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7 RE-REWAKENING William was starting to drift off to sleep when his daughter entered the room. He could see how worried she was by her expression. “How are you, Dad?” “I’m all right, Becky; in fact, I am feeling stronger by the minute. It is good to see you again”. “We have all been so worried about you”. “I’m really sorry to have been such a nuisance...” He was searching his memory, “It was you who found me this morning, wasn’t it?” He watched her looking around for advice. A nurse nodded. “You think that you fell ill this morning, do you, Dad?” “It is rather hazy, was it yesterday?” He saw Becky look at the nurse again. “It was eight days ago, Dad...” “No... Eight days? Really? But how can that be? I remember... I remember walking back from the Teg, and seeing Kiddy... Has she p

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