motions of sedating Savannah.  As soon as my mate drifted into a state of unconsciousness, Courtney turned to me and anxiously babbled, “Jameson, this is a serious injury that requires a serious surgery.  I don’t have experience treating a human!”     I remembered my grandfather telling me stories about treating humans, so I went into my mind and asked, ‘Do you remember how to perform a major surgery on a human?”     ‘I do, and I will be happy to walk you through it!  You mate needs this, and I will be with you the whole way,’ he assured me with sympathy.     After Courtney and I both scrubbed in, he explained what area would be the best to cut into her.  As soon as we got to looking, it became clear that she didn’t have one bleeding organ, but two.     First, my grandfather walked me through the repairing of her liver, which had the worst bleed, then he walked me through the repairing of her right kidney.  When we were done with those, we double checked to make sure we didn’t miss any bleeds, and that’s when I noticed that her appendix was slightly swollen.       Knowing it could be an indication that she could also be suffering from the onset of appendicitis, I removed Savannah’s appendix before sewing her back up.  As soon as I was done, I quickly got myself cleaned up at the sink, then I pulled the stool over to her cot and sat down.     With Savannah’s hand cupped between mine creating weak sparks, I begrudgingly mumbled, “I don’t know if your father was the cause of all these injuries, but whoever did this to you is in for the beating of their life!  I promise to make anybody and everybody that has ever hurt you suffer in the worst of ways!” Savannah     I was nervous about undergoing a major surgery at the hands of werewolves, but I knew the severity of the situation.  I had learned about that while I was still in school.     I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but some time later, I could suddenly hear people talking, but I couldn’t open my eyes or move my body.  However, there was no mistaking the pain throughout my abdomen and back.     While trying to ignore the pain, I put my focus on the voices and realized it was Dr. Braden and his aunt.  I could also hear the sound of water running, then the room fell silent for almost a minute.     The next thing I knew, weak sparks made my hand tingle, letting me know that Dr. Braden was close by.  A second later, I heard him vow to make everybody who’s ever hurt me suffer.       I had no doubt in my mind that he was capable of holding his own, but my father is a huge man weighing close to 250 pounds with most of it being muscle.  That being said, Dr. Braden was sure to take a beating in the process.     Having the mysterious, werewolf doctor near me was a welcome distraction from the pain radiating with my body.  Hearing his words made me feel an emotion that had become completely foreign to me.  Happiness.     If I had been fully conscious with the ability to move, I would have done something that hadn’t occurred since my mom died.  My lips would have formed a genuine smile.     It was all very mind-boggling, and I wasn’t sure how I should feel about everything that was suddenly happening in my life.  It was strange how for the first time in my adult life, I actually felt the slightest bit of hope.       Maybe… just maybe… there was a better life waiting for me.  Could it really be possible that I’m “fated” by the “Moon Goddess” to be with this “werewolf?”     I had no clue if it was truly possible, but I did know that there was something special about this one.  He seemed to genuinely care about my well-being, and he had been completely honest with me, so far.     While being stuck in that weird state of unconsciousness, I came to the conclusion that I owed it to myself to explore this thing that was happening.  It couldn’t be worse than going home to my father and possibly getting beat to death.       If this ordeal had taught me anything, it was that I couldn’t keep allowing that awful man to hurt me over and over again.  If I didn’t stay away from him, I would never get the chance to be happy.       More than anything, I just wanted to be happy for a change.  If Jameson could bring me true happiness, he would be even more of a savior to me, than he was at that moment.  That thought alone was enough to give me a renewed reason to stay alive. 
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