Book 1: Trouble In Paradise

1560 Words

Raven snuggled closer to the warm chest and sighed contentedly. She had become used to the delicious smell of Ralph and the warmth of his arms around her waist. Her eyes flew open at the realization and took in the bare chest of a sleeping Ralph right in front of her. So it wasn’t a dream after all. He was indeed on her bed. His arm was around her waist and his muscular, thick leg pinned her down, trapping her underneath him. Gazing at his relaxed features, she touched his cheek, stroking it softly with the back of her hand. To her horror, he suddenly opened his eyes, burning her with his fiery gaze. “If you touch me, sweet Raven, I can’t guarantee that I’d be able to keep control,” he whispered hoarsely. Raven instantly dropping her hand as if stung. Ralph released her slowly and rolled

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