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Then she slipped her arm in his and drew him along the deck. “Come on,” she urged, “I will play with you and we will beat those two men into a c****d hat!” Orlina did not hear his reply. She only thought as they walked off that they made a very attractive couple. Yet her instinct told her that, for the first time in her life, Sarah was not going to get her own way. Orlina was quite certain, however much she tried, that the Earl would not marry her. They took luncheon rather late as the deck-tennis went on for a long time. Penny appeared looking very attractive. She stated that she had no intention of playing any rough games, but just wanted to rest in a nice shady place. “I will find one for you,” Lord Fenton suggested. “I want you to be with me,” Penny replied. “I have a lot of th

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