"Devil lover" part 2

1019 Words
After the morning came upon them, here they are gathered in that large hall around that luxurious glass bench, and each of them sits drowsily, preparing for Jungkook. Hoseok says, “Guys, I tried to study this file last night and summarized what I concluded here in this little notebook, I don't want to start explaining before Jungkook comes Jung Hoseok, 28 years old, after studying law and law for several years, became a public prosecutor, but after he overthrew a large company in one of his sessions and after he refused the bribes they offered him, he won them to take revenge on him by making him lose his job and his reputation because of his accusation that he takes the bribe to lose everything His reputation, his job and his future.. He decides to commit suicide before Namjoon finds him, and since he is his friend from university days, he secures a job to become his lawyer for his company, a member of his brother's g**g, and undertakes all legal matters concerning them, forging papers, money laundering, etc...] Tae replies, "So what time is it today to wake him up?" Kim Tae Hyung: He is 22 years old, a student at Seoul University, but he doesn't have anyone, neither family nor anything. He lived a poor life. He didn't even have money to cover his studies and living expenses. He studied with Jin in the same high school, he always had experience in the field of explosives and other things. From his love of reading and curiosity about it, and before joining the university, he joined the small Jungkook g**g so that he could earn his living expenses and also change his life, and he developed into a maker of real explosives instead of just reading about them to become a professional in that field after he became responsible for everything related to grenades, gas and team equipment] Everyone looked at Jin, "What.?! It's impossible not me, look at the trace of his punch that is still on my handsome face." He spoke while showing them his face pointing to his cheek.. [Kim Seokjin: age 23, the smartest student in his university and in his city and among the first in the final examination of secondary education in Korea because he has a high ability in analysis, comprehension and memorization to be a rare talent, but losing his mother, the only member of his family due to cancer, made him break and because of lack of His ability to save her treatment expenses, I swear to become a surgeon in order to treat those with few financial needs at the cheapest prices so that no one will face what he faced, but he still suffers from financial problems to join Jungkook's team after Jungkook offered this to him to become the team's best planner in drawing complex plans and analyzing all the details .] Jimin fidgeted, "Ah, the same scenario is repeated every day, okay, I'll go."... [Park Jimin: 25 years old, he did not finish high school after being adopted by a secret organization working to gather all the talented people in the field of programming to make them subject to it. Something and decided to help him, after giving him a new identity to become the hacker who all matters of penetrating security and complex systems for companies, factories and banks is his specialty due to his skill in that]. He said that to stand towards Jungkook's room to be called by Namjoon after he threw a pillow to him "Take it you will need it...Good luck"..... [Jeun Namjoon: age 28, Jungkook's older brother, a famous fashion designer who runs a large fashion company... After his parents and younger sister died, he and his brother remained only the only member of his family supporting each other in everything, whether financially or morally, his character is the opposite His brother is a peaceful, fun and sane being, and Jungkook is only two years older. Jimin looked back after rolling his eyes fidgeting. Yoongi coldly fidgeted, "Oh s**t, I can't believe we do this every morning." [Yoongi... the age is not specified, but he seems to be over thirty by a year or two. A former soldier of the Korean army after he was wounded in one of the battles was abandoned, believing that his comrades had died, but he was not. He struggled with death until Jungkook found him in the woods. He was helpless to treat him throughout his coma, which lasted a month, to wake up losing his memory. The only thing he knows about himself is his name, which was embroidered on his handkerchief, which is basically an incomplete name so that he knows who he is exactly. He joined him as he was grateful for saving his life and also that he has no one now but him, after he discovered that he had experience in piloting helicopters and warplanes and the use of various types of weapons and his experience in combat enlightenment of course since he is a former soldier to become his first assistant in combat matters and also a driver for their private plane after they brought it specially for their difficult tasks] He knocked on the door to the room several times, but there was no response, so Jimin opened the door and walked inside very cautiously until he was in front of him. Jungkook, Jungkook man, why are you sleeping so heavy?! " He leaned over to put his hand on his bare shoulder to wake him up, but in the blink of an eye, Jungkook flung him on the other side of his bed and climbed onto him trying to punch him. Jimin shouted, "Stop!!!! It's Jungkook, I'm Jimin... Please don't hit me." After closing his eyes hard while waiting for the other's punch... he opened his eyes again after Jungkook walked away from him, wiping the sweat on his forehead with both hands, "I told you many times not to wake me up like this.. I will definitely kill one of you one day."
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