I am his mate

1238 Words
~ISRA~ “Why is dinner not served yet? What have you been doing, do I have to come back from work and meet an empty table!” Dad yelled from the living room, I was in the kitchen assisting the maids in charge of cooking dinner. I was in haste to make sure everything was in place so I didn’t get locked in the storage room, my face, down to my neck had been dampened by perspiration. I wiped my forehead, and I could feel my temperature rising. “Are you okay, Miss Isra? You look as if you’re about to pass out.” The chef in the kitchen asked and held my hand to stop me from taking the plate and spoon to serve in the dining. I gently removed her grip from my hand and went about to go on with my duties. “Isra! Where is the dinner?” Dad shouted. I hurried with the plate to the dining. “What have you been doing?!” He bawled when he saw me. “You’re of no good use in this house, ain’t you supposed to be home before everyone else and make sure dinner is served on time?” He placed his hands on his hips, his brown eyes glared at me. I bowed my head at him holding the plate. “Get to it!” I went to the dining and set the plate on the dining. “Go and call your mother, and inform your sister Stacy to come down for dinner.” I nodded curtly. “Hurry with it.” He spat. I scurried out of his presence and wiped my forehead with the hem of my dress. I took the stairs and went to call Mrs Joan for dinner. I knocked on the door just once, and when it opened, Stacy came out. “Is dinner ready?” I nodded vigorously, and she hissed. Shoving me aside she went downstairs. Mrs Joan came out as well, she grabbed my ear and pulled me towards her. “You silly girl.” She pushed me forward, I clenched my fist at my side. “Go downstairs!” I went downstairs with her, and I was made to stand in front of the family while they ate. “Honey, Stacy has something to say.” Mrs Joan began and cast a glance at me. “Have you seen your daughter’s face, Weather.” Dad cleared his throat and looked away from his meal. He turned to Stacy and stared at her. “Who did that to you? What’s that bruises?” He dropped his spoon on the table. Stacy tucked her hair behind her ears and sighed sadly. “Isra, she did it to me at school because she heard about the dinner we had with the Alpha. She got jealous and attacked me, Dad I don’t think I can keep staying with her, she just hates me no matter how hard I try to make her like me and protect her at school.” She faked a sob. I remained standing with my head down. I avoided their gaze because it was filled with nothing but contempt. “Is that true? You did this to your sister?” Dad asked. “What’s the point in asking, it’s obvious that she did. She’s ungrateful. Honey, she’s already eighteen we can send her away, and cancel the adoption.” “We can’t just send her away, she’s still in high school and it doesn’t seem right,” Dad spoke quietly. I heard them and didn’t make any attempt to react to their conversation as if I wasn’t there. “Apologize to your sister.” He added and picked up his spoon again. “Just that?” Stacy snorted, I knew she wanted him to hit me like he always does till I pass out. “I had good news today, I don’t want to ruin the mood because of Isra. I will have the guards take her to the storage room and lock her up. Apologize now!” He raised his voice at the last words. I shook my head. “What?” Dad was taken aback by my reluctance. “You won’t apologize?” I shook my head again. I did nothing wrong, and I don’t know why I should apologize for it. Everything Stacy said was lies but they didn’t care, as long as it was Stacy, they would believe everything that she said. “Are you being stubborn now?” He sighed and leaned against his chair. “You are making me lose my appetite and I hate it. First, you made dinner late, got into a fight with Stacy at school and now you’re disobeying my words. Have you forgotten thy I am your father, apologize to Stacy now before I get up from here else you will spend the night in that cold storage.” “She has changed, and whatever she thinks that it, we are not gonna let it breed we are gonna cut it off.” Mrs Joan countered and sipped from the juice. “Dad, it’s fine. You can leave her alone, you know I care about Isra a lot and I’m glad that she’s my sister. Just let her be, she doesn’t have to apologize to me again, she already did at school.” Stacy held Dad’s hand and smiled at him. “Is that so?” He glanced between Isra and me. I didn’t make any gestures, and Stacy simply nodded. ‘You should let me out, I would tear her to pieces.’ My wolf growled in my head. “What’s the good news, Daddy,” Stacy muttered while holding his arms, Dad smiled at her and patted her hair. “Are you curious?” He caressed her cheek. “Yes. I want to know so we can be happy together.” Stacy grinned. “Learn from your sister, Isra.” Dad glared at me. He didn’t stare at me for long before he looked away, and returned a charming smile at Stacy. “You have got the potential of being the young Alpha’s mate. That was the news that I received that the Alpha is likely to pick up as his Luna.” Dad informed us. Stacy squealed from her seat and clapped her hands. “This is good news, Daddy.” “Of course, it is my darling daughter.” Dad smiled at her. “I have always known that my daughter is gonna be Luna someday, that’s why I groomed her to be a perfect Luna.” Mrs Joan chuckled and drank from the juice again. My fist tightened on my skirt as I stared at them, mostly at Stacy. I would get back at them, and if I wanted to do that to snatch the only thing that gave them hope, that has made Stacy this happy. I will take the Alpha away from Stacy, I didn’t know how but there was a bond between us, something that Stacy doesn’t have. I am his mate. “Take her to the basement and have her locked in her room. Dump the leftovers in the room once we are done eating.” Dad ordered the guard, and immediately I was taken away from the dining and thrown into the basement which was my room, and the door was bolted from the outside.
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