4 - Savannah Regains Consciousness

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Jameson     Over the next hour and a half, I felt the sparks regain their strength, and that was such a relief.  It meant Savannah was healing, and at a faster pace than we had expected.     I would have loved for her to be awake with her beautiful, amber eyes opened wide, but it was nice to admire my mate without making her feel out of place.  It would have been easier if I were mated to another werewolf, but I could tell there was something very special about this human.       However, I was very worried about whether or not Savannah would be able to handle the transformation process into a werewolf after I put my mark on her.  I’ve heard about the process they go through, and if they aren’t strong enough, it can kill them.  I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if my mate died, all because of me marking her.     I would have to control myself and my wolf until I got her in better shape all around.  She had defined muscles in her arms, so I knew she wasn’t a complete weakling, but she was extremely malnourished, and that was a major concern.     Finally, I felt Savannah’s finger twitch before a pained groan sounded from her.  Right away, I jumped up and got her a cup of water, then I sat back down and asked, “Savannah, can you hear me?”     “Yeah,” she hoarsely croaked out before groaning again.     I was quick to set the water down, then I injected her with a mild pain medication.  After that, I kindly asked, “Would you like a drink of water?”     “Yeah,” she croaked out again, as she batted her thick eyelashes against the light above her.     I grabbed the cup and held it near her face, then I put the straw in her mouth.  Savannah eagerly sucked down the water, then she released the straw from her mouth and whispered, “Thanks.”     “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” I replied while setting the water down, then I returned to the seat beside her cot and asked, “How are you feeling?”     “Like I’ve been gutted like a fish,” she grumbled, followed by a wince from the pain.     “I just gave you more pain medication.  I will kick in shortly,” I assured her with confidence.     “What was wrong with me?” Savannah asked barely above a whisper.     “My dear, there was damage to your liver and right kidney that had to be repaired.  Also, your appendix was swollen and had to be removed.  You’re very lucky to be alive right now.  A few more hours of bleeding like that and there would have been no coming back from it,” I explained with a serious expression on my face.     Tears formed in her eyes before Savannah closed them and whispered, “What am I gonna do?  I can’t count on my father to take care of me.”     “Savannah, please tell me the truth.  Is he the one who did this to you?” I asked while taking her hand between mine.     Right away, she squeezed my hand and whispered, “Yes.”     It was incredibly hard for me to keep my composure up hearing her confirm my suspicions, but I managed to do it.  While letting her keep the grip she had on my one hand, I used the other to gently slide the tip of my finger over her stitched lip, as I mumbled, “He is also the asshole who did this right before I found you?”     Her eyes immediately opened wide with surprise, then she let go of my hand and slowly lifted hers.  After she grabbed ahold of my other hand, she kept me from moving away from her hurt lip and mumbled against my finger, “Your touch eases the pain a little.”     I smiled at my surprised mate and whispered, “It’s one of the many amazing things that come with having a mate.”     She tried to return the smile, but it hurt too much at that moment, causing her to give me a half smile instead.  Knowing what caused her pain, I couldn’t let her go back.  It wasn’t an option.       With that thought in mind, I gazed into her eyes and insisted, “You can’t go back there ever!”     “What am I gonna do?  Where am I going to live?  I don’t have a car, or money, or anything,” she hoarsely rambled.     I cupped my palm over her mouth, making her instantly go silent, then I assured my worried mate, “Savannah, you don’t need to worry about any of that!  You can stay with me, and I will give you the best care!”     “You would do that for a total stranger?” she asked with disbelief swirling in her pretty eyes.     “Sweetie, you are no stranger!  You are my mate, and it would be my pleasure to give you the love and care that you deserve!” I sweetly remarked with nothing but honesty.     That earned me a genuine smile from Savannah, despite the pain it caused on her lip.  Let me tell you, it was the prettiest smile I had ever seen, and I made a silent vow to earn a flash of that smile every day moving forward.     “Thank you,” she softly murmured.     “You are most welcome, my love,” I responded with sincerity.     A comfortable silence fell over us after that, and it wasn’t long before Savannah’s eyes started drooping.  I knew the pain medication was making her drowsy, so I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before whispering, “Get some rest, sweetie.”     It was so cute how she instinctively leaned into the kiss, then she turned her head and whispered, “You should do the same.”     I knew at that moment, I would never be able to let her go.  There Savannah was laid up in the pack hospital, and she was concerned about me getting some rest.       She might not realize it yet, but our mate bond was already working it’s magic, and I couldn’t wait to see what happens in the future.  No matter what, I planned to do whatever it takes to keep my special mate safe and happy.
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