31 Epilogue

1163 Words

    Four Months Later     Isabella POV       "Isabella your ready to pop you can't keep working" Collin says as I get ready for a shift at the hospital. I whirl on him and give him the death stare. It is not smart for you to mess with a very heavily pregnant women. Collin chuckles but knows how much I love him.  "I am just worried that you are going to make yourself go in to labor."  I assure him that I am due and if it happens the hospital is the best place for me to be. I finish getting ready and head to the pack hospital.  Collin has instructed me to keep my link open which I agree to do so he will not stress so much.       When I arrive at the pack hospital Elizabeth is waiting on me.  She is super excited because today will be the first birth that I will be assisting with.  I can't

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