
1120 Words

CHAPTER TEN: ~Drake: “Drake?” Archer said again at my side. My heart beat frantically, faster than the beat of the music thrumming through the bar. Everything felt too hot, too loud. Go to Mate, Dane ordered me. And my foot moved forward before I stepped back for a second. This couldn’t happen to me. I was too restless, too different and dark - and in too much sh*t with my Alpha. GO, Dane ordered again. He whined when I stood still. “I can’t-” I began to say, turning to Archer. “I can’t have a mate.” Archer moved to stand in front of me and grabbed hold of both of my shoulders. “Holy Goddess Above,” he said breathlessly. “She’s here? Where?” He looked around the bar. I pushed him away. “I can’t have a mate Arch. You don’t understand.” I looked at my shoes. Fighting Dane’s barki

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