War is cooking

1114 Words
CALAN'S POV " You need my help?" Salvatore Maranzona asked, with his Italian accent. We were seated in his office. He had a cigar positioned at the side of his lips. "Yes, I need us to form an alliance", I said, and rested back on the chair, with confidence all over my face. "Alliance?" He asked. His eyes dimmed a little and he huffed. " sì" I said in Italian. " And why is that, if I may ask? Why do you want an alliance?" He asked, and pulled forward, placing both his aged elbows on the desk. His brown hat was askew, showing the right side of his hair. His black eyes were pinned straight into mine. I smiled, still trying to keep my boldness in check. Salvatore was a feared and vicious Capo in the Italian world. "Firstly, you had a very cordial relationship with my father. You and he had this best relationship and you became stronger having each other watching your back, isn't it?" I uttered with a calm, luring but bold voice. " Quite right" he smirked. The cigar he was smoking burned off. He picked out another from the pack. He flicked the lighter and placed the pop fire at the bottom of the cigar. "Yeah, on that note, I'd really wish we could keep the flames of the cordial relationship you had with my dad burning"I smiled and also pulled myself to the desk. "Why?" He drawled "Why now?" He asked. I stared into his aged and wrinkled face. He played so hard to get but then I was already prepared. "I just realized that I need someone by my side and I am sure you do need someone as well. After the death of my dad, I was busy trying to fill his shoes. I had just remembered that he had a perfect alliance with a strong mafia lord as yourself, and so I came to rekindle it. So what do you say?" I spilled and brought my face closer to his. He stared at me with a stern scowl. There was no utterance between the both of us. Salvatore got up from his swivel chair. He walked towards me and was still staring at me with a frown. "True, I am a strong and vicious mafia lord. The echo of my name makes everyone tremble. Your father and I did had a thing going. He was as vicious and ruthless as I was. I think you filling his shoes would surely make you like him, so I think we can pick him up", he asserted and smiled. "Uhh " a sigh escaped my lips. A grin surfaced at the sides of my lips. "Perfetto" I said "I am sure we are going to achieve a lot, Calan Faron", he affirmed and handed his hand to me. I joined him in a handshake. Forming an alliance with Salvatore Maranzona was just a facade. I had a hidden agenda and that I must achieve. A smile was both on our faces as we shook. " Cheers" he cheered and tossed his cup filled with chateau Margaux wine in my face. I picked up mine which was on the desk and jammed it with his, which made a sharp thud sound. **************** I retired to my room in the Italian crib I had bought a year back on my last visit, in Venice. I was with two ladies. I was in my robe, but they were totally unclad on my bed. Then there was a bang on my door. "Come in" I ordered, and the door flipped open. "Ryder", I called out as soon as he entered. He is my underboss, and we came to Italy together. "Boss, I can come back later" he smirked. " No my man, I am actually so happy" I said with a broad smile. I was tipsy. The two ladies were on my left and right sides respectively. "Oh really?" He questioned and I nodded. The lady on the left had her right hand around my n****e and rubbed it slowly. It made a tickling sensation and then her lips slowly went to my neck. "So how did the meeting with Salvatore Maranzona go?" He asked and took some steps closer to the bed. "Perfetto. The old Chap fell into my trap like a little rat that he is. Now I am going to use him to my satisfaction". I chuckled and kissed the girl on the right while her hand rubbed my stomach. "Perfectly done, Capo '' Ryder eulogized. I sipped the barolo wine in my right hand. It was my favorite. The girl on my left slid her tongue from the top side of my chest, slowly kissing and caressing with both hands. She tardily kissed till her hand grabbed my p***s. "So tell me, how did your own meeting with the street thugs go?" I asked "I'd say as perfect as yours. I scouted around for some street thugs and I did see a couple. They were hesitant, but then I managed to convince them with a price", he bawled. " Those street dogs, they salivate at the utterance of money. Worthless piece of garbage. Good job", I cursed. The girl on the right kissed my neck while the other was still doing her thing down there. "With Salvatore and the street thugs on my side, I am sure I am going to be invincible." I sneered with a broad smile. "Ummm Boss, there is something else you need to know" Ryder snapped. His visage suddenly became dull. " Spill" I snarled. " I just got info that the house was raided by Lucifer's men. We lost a couple of soldiers and Maze was taken as well" he spilled. " What!???" I shouted. My eyes widened and my happy mood quickly switched. I pulled forward from the bed rest. "You bitches get the f**k off my bed!!!!!" I shouted. They both sprang up from the bed naked. They picked up their dresses, and dashed out immediately. "Lucifer had the guts to attack my house!!!?". I growled and sprouted up from the bed. I tightened my robe and gulped the whole whiskey in one go. "Yes, it happened yesterday" He added. I scowled fiercely, and my breath became almost ragged. I clenched my fist tightly. "And he had the guts to take Maze!!!!", I roared and punched the mirror which was at my right. It shattered into pieces and splattered on the floor. "Oh Lucifer, you have dared me. Since you want war, war it is you are going to get!!!" I snarled, with blood dripping from my injured hand…….
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