Chapter Five:The Announcement

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Chapter Five Marcel POV Solana had been too quiet after telling her everything… not everything, just most of it. She didn’t need to know all of it but then she had been too quiet and after I returned she was seated at the balcony staring far off into the garden. She was dressed in a yellow sundress and her hair was backed in a messy bun on top of her head. I wasn’t sure if she had seen me but I had taken note of her and my eyes moved to her lap which housed a journal. From there her gaze fell on me, they housed questions. Questions I wouldn’t know unless she asked. “It's rare to see you so quiet, when did you start being this gentle?” I asked as i walked up to her standing next to her seat. “You talk as though you’ve spent most of your life with me but people still change.” she turned to me. “I need to go back to my apartment.” “Solana its not safe-” “For God's sake Marcel!, you dont think I know that already? It's very clear since the day i heard my auntie sell me of to some stranger and then having someone almost kill me because of a stupid watch.” She was the queen of sarcasm, but right now her voice was shaky. “Fine, we will go back to the house, but under one condition,” I said and she muttered, eager to hear why. “You’ll have to wear this-” i removed the ring from my pocket and stretched my hands to her. She stared at the black stone tucked in the silver holding. “What is it?” She asked, but her eyes slacked in understanding. “A moonlight ring,” I replied. “Its- My father wrote about rings like this in his letters to me, he made reference in his journal-” “He has a journal?” No one told me that there was a journal. “It was like a book where he recorded things for his novels. I had seen him drawing one when mum asked me to call him for dinner, he didn't say what it was for.” She said. Still inspecting it, but my mind was focused on the journal. That journal could have what I needed and it seemed like Solana was the only one who had an idea about it. “Did your mum ever speak about the journal with your dad?” “No, it was just something that was between us two.” Good. “Come on, let's go, but you need the moonlight ring. Now that they’ve taken the watch, they’ll want to see how they can control your transformation as a werewolf. The moonlight ring can prevent that.” She slide the ring unto her finger but it turned out to big, but she removed a chain on her wrist and tucked it in and hung it around her neck. “I think i’m good to go.” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. The drive back to her parents' house was quiet and fast, Cleo still had some people keeping watch from nearby but i had told them i was coming and dismissed them. From the corner of my eyes i watched Solana play with the ring. “You seem to have something on your mind.” i stated and she turned to face me. “How often did you speak to my mother?” It wasn’t what i was expecting. “Not as much. It was just basic interactions when we had small gatherings in town. She didnt recognize me that much.” That wasn’t true, Solana’s mother and i spoke more than i stated, infact she was the reason i had to break up with her. “Oh,” she muttered and looked outside the mirror again and when we reached the driveway of her house, i found a black maybach parked outside. My brows scrunched up as i tried to make do of who it was. “That’s Aunt Veronica.” Solana whispered as we came to a stop. “What does she want?” She asked me but the same for her, i didnt have answer to her question. As we walked towards the car, Solana by my side, i kept my eyes on the main house, something was wrong. Veronica emerged from the car with her purse tucked in her hand. Her black hair was packed in a neat bun behind her and her lacy black dress matched her too pale skin, something that she and her sister never shared. “Solana darling, i have been looking everywhere for you.” She said softly at Solana who remained by my side. She took a step closer but Solana moved further into me, my hands stayed on her back and that gesture didn’t go unnoticed by veronica. “I’ve been fine-” “She’s been with me.” I added and Solana didnt seem to like my answer and so did her aunt, “She’s staying with me until we find out who broke into the house the day before.” “Are you two back together?” Veronica asked, solana and i haven’t spoken about it but before i answered Solana had beaten me to it. “Yes, yes we are.” her answer shocked both me and veronica whose displeasure grew at each response. “Oh! Is that so?-” “Yes, we plan on tying the knot soon,” Solana turned to me with a smile on her lips, i studied her eyes for some form of signal and it was there. Solana was scheming something and with the way she stared at me, it was clear she wanted me to play along. “Yes, we are. In fact, we plan on having our engagement party this weekend.” I replied calmly.

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