"Devil lover"part 1

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In that dark room that does not enter the sunlight. Its wild colors, full of smashed dolls, some scorched, and torn stuffed bears The girl in her twenties is in the middle of the medium-sized bed. She wakes up in the restlessness of coalitions, disturbed by the sound of a knock on her room door, to enter that elderly maid with a tray of food and a cup of milk to sit in front of her with a liter of warm smile and the other still closes her eyes even though she is sitting almahshui alaizariq litrih ayah . "Good morning Nana," she said in a childlike tone, opening her eyes "Come on, have your breakfast quickly, my dear. Your doctor will see you today." She frowned, uttering an innocent childish tone, "No, I don't. I promised Fuffy that I would have a tea party in his honor today." The old woman responded with amazement, "Who is Fuffy?!" "Fuffy is my new teddy bear, sir, brought him to me yesterday, I want to know him for all my blood here." After she got up from her bed, she went to that blue stuffed bear to show him. Look, bring him to me yesterday," her maid smiled, joking tenderly with the little woman. "But, my dear, don't you want to be old?" To answer her after she sat down again on the bed, "Yes, I would like to... to marry the prince that you told me about in Beauty and the Beast." The maid laughed at her innocence, wiped her cheeks and said, "Do you want to marry the beast?!" She nodded her head several times with naivety, saying, "I will not marry the handsome prince after he turns from a monster to a prince." The maid smiled, "You don't have to love him as a beast to turn into a handsome prince." With the enthusiasm of the children, Sohani said, "Yes, I know.. and I will love him in all his forms, whether he is a beast or a handsome prince. The important thing is that he loves me too and that he takes me with him to his palace far from this lonely place." The old woman straightened, bent down to her level, kissed her forehead and stroked her hair, sighing with grief, “Who wouldn’t love you, my little girl, come on, have your breakfast and get yourself ready for the doctor to come to treat you so that you can grow up and marry the prince, and then how I hope you will be freed from this prison.” And she came out of her room, to hug the other teddy bear and say with a gentle frown, "Ahhh, Fuffy, when will my prince come and take me from here?" ''Here we are.” After that old doctor took the syringe out of the arm of the girl who shivered at her sight, “Come on, honey, don’t be afraid, she didn’t hurt you right.” The doctor added that to her, to answer him childishly, "Not much, have we finished the treatment?" "Yes, of course," he finished, and she got off the bed and went to her old maid. To get that doctor out of there, and as soon as he came out, he received a call "Yes sir,...don't worry her condition will not improve even a hair....especially with these needles that she is using, I assure you that she will never recover" he ended his speech to that man from the side. Hanbin, her stepfather, who became the director of all their companies for the manufacture and trade of medicines after he inherited them from her after her death, to sit on the throne of all her chains of companies. "I will not kill you so easily before I get what I want, and I swear to you that this great loss that you suffered yesterday will pay you Suhani's wish, just be patient, big girl." After he heard a knock on the door, that man of forty entered to say, "Sir, it seems that Mr. Kim Chin-ban burned down with the building in Tokyo last night, and they found no trace of him." That old man smiled and said maliciously, "That's fine, I would have killed him in the first place if he got out of there alive... Thank God that file they probably didn't find, it was burned too." “Yes, sir, it seems so.” Leaving his office, after the other lit his cigarette, leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes, enjoying his scent as he drank from a glass of wine, perhaps he might extinguish even a little bit of the losses that happened to him from what happened last night. Previously last night Zero hour has struck the streets of Tokyo, the capital of Japan. From that tall building, the hawk-eyed looks at the building in front of it, and darkness surrounds it from all sides in his black leather dress, which highlights every sign of his slender body, with a belt on his waist. "Our goal tonight is to tear down this building before dawn," he said calmly, with a deep voice reflecting his coldness. And the one behind him hears him only, sitting while embracing the laptop with his hands and fiddling with its buttons with complete professionalism without ever looking away from him, “Man, you are wanted and desperately wanted in the sites of the hired killers in the dark web.” “Ahhh… stop having fun, do your work, hurry up.” Jungkook said fidgetingly and slightly irritated "I've already finished it..I've hacked all their systems and their security..I only have one click and I'm waiting for your orders" "Let's do it now." He finished his words so that they both turned their eyes to the building to witness the power outage, "As usual, well done Jimin...." He smiled blushingly as he adjusted his waist belt so that a very thin thread would come from it and meet the edge of the intended building, "Tae Jin...now!!" He said his words through a small headphone that was attached to his ear to hear directly the sounds of small explosions echoing from the building to spread the screams of people in all parts. People came out of the building after all the police cars, ambulances and firefighters gathered, all of this was on his eyes, and he said through his headphones, "Hoseok, did you finish your work.." Hoseok: "Yeah, I put a tracking device in his suit after the meeting ended." Jungkook: "That's fine. He definitely won't get out of this building before he takes him...because it's literally more important than his life." He completed his words to see his phone dipped. He continued, "The goal is moving, it's my turn... Jimin, after the teams meet here, let me know." Jimin: "Hey captain..." He did not allow him to complete his sentence to soar into the sky, and indeed it was like something hidden, with the blackness of the night and the blackness of his leather clothes protruding every inch of the curves of his slender and muscular body. He said through his headphones again, "Jimin, did you unplug the surveillance cameras?" Jimin: "Yeah, captain, it's been a while." "And did you make sure that the building was evacuated..." "Yeah, only some civilians are left looking for that bastard... and all the team members are now starved." "It's fine when I give you the signal and they blew up the whole place." "But what about you, will you be okay?" "Haha, don't worry about me..." He ended his speech with his devil's smile to find himself in the company hallway, sneakily sneaking in, even though the place was completely empty, except for the one whose curses you hear everywhere, he entered his office to open the safe after he entered a code word to bring out a precise machine I wiped the net of his eyes to open that sophisticated safe and finally, he took out a red file to say, “If I die today, you will die with me too, my little one.” As Jungkook approaches him with steps that reflect his charisma and gift, directing those sharp and terrifying looks and a smile that is not devoid of irony, "I am the Grim Reaper." He bent down to his level and said, "I think this thing belongs to me." He turned to look at the file and the other shouted. "No matter what happens, I won't let you take it." The majestic straightened up and pulled out a g*n from behind his back, "Okay, that's okay, though it's disgusting to pull him out of your filthy blood." But that's okay to point his g*n at the one who's terrified, "Who the hell are you?!..." I told you I'm the one who'll take your soul out today because I'm the black devil my dear and killing you with a pistol just believe me I swear it's a mercy from me.." The latter added a voice like the hissing of snakes, so that terror would dwell in the heart of the other, as soon as he heard the name of the black devil, as he is an internationally wanted criminal to run away like a mouse. But no way, do you think that you will be delivered from the one who called himself the Grim Reaper?! Jungkook grumbled, rubbing his hands on his forehead, “Oh, damn it… I hate this, why don’t you let me kill you in peace, I just don’t have time, I’m drowsy.” He finished his sentence to turn to the fugitive behind him to direct a bullet to his leg, and he fell on the ground to head for him, bent down to his level and He raised the file in his hand, turning it around in amazement, saying, "Then that's what will bring you to the bottom." "Please I'm begging you don't kill me...ok take him but leave me in peace" he said while crying while hugging the other's foot to get Jungkook on his knees again "Haha, why do I have to do that?" Smiling pretends innocence "I'll give you anything you want, just don't kill me." But I got what I really wanted...ahh okay okay just because you're crying I'm going to kill you without torturing you" He stood in front of him, pointing a bullet at him that centered in the middle of his forehead, as he fell to his knees, so he went to the big office window to open it standing on the edge "Damn there's nothing Nearby…..Jimin, can you hear me?!” "Yeah clearly" "It's time to blow it up." "But we haven't seen you come out yet...Are you sure?" “Yes, now.” He finished, jumping out of the window, followed by the sound of the big bang. On the roof of that majestic building where the rest of the members clearly watched that loud explosion “Do you guys think he’ll be okay?!” Namjoon spoke worriedly "Yeah, definitely don’t forget who it is.” Jimin calmed him down as he turned to the two others standing behind him. “You did well as usual by making such a huge and wonderful explosion.” Jin and Tae looked at each other after smacking each other's palms, "Yeah, sure, there's no one more experienced than us." They both smirked “Guys, Jungkook hasn’t shown up yet.” Namjoon spoke worriedly again, “I’m starting to worry too,” Hoseok said. Actually everyone there was worried about him to hear that voice over the radio "Guys answer, damn it!!!! Jimin "Yeah Yoongi, I can hear you clearly now." Yoongi over the radio: "So shall I pick you up or meet at the headquarters?" Jimin: "Yoongi Jungkook, I don't know, but I'm afraid something bad happened to him during the explosion." In complete concern, he replied to hear that voice that made his soul reside in him again. "What are you talking about, I'm here and I'm fine. Come on, everyone. Our mission is over, as usual." Jungkook said over the radio, Yoongi smiled at the other one. "Oh, Commander, thank God you are fine. We were worried about you all." As soon as he finished his sentence, Namjoon snatched the radio from his hand "You reckless f*****g bastard, I'm going to kill you when I meet you, how can you make me worry like that about you?!!!" He addressed his words at once to him, screaming until Jungkook pulled the radio away from his ear, "Hey dude, my eardrums will be punctured... The headphones fell when I jumped. Well, the important thing is that we are above you in the jet plane, the stairs will come down now, everyone go up." He completed his words, so that they all raised their heads to find that black plane, and with the darkness of the night, nothing appeared of it, flying over their heads at a distance of 50 meters, so that a rope hangs from it in the form of a ladder for them all to climb. And as soon as they entered it, the first of them was Namjoon, who hugged Jungkook with insults that did not leave him, "You scum, you will cause me a heart attack one day every time you do this to me." Jungkook grinning, “Ahhh… get away from me, you motherfucker, you’re going to strangle me when you get used to this. Nothing can defeat me.” He ended his words with a joking tone to get away from him, Namjoon wrapping his shoulders in his hands “You are my little brother and it’s my duty to worry about you no matter who I am. The black devil remembered this, while brotherly feelings penetrated between them “Oh, you two are in a drama, Yoongi, take us to the nearest club from here.” Jin said as he pretended to complain, only to receive a slight blow to the head from Hoseok"Can't you think of nothing else but this, you punk?" "We'll go back to Korea..there's nowhere else to go. I'm bored here." Yoongi said coldly to drive away from that infernal chaos as some called it, and it's only hours to reach their headquarters located in the margins of Seoul in a mountain forest, which is a large house overlooking the sea, All of them got off the small plane after entering that huge hall decorated with the most luxurious artifacts and luxurious furniture, with a giant screen in the middle, as soon as they lit it until the first thing that was shown was their chaos. "A branch of the large and famous Kang Pharmaceutical Company, located in Tokyo, was subjected to a huge explosion that completely destroyed it with a huge fire that firefighters have not yet been able to put out, and the search teams are still searching for the CEO of this branch, Mr. Kim Chen, and he has no trace of him.. and as usual. No one is attacking in this horrific way except the black devil who has become a wanted criminal globally. No one knows anything about him. Does he work alone or with a g**g or is he even human... He has not left behind him nor a trail that the police has led to him for years while he is on.. (") He didn't let the talk about him end, turning off the TV, and began to take out that file from under his shirt and throw it on that big and luxurious glass table to exclaim, "This is our key to getting them to hell... Hoseok. Study the file carefully so we can know how we're going to start our plan that we've already had." drew the end Hoseok picked him up and said, "Don't worry, it'll be easier than what I did today." “It reminds me that you are a good actor in addition to being a very good lawyer,” Jimin said while resting his hand on the other’s shoulder. Hoseok: "Oh, sure, but I'm not lying to you. I was really nervous, afraid of being exposed because I was pretending to be a financier." Tae: "Man, even I cheated on you. I'm sure if you hadn't taken the legal path, you would have become a famous actor." Jin maliciously wrapped his arms around Hoseok's shoulder, "Come on, admit Hobi, weren't you acting on girls when you were dating them?" Hoseok rubs the back of his head, "Honestly, I learned acting when I was dating two girls at the same time." "You're exposed, you bastard!" Jin said, making everyone laugh, except for Jungkook and Yoongi, who seemed to be sleepy. Jungkook "Overall well done everyone tonight, come to your rooms we still have a lot to do tomorrow this is just the beginning" he spoke coldly as he walked to his room leaving them both. He went into his room to remove his jacket and shirt, revealing the upper part of his body, which appears to be engraved with those prominent muscles in his arm, chest and stomach, but blood runs from his shoulder to cover his body. He touched his wound hard to remember how that bottle entered his shoulder during the explosion before his thin string caught the jet. He pulled the bottle from it to curse inside. He took the first aid kit out of the stairs to sterilize him after he took a shower, put on cotton pants and slept on his stomach while he was bare-chested.
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