Torture me to death

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MAZES POV " I swear it, I do not know where Calan is, please" I whimpered whilst still tied to the chair after the man who seemed to be the Boss with a striking British accent left. The lady who was meant to torture the truth out of me, picked up a rod. "Where is Calan!!?" She questioned with a hoarse voice. The rest walked out of the room and left just she and me. I was trembling because her face seemed so scary. She wore all black. "I am telling you the truth, I swear I do not know the whereabouts of Calan '' I shuddered. She walked slowly towards me with the rod in her right hand. My lips were shaking and my eyes were flooding out with tears. " So be it then. Since you want it the hard way, so then" she shrugged and swatted the rod on my knee. " Ahhhhhh I– I - am not lying, please" I begged, but then she continued smashing both my knees with the fat rod over and over again. I couldn't even try to defend myself or block my knee or other parts of my leg because my hands were literally tied. " Please……" I cried, but then she didn't listen to my plea. The torture went on and on. It felt as though the knee wasn't mine anymore because I couldn't feel it. Then she came to my arms and did the same. " Are you ready to spill or do you still need me to nudge you in the right direction??" She questioned, taking a break from the immense pain she was inflicting on me. " I– i- don't know where he–he is" I faintly stuttered with my eyes closed and blood dripping out the sides of my mouth. My whole body was sour and my heart was slowing in beat as though I was close to death. "Okay, then. I think you need some more" she smirked. She punched me right on the face, and I passed out……. ****************** LUCIFER'S POV " Speak", I snapped as soon as I picked up the call. " Lucifer, I don't think this lady knows the whereabouts of Calan" Trina affirmed. Maze's file was right in front of me. "How sure are you?" I questioned and sipped my drink. "Completely sure. I have tried so hard to break her but then she still says nothing. I am very sure she knows not where he is or she would have spilled from the pressure of my torture", Trina added in her mellow voice. I was mute for a couple of seconds, ruminating on what she said. " Okay, still keep an eye on her" I said and was about to hang up when she stopped me with her voice. " Okay boss, but there is one more thing" she said and my ears became eager to hear what she would divulge. " What more?"I inquired and puffed out smoke from my cigarette. "She passed out" She dropped. I flickered my eye lids on hearing this. " Ummm still keep an eye on her till I am back." I sneered and this time I hung up before she could say anything more. I sipped the RS vodka one more time and sprung up from the divan. I dropped the cup on the table which made a slight thud sound. Then I picked up the file that had her biography. I left the penthouse and headed home. ************** After driving for a while, I finally reached home again. I got in and headed straight towards the torture room to have a gracious sight of the truth-telling bride of the betrayer. " Welcome Lucifer" I heard. I raised my head to the right side and I saw Owen and Chatrina together. "Where is she?" I questioned. " Upstairs, in the torture room" Chatrina said and pointed her hand towards the torture room. I headed to the room, striding firmly. I reached the room and opened the door. It was quite dim as usual. I saw her lying almost lifeless on the chair. I took slow steps towards her, which made an echoing sound in the almost empty room. I stood in front of her. I observed her and saw that she was badly tortured by Trina. One reason I held Trina very close to me was, despite her being female, she was as ruthless as I had never imagined. I placed my hand on her face. She made no movement. My hand rubbed the blood which was almost drying up around her lips. She seemed very tired and weak. Trina really went too extreme and I felt a little compassion for her. I never knew why I even felt such for her. After observing her injury and state, I called the doctor to examine her. One thing I avoided was giving punishment to someone who was innocent, and it seemed she was innocent, according to Trina. ***************** " From what I have seen, she has an oblique and compressed closed bone fracture. Some of her bones have been slightly smitten and flattened. It's not so severe, so just some drugs and a little therapy would do." Doctor Molly explained. " Oh okay" I muttered and placed my hands in my pants pockets. She took out her pad and wrote. " Here is the list of drugs you should get for her. It will help her recover quickly" she said, and handed me a sheet from the pad which she wrote on. " Umm hmm. I will" I collected the sheet. "Aha, before I forget. What really happened to her? She seemed quite ruffled. Was it a car accident? If so, then I think she should come to the clinic for a proper check-up", she asked as she was about to exit the room. " You can take your leave, Molly. It was no car accident. I will get the drugs you said" I uttered coldly and she clearly got my point. " Okay "she muttered and made her way out. I turned my gaze back to my patient. She looked so beautiful and young as she slept. She still had a smile on, which was so untainted. I drew closer to her, watching her inhale and exhale slowly. She slowly began to groan and her eyes squeezed tightly before she finally opened it half slowly. "Ple–please, I re–really don't know where Calan is" she pleaded immediately, her eyes jammed with mine and she shifted to the other side of the bed. " Ahhhh" she groaned in pain as soon as she tossed to the other end. "Easy, I am not here to talk about Calan,-- Mazikeen Eustace" I said. On mentioning her name, her eyes widened in shock obviously. Her lips were apart as she gaped. " How– how do you know my name?" She stuttered. I walked closer to her but she shrunk backwards. "Umm. We have a lot to talk about, Nun Mazikeen", I said, and this shocked her the most with her eyes pulling out. I smirked as I was eager to know more about this mystery...
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