9 - Another Round of Healing

1125 Words
Jameson     This time I took Savannah to my parents house, where me and my dad cleaned and stitched up her injuries.  Meanwhile, my mum held onto Savannah’s hands and used her Healing Ability to drastically speed up the process.     We stayed busy mending her wounds for a few hours straight, then my mum put a light blue nightgown on Savannah.  After that, my parents insisted that I stay for dinner.  Since Savannah was sleeping peacefully, I took them up on their offer.     While we ate the delicious chili my mum had slow cooked most of the day, my mum warily asked, “Jameson, what is really going on with your mate?  She has wounds similar to the ones I saw on your Aunt Coralanna.”     I swallowed the mouthful of food, then I nervously admitted, “I don’t know the full extent of what she’s been through.  When we found her today, she had been stripped naked and tied to a chair.  Her evil father and another guy were beating her mercilessly.”     “Son, she wasn’t just beaten.  She was also raped.  From the looks of it, this isn’t the first time either,” she informed me with concern swirling in her sea foam green eyes.     I had to take a deep breath to keep myself relatively calm, then I sheepishly admitted, “I know, mum.  When we performed surgery on her, me and Aunt Courtney also came to that conclusion.”     “That type of trauma leaves the deepest scars.  It might take her some time to fully warm up to you.  Try to stay patient with her,” my mum thoughtfully advised.     “Grandfather James gave me the same advice,” I sheepishly informed her.     Right away, a fond smile stretched across my mum’s face before she affectionately mumbled, “Your grandfather has always been a wise man.  He gives the best advice.”     “Yes, he does,” I said in agreement before taking another bite of the tasty chili.     That’s when my dad decided to join the conversation and anxiously stated, “Jameson, have you thought about how you are going to get your mate prepared for her first shift?”     “I’ve thought a little about it.  She might be an abused, malnourished human, but Savannah is stronger than she looks.  I think if we spend some time training and conditioning her body, she will be able to handle it,” I answered with confidence.     “Are you going to train with her?” he curiously inquired.     “I will train with her some, and I’m gonna ask Sydney to also help with her training,” I quickly responded, earning a pleased smile from my dad.     Matthew wasn’t my biological father, but he never treated me differently because of it.  He claimed me as his own, and he never let me down like my biological father would have done.       As soon as I was done eating, I gave my parents a hug and expressed my gratitude to them for helping me mend and heal Savannah.  With my mate sleeping in my arms, I walked to my room at the pack house.     A third of the way there, Savannah started to stir, then she groggily asked, “Where am I?”     “Sweetie, we are home.  I’ll have you back in bed in no time,” I sweetly assured her.     “Okay,” she mumbled before going limp in my arms again.     As soon as I reached my room, I gently laid Savannah on the bed, then I sat down on the edge.  While tenderly caressing her cheek, I softly murmured, “I’m so sorry, mate!  I was supposed to protect you, but I failed miserably.  Please, forgive me.”     To my surprise, she whispered, “You’re forgiven, Jameson!  How could I not forgive the man who’s saved me twice?” Savannah     I couldn’t believe Jameson was apologizing after he saved me a second time.  I was quick to let him know he was forgiven, then he expressed his happiness by leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my lips.       Instantly, those mysterious sparks quickly eased the lingering pain.  Wanting to keep his lips right where they were, I tangled my fingers in his soft hair and returned the sweet kiss.     I don’t know what got into me, but I couldn’t bring myself to let Jameson pull away from me.  When he tried, I fisted his hair and deepened the kiss by swiping my tongue over his plump lower lip.     Right away, he darted his tongue between my slightly parted lips and swirled it around mine, making my entire mouth tingle in the most wonderful way.  Never had I enjoyed kissing a man so much, and I could tell he was also enjoying the passionate kiss.     Our lips stayed glued together until I had to pull away in need of air.  By then, I had Jameson lying on the bed with me, and our limbs were completely entangled.  He had a hand resting on the back of my thigh, just below my ass, and I still had a set of fingers tangled in his hair.     While I was catching my breath, Jameson rested his forehead against mine and huskily mumbled, “Mate, I want to mark you so bad.”     “Will it hurt?” I questioningly replied, unable to remember if I had already asked him that.     He nuzzled his nose against mine and answered, “It might hurt for just a second, but the pleasure you will experience right after will far outweigh that little bit of pain.”     “What will happen after that?” I timidly asked.     “Our mate bond will strengthen, and a mind link will form between us,” he mumbled against my lips before giving me another kiss.     As soon as he pulled his lips away, I curiously asked, “What is a mind link?”     “It allows us to communicate with our minds,” Jameson responded between the trail of kisses he left along my jawline.     When those soft lips of his reached my neck and journeyed downward, all rational thought left my brain.  All I could think about was how amazing it felt to be kissed by Jameson.     The lower he went with those kisses, the hazier my mind got until I couldn’t think straight at all.  Suddenly, I felt something sharp scrape against my skin, then Jameson whispered, “Savannah, tell me to mark you.  Tell me you are mine.”
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