Chapter :- 18.

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It's been nine days, Erlik came to the surface. And in these days, he not just only won Sylvia's heart but made a bond with Zene too. Now they have become good friends and secretly they have an attraction for each other. But both of them has their own reasons to deny the truth. Although they couldn't talk to each other openly, but they never forget to smile at each others to show their affection. Just like every day, they were gathered in the dinning area to have their breakfast in the morning. Everyone was in chirpy mood as they were talking among each other while eating. All of a sudden someone entered their palace, disturbing their peaceful meal. “Am I late to join in with you?” That person said making everyone's head snap at him. Erlik was a little startled by the sudden entry of a charming boy. He was much more handsome with blue eyes, light brown ruffled hair, fair skin, masculine body and a heart melting sweet smile, then any other boy of this island. Although he was not more handsome compared to Erlik, but still he got a little jealous. “Micah…!” It shocked Erlik more when he saw Zene standing up from her place, calling that boy with the name 'Micah'. In the next moment, pushing the chair behind, she ran to that boy and jumped on him to take him in a hug. It stung Erlik's heart when he saw the closeness Zene and Micah was in. One thing he kept wondering in his heart was, who is this boy? “Oh Micah… I missed you so much. Why did you get so late?” Zene whined at Micah as she broke the hug. “I'm sorry hun… It took me a little longer this time. I missed you too my sweet hun..” Micah hugged Zene again making Erlik more and more jealous. “Micah, my boy. Are you okay?” King Triton went to him along with queen Angelia. “Yes sir. I'm perfectly fine.” Erlik was way beyond shocked when he saw that boy hugging king and Queen Angelia. “Oh! I'm so happy to see you safe my son.” Queen Angelia said kissing his forehead. “What caused you this delay? Any troubles around?” King Triton asked him. “Yes sir. I saw few vampires nearby the end of their land. I had to keep eyes on them for few days to know about their intention. I doubt that the devil is planning something against us sir.” Micah said making Erlik worried. Did he find out about their plans? “What did you find out?” King Triton asked with worried voice. “Not much sir. They are just roaming around. It seemed like they are waiting for someone's order. Other than that, I couldn't find out anything about them.” King Triton sighed to hear the news. “We have to stay alert from now on. Raise the guards around the borders. If they plan to attack us, we have to stop them before they can enter this island. Take rest for few days now before going on another mission.” He said to Micah and he nods in agreement. “Come join us for breakfast now. You must be hungry.” Queen Angelia said with a big smile on her face. “Come, let's go.” Zene said to him and dragged him to his sit by holding his hand. Zene seemed way too happy from his arrival, and she was literally jumping in joy. She took him to the seat beside her and made him seat with her. Erlik was fuming with anger by seeing Zene's behavior for that boy. It seemed like they already are in a relationship. Erlik was watching how Zene's face was glowing from happiness, and she was not leaving Micah's hand. He kept wondering who is this boy and what relation does he hold with Zene. “I'm sorry, but I don't think we've met before. My name's Micah, and I'm an angel commander of this Kingdom.” Micah said to Erlik dragging his attention from Zene to him. “His name's Erlik, and he's the king of humans. He arrived this island few days after you left for your mission. That's why you haven't seen this charming man before.” Sylvia said sliding her arm around Erlik's. The way she just gave Erlik's introduction to him, it seemed like she doesn't like him a bit. Erlik doesn't know the reason, but Sylvia was behaving very rudely with him informing Erlik that she hates Micah. It gained more of Erlik's interest. They sure have a big history based around this boy. “You're a human King? How did you come here? It's almost impossible for a human to reach our Island, all the way from the cursed land.” Micah asked Erlik as he had a doubt on him. “He was on a voyage when his ship sank. He made out of it somehow and came here.” Zene said, while trying to take his mind away from his doubt. She was again trying to save Erlik. “You came here on a ship? But I didn't saw any ship on the ocean these days. I was in between those lands when you were supposed to be on your journey.” Micah's questions was making everyone doubt on Erlik's identity. “Micah, stop questioning him like a spy. You must have missed the day he crossed your area. Now stop this and finish your food. We have a lot of things to catch up with.” Zene almost ordered Micah as he gave a smile to her. “Yeah. She's right. Stop questioning Erlik and mind your own business.” Sylvia said to Micah rudely. He looked at Sylvia for once before turning his face towards Zene again. “As you wish my hun…” Micah said to Zene and gave a kiss to her hand. “Okay… Maybe we should finish our meals now.” Queen Angelia said after clearing her throat to stop the affection between Zene man Micah. Erlik was just sitting there quietly, looking at everyone's face dumbfounded. He couldn't understand what's going on in there? They are questioning among themselves and answering them too. Although the topic was about Erlik, he didn't get a chance to saw a single word. He couldn't understand who this guy is and why the king and Queen was allowing him to get so close to Zene? Why was that boy calling Zena as Hun? Why Sylvia was rude to him? All of it was just a mystery to Erlik right now. As soon as the breakfast was over, Zene took Micah's hand in hers, and they rushed outside the palace. She seemed so happy with him. Sylvia was about to go somewhere too when Erlik stopped her. “Hey, can I join you today? I wanted to spend a little time with you.” He asked Sylvia with the intention to know more about Micah. “Sure. It will be my pleasure. I was just going towards the market to see if everything's okay there or not. You can accompany me.” Sylvia invited Erlik to join her. Getting out of the palace, they started walking towards the market. They were talking about this and that as Erlik was searching for the perfect opportunity to ask about Micah. And soon he got that chance too. “Who was that boy in the morning? He seemed a weird guy.” Erlik asked Sylvia. “Who? Oh, Micah? He's our mother's closest friends son and our angel guards commander.” She replied casually. “Your family seems to love him very much.” He said to know about him more. “Not all of us. Just mother, father and my two stupid sisters, Zene and Kally. Rest of us sisters hate him.” Sylvia said in a voice like she's disgusted with him. “And why is that?” He asked looking at her face. “He's just an i***t who doesn't know how to appreciate someone who likes him. He's bewitched by Zene like our parents. It looks like he couldn't see anything around him except of Zene. I have no idea why my parents are so casual about their relationship. I hate them both.” It didn't take Erlik to understand what's going on with this boy Micah and the royal family. Micah is the son of the queen's friend, and he's an angel in kind. As a commander, the king has given him the duty to keep eye on the other lands while using his flying ability. This way nobody will found out about his existence and he will keep an eye on them from a safe distance. That is a very intelligent plan of the Mermaid king against the Devils. Sylvia once fell for the handsomeness of Micah but unfortunately he likes Zene more than her. So the day Sylvia offered him to have a relationship, he rejected her proposal. It made the arrogant princess Sylvia very angry and since that day she hates Micah. On the other hand Micah truly likes Zenevieva but for her, Micah is just her best friend. He is the only friend of Zene who is the same age as her and they both grew up together as god friends. That's why, she never thought about Micah's affection for her, in any other way than teasing a friend. Micah started calling Zene 'honey', the day he realized his feelings for her. But after many protesting from her, he changed it into 'hun' which is more proper for a friend. No matter how much Micah tries, he couldn't make Zene feel his emotions for her. But Micah still has a hope that one day she surly will realize his love and accept him as her mate. He is waiting patiently for that day. King Triton and Queen Angelia also realized Micah's feeling for their daughter and have no problems to accept these two, if someday they get together. Actually they don't have any problems with any couples as long as they don't relate to the devil because they are the only enemies for every kind. There's definitely no chance for Erlik with any of their daughters if they find out, he is the son of the Devil king Aaron himself. Erlik heard everything that Sylvia told him and understood everything clearly. He got more jealous than he was till now. Although he couldn't realize it himself, but Sylvia felt his uncomfortableness through his face. “Why are you so interested about him all of a sudden?” She asked him with doubtful eyes. “It's nothing. I was just shocked to see the king and Queen showing such affection to an outsider.” Erlik tried to look calm so that Sylvia couldn't doubt him. “Well, they love him like a son. He used to come to our house all the time since childhood. My mother is the one who loves him more because he's an angel. Huh… What a luck. They don't love rest their daughters the way they love Zene and Micah. They are the most important ones then us. The day I become the Queen, I'll show them who is their real daughter to make them proud.” Sylvia said while jealousy was clearly dripping from her words. Erlik felt a little happy to see the future queen of angels and Mermaids having hatred for her own family. This will only give him an advantage when he would attack the future queen and step on the next part of their plans. While thinking all this, Erlik noticed that they were already in the market. People started greeting them as they entered the market as royals. Sylvia was acting kind to everyone to get their love as a future queen, and it was really working for her cause day by day people in need started calling her more for help. While Sylvia got busy with her tenants and their problems, Erlik was looking around when his eyes fell on Zene. She was still with Micah, and they were leaving the market to enter the forest. The path they took goes directly to the place where those flower trees are. It was the same place Erlik and Zene kissed each other accidentally. It caught Erlik's attention, as he kept wondering why they were going on such a lonely place at this time?
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