Chapter :- 5.

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When Zene went to the place where the water was bubbling, she found nothing on the surface. Whatever's making such a movement is under the water. Maybe it's a big fish or something because there is no other explanation rather than that in the land of water and air creatures. Zene was extremely eager to find out what's causing such water bubbles to rise up, so she thought to go underwater and see for herself. Diving under the water, she straight went towards the source. The level of water was really deep in that place because it was way too far from the seashore. As she almost made it to the seafloor, she saw a figure underwater, trying its best to get to the surface. It was dark underwater because it was nighttime, so Zene couldn't figure out the gender of that person. Getting closer, she found out that it was a man. But what is this man doing in here at this time? And why is drowning in the first place? Merman is an expert in swimming and angels never get into the ocean. So who is this person? This was the only thought of Zene at that time. Zene was afraid to get near that person because he is someone she doesn't know. And most of all the water near this man was so warm that she felt like her skin's about to burn. Zene had a doubt that he is no one from the surface of the earth. She couldn't decide if she should help him or not. But after few minutes she saw that man's strength was draining out, and he's about to die. No matter who he is, Zene couldn't let someone die just because of her own fears. Thinking this she went to that person and holds his hand to pull him out of the water. As she was about to take him up, that man also holds his wrist. Instantly the skin of her wrist that he was holding, started burning like fire. Zene had no other choice except of letting him go. She moved away from that person immediately because she realized that this man is none other than a demon of hell. Maybe a Devil. She doesn't want to help him anymore because saving him would mean putting her own people's lives in danger. But as she left his hand, she saw him drowning again. Zene kept arguing with herself, whether to save his life or not. But when she noticed that there's no more time, she decided to save him. She couldn't just wait there and see a soul dying, no matter who it is. Thinking this, she again went to him. She holds his arm again and started pulling him up. Thankfully he didn't try to touch her, or he might have burned her again until they reached the surface. Zene quickly swam towards the beach dragging him behind. As he made it to the shore, she shifts back and drags him into the sand. “Ugh… Why do you have to be so heavy?” Zene started whining because she was having a hard time dragging a huge and heavy man upwards. As they both made it to the land safely, Zene slumped down beside that devil due to tiredness. She was almost out of breath while dragging an unconscious body. After few long breaths, Zene checked if that devil was alive or dead by putting her ear near his chest. His whole body was radiating heat, but it was cooling down with passing time. When Zene found his heartbeat, she sighed in relief. This Devil is just unconscious, not dead. Then it struck her again. She just saved a devil's life. Devil is their number one enemy on the list. If this devil stays alive on this island, he would cause the death of her own people. Zene checked her wrist where he burned her. It was all red and turning into a black handprint there. It confirms that he is a Devil indeed. “What am I going to do now?” Zene couldn't understand what she should do. She can't let this devil roam around her island, neither she could go and inform his father about his arrival because he will kill him even before he could gain his consciousness back. But on the other hand, she doesn't know the purpose of his sudden appearance. What should she do now? She looked at the unconscious devil's face one time. Instantly something moved inside her. Although she knows that this man in front of her is a devil, he doesn't like one. His face is so beautiful and calm. He had long shoulder-length hairs, and few stands of his wet hair were fallen on his face. Zene removed those strands from his face to get a better look at him. His face contains a strange attraction from which Zene couldn't turn her eyes off. He has a strange smoky smell that's attracting her more to get near him. She didn't even realize that she's slowly falling in love with this handsome devil, herself. After sitting beside him for few more times and taking in his every masculine feature, she realized that it's time for her to leave this place. It's already near dawn and people are about to wake up. She had to go back to her house before anyone finds out that she's missing since last night. But what about him? After thinking a while she decided not to tell anyone about him yet. She should give him a chance to explain his appearance. Maybe he's not a bad guy like he's thinking. And if he turns out to be a bad guy, Zene would take him back to that place she picked him up from, herself. Thinking this Zene ran back home. It was already morning when the devil gained his consciousness. He remembered everything that happened last night, but couldn't only remember the face of the Mermaid who saved him. At first, he was sure that she must have told her king about the devil's arrival, so he prepared himself for a fight. But even after waiting for an hour, nobody came. He kept wondering if that Mermaid truly realized that he's a Devil or not. But then he remembered that he had burned that girl somewhere while trying to hold her to save himself. He tried his best to remember the silhouette of that Mermaid. But he could only remember that she has long white hair and a white silver-like tail. After waiting for someone's arrival for more than an hour, he decided to go to their civilization himself. So he went through the jungle and entered the locality. As he was making his way through the village, he found out that Mermaids and Angels live in the same place beside each other. They had become like a family together. Most of the villagers were already awake by then, and they were shocked to see an unknown person on their island. Fear consumed their hearts as they all ran back inside their houses. They don't know if this person is good or bad, and they are not ready to take the risk to find it out. Chaos raised among all the villagers and news reached the King and the Queen quicker than the Devil expected. King Triton and Queen Angelia rushed to find out who invaded their land along with their eight daughters. Zene already knew who this person is, but she didn't utter a word to anyone. She was waiting to see what the devil does once he faces the king and the Queen. The devil knew that the rulers of this land are about to approach him themselves, so he didn't bother to go to them and thought to wait under a tree for their arrival. In just a few minutes he saw a huge crowd coming towards him, and he knew that the huge male who's leading the crowd is none other than king Triton. He stood up from his place and made himself prepare to look much more convincing. He doesn't want them to realize who he is yet? This was all in his plan all along. Soon king Triton reached near the devil with a furious look. His face was warning the devil's son to make a mistake and losing his life. “Who are you? Why are you here?” King Triton roared at him. “Hello. My name is Erlik, and I'm just a traveler who lost his way.” The devil said with a fake smile which he just made for the first time in his life. “What kind are you?” King Triton asked again. “None. I'm not of any kind. I'm just a normal man.” Erlik said to the mermaid King. “So, you're a cursed one? A human?” Queen Angelia asked. “Yes. I'm a human. I was traveling on the sea when my shipwrecked, and I reached this place." Erlik lied to them. “How can we trust you? You seem stronger to be just a human.” Erlik got worried by thinking about what answer to give. He has to muster up something to save himself right now. “I don't know how to prove myself except telling you the truth. The truth is I'm a king of humans, and I was on a journey to visit my friend until my shop drowned because of a storm. Now it's up to you if you want to believe me or not.” Erlik said confidentiality to make them trust him. “Honey, I think he's telling the truth. His smell doesn't indicate any kind. He seems a cursed one to me.” Queen Angelia said into her husband's ear. “Hmm… I believe you. But what do you want from us?” King Triton asked. “I just need shelter at this moment. I don't have any transportation to get back to my land. I have to wait here until any of my ministers come to my rescue. I give you my words that I mean no harm to anyone.” Erlik said to the king. “Very well. We can offer you shelter for now. But be aware. If you cause any troubles or harm any of my tenants then you have to lose your life. Rather than that, you are free to live here as your own land. Welcome to the island of Mermaids and Angels.” King Triton welcomed Erlik without knowing the reality of his identity. He doesn't know that he's inviting danger to his family himself. Zene was standing behind her father and witnessing the lies of the devil. She knows who exactly is this guy. She wanted to tell the truth to her parents at that moment, but she couldn't. She knew that if she revealed his truth, her father would kill him right in this place. Zene was thinking that if Erlik is here on a mission or to harm anyone because it's not very often that any devil or demon comes to the surface. They always stay in hell, and it's the only place they can be safe. The peoples of hell have a major problem with the people on the surface. So whenever one of them tries to invade some other kinds land, they are instantly getting the penalty of death. This Devil has some nerves to show up to the surface. She also had another thought too. Maybe Erlik is not the one she's thinking. Maybe he is a good guy indeed. Maybe he made some mistakes in hell for which the king of hell, Aaron, banished him from there, and he truly needs shelter at this moment. Maybe he won't harm anyone as he is telling. It's a lot of maybe to find the truth out at this moment for Zene. So she thought to let it pass for now. But she's determined that she would keep her eyes on Erlik to test his loyalty. And if he fails to prove it, then he has to lose his life in his savior's hands. She would never let her family or any member of her land get hurt. Thinking this she kept quiet and let his father decide what to do with him.
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