8 - Enhanced Senses

1332 Words
Jameson     One second I was watching Savannah pull up the wooden floor, the next second I was in a deep state of unconsciousness.  When I finally awakened a few hours later, I searched the entire house, but Savannah was nowhere to be found.     Right away, I mind linked Dexter and Jacob, asking them to help me find my mate and get her back.  After that, I got a good whiff of her father’s scent from his bed, then I left the house and made my way through the large city.     The entire time I was tracking their scents, I could feel Savannah’s pain.  It was only a small fraction of the pain she was experiencing, but it was enough to let me know she was seriously being put to the test, and I needed to find her with a quickness.     I lost Savannah’s scent early in the tracking, but I was able to keep tracking her father’s scent to the other side of the city.  I made sure to mind link Dexter my exact whereabouts, then I kept myself hidden in the shadows and scouted the house.     While I was waiting for my backup to get there, my mate’s pain intensified tenfold.  Feeling the need to get to her right then, I started closing in on the little gray house with black shutters.     As I got closer, I could smell another scent in the air, but it was clearly human, so I wasn’t the least bit worried.  I was almost to the porch when I heard Dexter’s voice come through our mind link, letting me know they were coming up behind me.     With full confidence in our fighting abilities, we stormed into that house with one objective in mind… save my mate.  Whatever happened in the process would simply be collateral damage as far as I was concerned. Savannah     I was forced to awaken by my father’s best friend, who was ripping the nice clothes off my body.  I tried to swat his hands away, but that only angered the brute of man, earning me a hard backhand across the face.     As soon as Benjamin got me naked, he did the most horrendous things to me.  For more than two hours, he used my body for his own gratification while using various tools to torture my most sensitive areas.     The entire time, my worthless father sat on a chair to the side and watched his friend take full advantage of me.  I made sure to stare my father in the eye as much as I could, and if I had the ability, I would have been shooting daggers at him.     I couldn’t believe he was okay with everything he had done to me in the past, or with what his friend was doing to me at that moment.  I screamed and pleaded for help, but it all fell on deaf ears.  Nobody was coming to help me.  Not even my supposed mate.     Jameson promised not to let this happen again, but there I was in another bad situation with my father.  If only I had waited to get my mom’s jewelry, then I wouldn’t have been put in another bad place.     By the time Benjamin was done having his way with me, I could feel the bruising on my inner thighs, and my insides felt like they had been split in two.  The thought of trying to stand literally made me cringe, as I laid on the hard floor crying.     The next thing I knew I was being dragged to the other side of the room, where my dad tied me to the chair he was previously sitting on. To my dismay, the two men took turns using me as a punching bag, and that led to me seriously believing I would never see the outside world again.     After a particularly hard blow to the side of my head, me and the chair fell over, but that didn’t stop the unnecessary assault.  If anything it only worsened, because it allowed them to repeatedly kick me on my abdomen, where I had recently undergone surgery.     I was barely staying conscious when I heard what sounded like a door getting kicked in followed by a loud growl that made the walls shake.  I tried to see what was happening, but my vision was too blurred from the swelling and tears.     Less than a minute later, those mysterious sparks erupted on my ankles, where they were tied to the chair.  A second later, I felt those same sparks on my wrists, then my body was lifted into the air.     Unable to see or smell anything, I had to trust that Jameson was the one carrying me.  He was the only one who ever made my skin tingle, and I prayed for it to be him, since I could feel myself quickly losing the battle to stay awake. Jameson     The first thing I saw was two large men standing over my mate, who was tied to a chair and badly beaten.  Enraged by the condition she was in, and the fact that these two men were obviously in the middle of kicking my mate when she couldn’t defend herself.     Jacob and Dexter must have felt the same way, because they didn’t hesitate to pounce on those assholes.  Meanwhile, I rushed to free Savannah from the ropes holding her to the little wooden chair.  She groaned a few times in pain, but that was all the noise Savannah made.     As soon as I cut the rope, I scooped Savannah up in my arms, then I ran out of the house.  The second my feet hit the lawn, I dropped to my knees and took a good look at Savannah.     Tears of sadness stung behind my eyelids, as I studied her bruised and swollen face.  Both of her eyes were swollen shut, and she had several large gashes where her flesh   split open.  I was scared to see the rest of her injuries, but I needed to make sure her previous internal injuries weren’t another concern.       By the time I was done analyzing the damage, Dexter and Jacob had joined me outside.  Without asking any questions, Jacob helped me to my feet, then I carried Savannah to his car, which was only a few houses down.     On the way to my car, I asked the guys if they killed Savannah’s father.  To my surprise, they left those disgusting men alive, and I immediately wanted to go back, but they insisted it was for the best, claiming that we couldn’t draw attention to our species.     Not wanting to pick a fight with my friends who had just helped me save Savannah, I dropped the subject.  When we reached my car, I asked if they would stay with Savannah for a few minutes.     After they agreed, I rushed back into Richard’s house and straight to the room where Savannah was pulling up the baseboards.  I made quick work of yanking a few more up, then I spotted a small jewelry box.  With haste, I snatched the box and sprinted out of that house.     I ran straight to my car and opened the passenger door, then I leaned in and set the jewelry box on the driver’s seat.  Not wanting to be there any longer than necessary, I rushed back to Jacob’s car and lifted Savannah out of the back seat.     Before closing the car door, I thanked the guys for coming to my aid, then I ran to my car and put Savannah on the passenger seat with it laid all the way back.  Seeing how bad she looked gave me the motivation to drive faster than ever before, and I made record time driving home from the city.
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