Gems Villa

1007 Words
The CEO was gone by the time we got to the front of Power media house, and I met two bodyguards waiting for me on either side of a black range rover. The third, who had accompanied me out opened the door for me, and I quietly went in. It was a huge car, but what had I been expecting from the man who owned Gems? The drive was long and silent, and I looked down at my phone. I had a lot of messages from Blair, a few from Melinda and others who just wanted to wish me luck. I shook my head and turned off the phone, as we started to go round a corner. The road from there looked unfrequented, yet extremely clean and I knew we were here. A single tarred road, adorned on each side by tall trees led up to a gigantic black gate. I half expected one person to get down and open the gate, but no one did. The gate opened on its own and we passed through. I turned to see if the gate would close on its own and sure enough, it did. Gems and its owner were for sure on another level entirely. The house itself was a fairly long drive from the gate, and the first thing that greeted me was the large lion fountain right in front of the mansion. The grey lion had exposed fangs, the water spurting out from them. We took a turn around and stopped by the massive door, where the bodyguard that had sat with me alighted, then urged me to. I calmly came down, and the others drove the car away. Now I knew how ants felt whenever they looked up at us. It was exactly how I was feeling looking up at the gigantic house. Only one man lived here, and that man sent shivers of fear down my spine. "Ma'am?" I turned to the bodyguard and he handed me a large brown file. "It was such short notice, so if there is anything you don't understand, please do tell me. You need to memorize it." I collected it and ran my hands on the cold file, and swallowed. "Do you..." I started to say as he walked in front of me, expecting me to follow. "Do you perhaps know why the CEO brought me here?" He looked at me for a while, then shrugged. "Let's just say life as you know it is about to change for you." I simply nodded, dreading that change. The CEO didn't look like someone that would pick a hapless girl and grant her a chance at life again. It didn't look like that was what was about to happen to me anyway. I followed in, looking down at my feet, but I couldn't resist looking up when we actually got in the living room. The ceilings were designed to impersonate the sky under a roof, the center chandelier that looked like a million rolled diamonds all put together to one end glowed brightly, just like the sun. The house itself, however was dark. The paintings were a very dark blue, the furniture complimenting in dark grey. We walked for a bit before we first took what I would called the middle. There, the door was exactly behind me, and the gold colored flight of stairs right in my front. I would take the former over and over again. The building was state of the art, and I found an elevator right next to the stairs. But I guess it was private, since the bodyguard didn't even mention it and just guided me to the stairs. We went up, and turned to the right, where there was a row of similar looking rooms. He opened the first and ushered me in. "This is where you will stay. We will arrange everything the CEO has ordered for you as time passes. Make sure to memorize the document before the CEO comes, however." With a curt nod, he left. The room was plain, the same dark colored painting, same dark colored furniture. The huge dressing mirror was right opposite the bed, and the dresser was bare. The bed was laid in pure white sheets and the blanket covered half of it. I sat on it, running my hands on them. What would my father think if I don't come to visit him? He doesn't normally notice since he drifts in and out of a coma and never really regains full consciousness, but I like to believe that he feels me there. What do I do? But I knew I caused it upon myself so I have to bear with it. I swallowed and opened the document. The first page was almost blank except for the writing, Gems. I opened the next one. It read; All you need to know about the CEO of Gems. Ironically, this exact document was what I had risked everything for. Now that I got it, I had lost everything already. The information was of no use to me anymore. I closed my eyes, willing myself to not hold a grudge. I didn't want to blind myself to my own faults and see the actions others have taken against me. I continued to read. CEO of Gems. Name:- Carl Jordan. Carl? The CEO of Gems was named Carl? It made me laugh a little, especially since he didn't look like he had a name that wasn't CEO of Gems. I continued to read. His blood type, Genotype and his allergies. He was allergic to strawberries. I laughed again. "Strawberries? Really?" I laughed harder, letting the document fall off my hand. I didn’t know the papers weren't sealed together and some fell out of the document. I quickly ran around, putting the paper together in a hurry. They were all numbered, so it wasn't hard to arrange them. To my dismay however, page 8 was missing even after I was convinced I had searched everywhere and put in everything. Oops.
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