13 Forgiveness

1210 Words

       Isabella POV  I meet Luna Viola at the hospital as she requested.    I explain how I came upon Steven in the woods and no adults were around.  Steven speaks up and tells her how hurt he was and how this pretty girl fixed him.  As soon as he says it Viola's eyes get big and she looks at the boy's legs that are completely injury free.  She turns to me and asks me to explain what happened.  I was hoping to avoid this part of the story but since she is asking me directly, I cannot lie to my Luna.  I recount everything that Sierra had me do after I saw how bad the boy's injuries were.  Viola listens intently to the story and when I am finished, she wraps me in a hug.   "Isabella, do you understand what this means, which of course I do not.  I was glad I could heal him but I have no idea

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