Oh, no.

1129 Words
Khloe "Hey, baby. I miss you so much." I picked baby Scarlet from her crib and cradled her in my arms. I showered kisses on her face as she kept babbling in her own language. "Thank you so much, Khloe. I really owe you a lot." "No problem, Aunt Kate. Besides, I love this baby so much." Aunt Kate smiled sweetly at me. "You two look so adorable." I laughed. "Come on. Take a picture of us." I fished my phone out of pocket and gave to her. I posed with baby Scarlet in my arms as Aunt Kate took a picture of us. "Here." Kate gave me my phone back. I looked at the picture and smiled. Indeed, we looked so adorable. "So, I'll leave you two now? Thank you again, Khlow." I smiled at her. "You're welcome." Just in time, Lucas, her husband descended the stairs and walked to her wife. They looked so perfect dressed in their elegant dress and suit. Lucas kissed Kate on the cheek and I just admired them. "Hey, Khloe. Thank you for coming over." "It's my pleasure, Lucas. I also want to spend time with my cute baby cousin." He laughed and went to kiss his daughter on the forehead. "Be a good girl to Khloe, baby. We'll be back soon." Scarlet just laughed in response and slapped Lucas in the face. "Ow." I chuckled. Kate also kissed Scarlet before they walked out of the house and waved goodbye to us. When the door closed, I sat on the couch in the living and made Scarlet stand up on my lap. I made sure to hold her hand as I made a face in front of her, which made her laugh so hard. "What are we going to do now, baby Scarlet?" She started crying all of a sudden. "Oh, no. What's wrong? Do you want something? Do you want your milk?" "Mama." She cried. Oh no. This is bad. "I want Mama." "Mama is not here, baby." I stood up and swayed. She began throwing a tantrum by thrashing around and wailing. "Baby, please. Stop crying. Sshhh. Sshh." I picked up her feeding bottle with the milk and tried to give it to her, but she just moved her head away, refusing to drink her milk. She doesn't want milk. Okay. I picked a teddy bear. "Here. Mama Khloe is here for you. Right, Teddy?" I looked at the Teddy bear which I had waved in front of ger face. She looked at it for a second before wailing and crying again. I sighed as I rocked her in my arms. "Ssshh. Sshhh. I'll call your Mama now." I sat down on the couch and dialed Kate's number. Good thing, she answered on the first call. "Hey, Aunt Kate. I'm so sorry to disturb your date, but can I bring Scarlet to the park? She's throwing a tantrum. I just want to distract her and let her enjoy." "Sure, Khloe. No problem." "Thank you. Bye." "Bye." I put my phone back in the bag. Thankfully, Scarlet had stopped crying. I didn't know it was that hard to look out for a toddler until now. "Alright, baby. Let's go to the park and play around!" "Park!" She shouted. "Park, yey! We'll go there." I put Scarlet back in her crib. I felt relieved when she didn't cry and just stood there, staring at me. I started packing our things, her milk, diapers, snacks, and towels in a backpack. When I was done, I slung the backpack over my shoulders as well as my shoulder bag. "Alright, come here." I picked up Scarlet in my arms. I walked out of their house and locked its door. The park was not that far from us. In fact, it was just a ten- minute walk. I decided to just walk there. Besides, I couldn't drive my car with Scarlet. I didn't know where her car seat was. I also wanted to breathe some fresh air as we walk there as see the surroundings. "Bird!" Scarlet shouted when she a bird flying from the branch of a tree. "Very good." She laughed as she clapped her hands. Since she was already two years old, she has gained some weight as she grew up. She started to feel heavy in my arms so I put her down to let her walk. She clasped my hand as we walked together to the park. I knew the people we passed by probably thought that I was the mother. Actually, I didn't mind because I would be proud to have a kid. Being a mother was the greatest of all. I'm proud of all mothers out there. They had been through so much before becoming a mother. My mom told me all her cravings, pain and sacrifices when we were still in her stomach. But, she said it was all worth it after pushing a kid out of your womb. It might be very painful, but the happiness when you hear the cry of the baby after pushing him or her out was priceless. I smiled at the thought as I looked at Scarlet walked happily. I knew someday, I would experience that happiness. I've always wanted that. If God and time will allow. If He will give me the man I'm destined to be with. I never had a boyfriend since birth. I actually was boyish because I grew up with my brother and Aiden. In college, I tried hanging out with girls, but it just didn't feel right. They were so girly and I had realized they just wanted to hang out with me because I was a daughter of Rob and Sophie Evans. I found out they were up to something. To make it short, they were just using me. The worst thing was that, they backstabbed me. So, I had to stop hanging out with them. I stayed away from them. I didn't realized we had reached the entrance of the park until I heard Scarlet shouted. "Park!" "Where do you want to go?" She looked up at me. It happened so fast, she suddenly let go of my hand and ran in the direction of the bridge. I panicked as I ran after her. "Scarlet!" She just stepped on the bridge when I caught her in my arms. "Don't do that again, please." I was about to walk further on the bridge when my eyes fell on the person on the other side of the bridge. Him. We locked eyes. The boy he was with suddenly said something to him which made him look away from me and turn to the boy. I took it as a chance to turn around and ran away.
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