Caleb Anderson.

1327 Words

Caleb "Hi. I'm Khloe Miller Evans. Who are you, Sir?" I blinked. Multiple times, I did. I stared at her, making sure she was there and I was not hallucinating. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. It opened many times, attempting to say something, but I just stuttered. I swallowed the huge lump in my throat. I looked at her hand that was still there, waiting for me to take it for a handshake. My eyes shifted back to her face. She was watching me intently. Her forehead creased as she frowned. "Uh..." She trailed off. Her opened palm slowly closed. She was about to draw her hand back, but I quickly took it. And just like that, my body felt weird again. There were sparks every time we touched. As cheesy and dramatic as it sounded, but the static was really there

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