Khloe Evans.

1023 Words

Caleb Opening the driver's side, I followed her out of the truck. She hopped out all of a sudden. I was confused. I didn't know why her attitude just changed all in a second. Did I say something wrong? I rounded the truck and scanned the surroundings for her. I saw her ahead. She was standing there at the podium above the shore. I stayed behind her as she stared ahead. The long dress that she was wearing flew freely with the wind. She looked like a goddess there. I couldn't stop staring at her. She walked towards the cemented railing above the shore. For a few moments, I just watched her like that, but I just couldn't stay behind her. Slowly, I walked towards her just a few steps from her back. Softly, I called out for her. "Ma'am." She turned around, wiping her eyes. I frowned. Had

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