Ch. 11

1299 Words

CHAPTER ELEVEN: ~Avery: Hurt came over the handsome man’s - Drake’s face. Oh. My. God. He’s serious. I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be this surprised. I exist. Why wouldn’t other otherworldly creatures exist? I felt a need to comfort him, to take away the hurt I caused. “I’m sorry,” I reached out a hand to touch his cheek but thought better of it when it was halfway up and yanked it down to my side. Why would I touch a stranger? “I just didn’t know… I’ve never met a werewolf…” He smiled. I thought my insides would melt. My God, how could he get even more handsome? My insides felt like they were glowing. “And you are a-?” he asked me again. I almost pushed back again before I felt the need to tell him. “I don’t know,” I said in a whisper. I guess it was his turn to look confused.

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