Chapter 4 My mate

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Dimitri's Point of View I hold my mate in my arms listening to her heartbeat as I run towards the SUV. Stable. Thats good. She is tiny in my massive arms. Her pretty face looks so peaceful. I look down at her and say "Stay with me, baby." As I rush to the SUV Aaron opens the back door. I crawl in sideways. My back against the other door. Aaron shuts the door behind me and gets in the driver's seat. He peels out and mind links me "Heading to the Mountain lake pack hospital" We pull up to the hospital and I slide out. Not letting my mate go for a second. The doctors try to convince me to put her down on a stretcher. I tell them no. Aaron places his hand on my shoulder. "You gotta put her down Christos. Let the doctors do their job." Damnit he is right. I softly place her on the stretcher leaving a soft kiss on her forehead. The doctors wheel her away. I start pacing back and forth. My wolf and I are restless and I don't know what to do. Finally, a doctor comes out. I bombard the old woman, rolling my alpha aura at her. The doctor cowers for a minute before saying. "She's stable, still unconscious. Room 306." I blow past her and rush into the room. I freeze at the sight of her in the bed. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen is lying in bed. That isn't the mate bond talking. She is stunning. Laying in the huge bed made for werewolves she looks tiny. Not like a child at all, but just tiny. My breath hitches. I grab a chair and sit next to her. I place her tiny perfect hand in mine. What happens next is something I thought would never happen. I cried. Tears stream down my face. I don't cry. Crying is weak. When my parents were brutally murdered at age 10 I didn't even cry. Why the hell am I crying now? I lecture myself internally. Aaron walks over and places his hand on my shoulder. I look at my only friend. The only words I can muster are "I found her. I finally found her." After a few minutes of inner dialogue, I settle myself and stop crying. Aaron looks over at me and says "told you that meeting your mate would make you a different wolf." I flip my middle finger up at him and he laughs. He is right though. I feel different. Complete. I don't know her name, or her age, or anything. All I know is she is my other half. My everything. My life is different now. I am different now. The doctor knocks lightly on the door. This was a polite gesture as Aaron and I both smelled her walking down the hall. Her courtesy is appreciated. "Come in," I say. The doctor steps into the room. She is an older wolf, with long silver hair and a white coat. She makes her way over to my mate and starts to assess her. I squeeze my mate's hand. Reveling in how perfect it feels in mine. The doctor looks at me and says "She is showing some neurological improvement. It will be a long road. Although she is a half-wolf it does seem she has limited healing capacity. She is more human than wolf." I look at the doctor and say "How long?" She looks at me with kindness in her eyes and says "It could be 2 hours, 2 weeks, or 2 years. It's too early to tell. Having you by her side will only help. She will feel you and your mate bond. That will pull her through. Oh and congratulations Alpha" The doctor leaves. Aaron brings me a wet cloth and this is the moment I realize my bare chest is covered in her blood. I take the cloth and slowly wipe the blood off my chest. Realizing with each stroke how much blood she lost and how strong she is. Once I am cleaned up I reach over and stroke my mate's hair. I kiss her on the forehead again and take her hand. Aaron mind-link's me. "If she's a half-wolf who was raised human she may have no concept of our customs." He says. I look at him. He is right we don't know how much she knows about wolves or how much of a wolf she is. I do know one thing. She knows I'm an alpha. I respond to Aaron. "When I picked her up she called me her lonely alpha." He smiles and simply says "Suits you" During our conversation, I feel a slight wiggle of her hand. I look up and see her eyes flicker open and closed. A sense of relief washes over me. Aaron runs to get the doctor. She opens her eyes and smiles at me, lightly pulling her hand away. My heart sinks. I want to touch her, hold her. Her smile is so warm and inviting. She says raspy "You are real. The lonely alpha is real" Although looking directly into my eyes, she shows no fear. Instead, she has compassion and understanding. This is the first time since I became alpha that someone has looked at me with something other than fear. The doctor walks into the room and starts assessing her. Finally, the doctor says "No lasting damage I see. You are still not healed fully. I would like you to stay overnight. No vigorous activities for 2 weeks. That includes s*x Alpha." The last comment was directed to me as if as soon as she woke I was gonna viciously pound her brains out. My mate says with her hoarse voice "Well f**k! The heat is going to be miserable." I can't help but chuckle. The doctor leaves and I help my mate sit up in the bed, fluffing her pillows. I grab the water cup and hold it up to her perfectly plump lips. I wonder what they would taste like. After a few sips of water, she says to me "I can't believe you are f*****g real. I thought you were just a bedtime story my dad told me. Then for us to be mated. The moon goddess has a twisted sense of humor. What's your name?" she reaches over and holds my hand again. I draw tiny circles with my thumb. "Alpha Christos Dimitri Adonosis Grey of the Eternity pack. What's yours?" My heart could not be fuller. She had such a beautiful voice. Even when she swears. She looks up at me and says "Remide Line. No title, except well now I guess I am your bitch." She winks and smiles at me. I feel my heart start to pound and my arousal rises. I can see that Aaron notices as he excuses himself from the room. My mate is a feisty vixen and I f*****g love it. She continues "It is nice to meet you, Alpha Grey. Sorry to be such an inconvenience. If I hadn't been distracted by your overwhelming scent. I would have dodged that Rogue and stabbed his f*****g brains out." I laugh and say "You can call me Dimitri kitten." "Kitten! I am more like a cougar. I stalk you from behind then pounce on you when you least expect it." God this girl is going to be the death of me. If it wasn't for the doctor's orders I would already be on this bed f*****g her. I can smell her arousal too. She is turned on by me. She jumped at me with her little hands making claws. It was cute. Wait what the hell? Did Alpha Grey just find something cute? I need to stop being a simpering wimp and man up. Suddenly I hear screaming from down the hall. A loud grating voice echoed through the rooms.
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