
1321 Words
Caleb My graduation day came rather quickly. And I couldn't be happier. Uncle Chuck, her wife, and my cousins were there waiting for my name to be called. Most importantly, Callum was there too, anticipating for his big brother to step on the stage and receive his diploma. I couldn't be more excited. "Masters in Business Administration. Anderson, Caleb Scott." Of course, I was first on the list because because names were arranged in alphabetical order. I walked up to the stage, received my diploma and shook hands with our Dean and other distinguished visitors like the guest speaker. When I got down on the stage, I raised my diploma to let my family see it. I was smiling so wide as they gave me thumbs up for a good job. I knew I made them proud. Education is so important. In such competitive world, it is must for all to have good education. The importance of higher education has become increasing in getting good jobs and position. Proper education creates lots of ways to go ahead in the future. It makes us strong mentally, socially and intellectually by increasing our knowledge level, technical skills and good position in the job. This was the reason why I studied straight to the Masters degree. Going back to my seat, I waited, witnessing the graduation ceremony until it finally ended. My batchmates were so happy, screaming as they threw their hat up in the air. I didn't waste time anymore. Once I got up from my seat, I went to where my family was waiting for me. "Congratulations, Caleb!" They all screamed as I approached them. I hugged Callum first. I frowned I heard him sniff. I broke the hug and held him by the shoulders. "Are you crying?" He shrugged my shoulders off. "What? No!" But, he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand which made me laugh. "Come on." "I'm just happy for you." "Thank you, bro." We bumped fists. Uncle Chuck hugged me so tight. "Congratulations, son. We're so proud you." My eyes prickled with tears when he said that. "Thank you so much, Uncle Chuck. You've helped me a lot." He broke the hug and I was attacked my another set of arms, of my cousins. "Ugh. I can't breathe. You're crushing me." Anne and Ana laughed as they finally let go of me. "Congratulations, Caleb! We're so proud of you." I couldn't help the smile on my face. "Thank you so much, twins." They were identical twins. Both have the same face shape, dark hair and gray eyes. They have the same height as well. We identify them by looking at their cheekbones. Anne had freckles over her left cheekbone. Ana's were on her right cheekbone. I love these two. They were like the sisters Callum and I never had. They were now in Senior High School. I had to admit that I was so overprotective of them like their Dad. "Congratulations, Caleb. You've made it." Daniella, Uncle's Chuck wife hugged and kissed me on the cheek. I hugged her back. "Thank you so much." "So, what are we waiting for? Let's celebrate!" Uncle Chuck proclaimed. "Yes! Where to?" Ana asked. I slung an arm over the twin's shoulder, side by side as we started walking to the parking lot. Callum was walking with Uncle Chuck and Daniela. I realized I was so lucky and blessed to have them as my family. I couldn't be more grateful for them. If it weren't for Uncle Chuck, I wouldn't be able to study college and Callum wouldn't be able to attend school. I owed my uncle so much. "What are you thinking?" Anne suddenly asked. "How lucky I am to have you all as my family." I answered. "We're lucky too to have you as our brother even if you act so overprotective over us sometimes." I chuckled. "I just want to make sure the boys won't hurt you too. Or else, they'll get a piece of my fist." "You're so scary, you know." Ana complained. "Ana Marie, I have to look scary." "You already look scary." I laughed as I let go of them. We had reached the parking lot already. Uncle Chuck turned to me. "Brett's Grill?" I smiled at the mention of the restaurant. "Yes, please." Brett's Grill was our ultimate favorite. They serve the best grilled meat and steak. Brett, obviously the owner, was a friend of Uncle Chuck. Every time we wanted to celebrate a special occasion, we would go there. "Brett's Grill! Come on, let's go. I'm starving." Callum anticipated. "Yeah, yeah. Come on. Get in the car. Ana and Anne, you go with Caleb." "Sure, Dad." They chorused. I opened the back seat door of my truck and let the twins get settled. I got in the driver's seat. I just started the car and was about to maneuver out of the parking lot when someone whispered behind me. "Can I drive?" I shook my head. "Behave yourself, Anne Mary." She huffed and took her seat back. I drove after Uncle Chuck. The road was very busy. It was New York City, after all. "Caleb." "Yes, Ana." "Some guy wants to court me." "No." "Let me finish first." "Go ahead." "So, his name is Nick-" "Jonas?" She groaned as she glared at me in the mirror. "I'm serious." I was holding my laughter. "Alright. Go ahead." "He's a year older than me. He's really nice. I like him too. But, I told him that he has to meet you, Mom, and Dad first." "Great. When we'll we meet him?" "Oh, you're okay with that. Some guy wants to court me too. His name is-" "Joe?" I cut Anne off. "Joe? Who's Joe?" She didn't get my joke. But when she realized it, she slapped my shoulder. "What? No. Come on. I'm serious too." "Okay, okay. Let me know when we should meet them." "Alright." They said simultaneously. And might I add, they sounded do happy. "We're here." I slowed down and parked my truck beside Uncle Chuck's Range Rover. We all walked to the entrance altogether. "Chuck man! Welcome back!" Brett and Uncle Chuck did their manly hug. "Yeah. Caleb graduated Masters today and we want to celebrate." "Oh, great. Congratulations, Caleb." He shook my hand. "Thank you, Brett." "Come here. I've reversed a table for the whole family." How did he know we're coming over? "I texted him before going here." "Oh." "Yeah. Come on, let's take our seats." We took our seats and picked up the menu. "Good evening, Ma'am, Sir. I'm Edward and I'll be your waiter for tonight." "I'll have Aged Black Angus Prime Ribs and Warm White Chocolate Bread Pudding for Dessert." Ana said. "Me too." Anne added. Twins, indeed. "I'll have Sauteed Chicken Breast and Fried Chicken Tenderloins. Deep Dish Apple Pie for dessert." "I'll have Fried Chicken Tenderloins, Short Smoked Grilled Salmon, and Louisiana Pasta. Warm Flourless Chocolate Waffle for my dessert, please." Daniela smiled at the waiter. Uncle Chuck frowned at his wife. "Are you going to finish them all?" Daniela glared at her husband. "Yes, why?" Uncle Chuck looked away from her and cleared his throat. "Nothing." I shook my head at their banter. "I'll have Black Angus Rib Eye Steak, Mixed Greens Salad, and Warm Flourless Chocolate Waffle." I told the waiter. He turned to Callum. "Alright. How about you, Sir?" "Can I have Mac 'n Cheese, Grilled Pork Chop, and Warm White Chocolate Bread Pudding, please?" "Sure, Sir. Thank you so much. Your orders will be served after a few minutes." "Thank you." We said simultaneously. After what seemed like ten if fifteen minutes, our food finally arrived. It was funny because we dug in right away. We were so hungry. No words spoken, just enjoyed eating until Uncle Chuck brought something up that made my spoon stopped mid air.
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