Chapter 5 Mate in law

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REMIDE POINT OF VIEW Fuck, I can hear my mom screeching from down the hallway. This is not going to be good. First I interrupted her time with Lee and now I am mated to a wolf. She is gonna be pissed. My head is pounding and the only thing keeping me from screaming is Dimitri's scent. The other wolf, I don't know his name yet escorts my mom into the room. Without a moment of hesitation, she walks right up to Dimitri and slaps him across the face. "Get your beastly hands off my daughter you brute!" She screams. He looks up at her, God he is gorgeous. A chiseled jawline, with just a bit of stubble. Pink lips that I am sure taste delightful. Wait, that's a good idea. Remide you are a genius. She stares into Dimitri's eyes and backs up stuttering. Dimitri stands towering over her. She steps back terrified. I grab Dimitri's hand firmly and pull him towards me, ensuring I rub my hand up his muscular forearm. He looks down at me and I pull him closer. I lean up to him and kiss him. His hand cups the bottom of my jaw and he pulls me in closer. His lips taste delicious. Our kiss is fiery and passionate. Before we end the kiss I bite his lip and he quietly moans. Once we pull away I pat the bed next to me and Dimitri sits down. I cuddle myself up next to his perfectly defined chest. He drapes his arm over me and pulls me in tight. I rest one hand deep on his thigh almost touching his c**k. Oh, my goddess, his c**k. I bet it is massive and veiny. I cannot wait to touch it and taste it, to watch it throb with want. My mom tries to grab me. Dimitri growls low and says "Mine". He holds me closer to him. I slowly start running my fingers down one side of his pelvic "V" seductively, stopping at the top of his pants. If I can keep him horny he is less likely to rip my mom's throat out. Mom rolls her eyes "Possessive beast. Leave so I can speak to my daughter." I look my mom square in the eyes "Dimitri stays. He is my mate." She leans back in the chair now and says "Yeah I got that from the possessive growl. Fine Dimitri can stay." She flicks her hand over the two of us. The other wolf says "Alpha Grey to you ma'am" Mom ignores him. "Since you are with...this thing...Lee and I are going to Bermuda." She stands up to leave. I look at her and say "Don't you want to know what happened?" She turns and says "You got attacked by a Rogue." I look at her, knowing that what I am about to say could send Dimitri into a murderous rage. He would look so sexy ripping into someone. I risk it anyway, my mother needs to know. "That's only half the story," I say calmly. "I was first attacked by a girl named Maya and her friends at school." I feel Dimitri pull me in closer. He buries his head in the crux of my neck, using my scent to calm himself. "You know why she attacked me, Mom? Because you slept with her dad while he was still married. I don't blame her for losing her s**t on me. I hope you enjoy your trip Bye." My mom, not being one to back down from a confrontation says "Have fun working out your daddy issues with that creature. He's older than me. Just so you know." The other wolf in the room takes my mom and escorts her out. She pulls her arm away and marches out on her own. Dimitri keeps breathing in my scent. He starts kissing up and down my neck. Adding in little nips that send shivers down my spine. "Someone's horny" I tease He growls between the kisses. "You did this to me." "Well, what was I supposed to do? Leaning against your perfect body was sending waves of pleasure through me. Plus if I didn't make you incredibly horny, you would have killed her. As much as it would be sexy as f**k to see you covered in blood, I'd prefer it not to be my mom's." He smiles at me with a look of lust, almost like he is going to devour me. Dimitri leans down and kisses me. I moan and he slides his tongue into my mouth. He explores every ounce of my mouth. Finally, I pull away short of breath. "Is your mom always like that?" He asks "Yep" I respond. Dimitri is my mate but we hardly know eachother. I don't want to get into my messed up relationship with my mom just yet. "People at school beat the s**t out of you?" Once again I simply respond "Yep" "How old are you?" He asks. Fair question I guess. "18. You?" "35" He pauses for a minute thinking. Then he pulls me in to him again. "Why don't you fight back when the kids at school bully you?" Again a fair question he asks of me. "If I tell you, promise not to think I am a crazy person?" He chuckles, Goddess its sexy when does that. "I won't think you are crazy" he says. Speaking way too fast I say "I'm worried I would enjoy it. Not like in a satisfaction, justice kind of way. Like in a enjoying the feeling of peeling layers of their skin and watching them suffer kind of way. Then if I do enjoy it and torture them what do I do after? If I let them go they could tell the authorities, but if I kill them then what do I do with the bodies?" "You call me." He says "What?" "You call me and I will help with the bodies. Hell I'll sit in the room and watch while you peel their skin off in layers. Then before you kill them we will f**k until we are blue so their last memory is my c**k in your p***y. We'll make it a date." Wait did he just say he would torture my bullies with me as a date? Is he really as f****d up as I am in the head? I smile up at him and say "Hypothetically of course." "Of course, Hypothetically." We both smile at eachother knowing if the opportunity arises we would absolutely do it. He continues talking "I still don't want you going to school without security. I have some wolves posted in the police to deal with the supernatural. They will tell your leader person that you have private security until the culprit is caught." "Principal. Think of him as the Alpha of the school. I can finish school?" I chuckle at him. Its cute that he wants to protect me. "Your school has an Alpha? That seems a bit excessive. And yes of course you can finish school. How would we explain you leaving mid way through to the principal?" I really didn't think he would let me finish school. Alpha's can be overly possessive of their mate. Oh, he is going to be my security. I should have seen that coming. "You and the Beta are going to be my security aren't you?" I ask. Dimitri bends down and kisses me on the forehead. "You figured that out did you kitten?" He says sweetly. I swat him playfully. "You know you can't be all touchy or calling me kitten. You will just have to pretend to not know me." "I have self control." He exclaims. "Dimitri baby," I say with the sweetest tone. "I'm exhausted and my head hurts." I snuggle into him further. He lifts me softly, putting me in between his legs. I automatically curl up against his muscular chest. "Will you hold me until I fall asleep?" Dimitri bends down and kisses my forehead. "Of course kitten. Always." Dimitri's Point of View I just got slapped by my mate-in-law and I can see on Aaron's face that I won't live this down. The only reason I didn't rip her throat out of her body was because my beautiful kitten kissed me. It wasn't just a little sweet peck. She devoured my lips in the most delicious way, leaving a little nip as she pulled away. It drove me wild, making me forget how angry I was. Then kitten asked me to sit on the bed and cuddle her. Hold her in my arms. I of course obliged. Her mother was the rudest being I have met. Rude to Remide and rude to me. Remide must have known because she placed her hand up on my thigh and traced my pelvic "V" seductively. Forcing me to focus on not getting a hard-on in front of my mate-in-law. I don't fully know what was said as I had to do some deep breathing. At least my mate is not shy about bodies. Sitting here with her in my arms fast asleep on my chest I can see my future. Waking up every day to those blonde locks and stunning brown eyes. How perfectly she fits on my chest. Her hand trails down to my d**k in her sleep and I leave it there. I mean it's her d**k now to do with what she pleases. I can feel myself getting hard so I pull the covers up to my waist, covering us up. I start to doze off myself, woken by my Beta mind linking me about supper. I have no idea what she eats so I order a bit of everything. I wriggle to sit up and she moans cuddling into my chest. A mind link from Aaron comes in just as the food arrives. Three wolves dead and 6 rogues. Alpha Oren sent our warriors away, not wanting to look weak. They followed Directive 12 but got there too late. Damn it. Losing wolves, my pack or not is always hard. How the hell did 6 feral wolves beat 3 warriors? I ask. My anger is evident in my tone. Aaron responds, a sadness in his tone. Our guys said the rogues were organized. These are not warriors, they are basically pups. Something is going on boss. His Beta isn't here. Fuck. All I want to do is take my mate home and be with her while she heals but now I have to deal with the death of 3 kids. I audibly groan. Schedule a meeting with Alpha Oren for the morning. 10 am I want to get Remide home first. Tell him it's time for his Luna to step up.
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