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6 WALKABOUT To the right of the huge open gates of Annwn was a small wooden arched door with a glassless window in it. Sarah peered inside. “Oh, that’s a shame, they have gone out”, she sighed. “Still, I can show you their kennel”. She opened the door and they went in. The stonewalled chamber was the size of a large modern living room and had a layer of straw on the stone floor. The portcullis in the font wall was raised to let the dogs out and await their return. “They spend a lot of time running about all over the countryside”, explained Sarah, “How many are there?” asked William. “A dozen, I think”. “Not a bad size room for a dozen dogs, is it?” opined William. “No, it’s a nice size, but then space isn’t a problem here and these dogs are not your ordinary dogs. They are large. The

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