Day After cont'd

1163 Words

(Sophie) "Damn morning already" I said stretching as I got out of the bed "Yeah and you have to head to your mom's" Libby said walking in. She must have gotten a shower because there was still water droplets on her Superman towels covered body "Do I have to?" I groaned flopping down back on the bed "Come on girl, the sooner you get this done the better" Libby said "Yeah I know" I said crawling off her bed  "Come on go get a shower and let's get going" Libby said pushing me towards the shower After a shower I got dressed in a short shorts, and lime green t-shirt and a track shoes "To the car" I said with fake enthusiasm We got to her car and she drove to Carlos who was standing outside waiting on her "Hello my Shinning one" He said kissing her for two minutes before they broke apa

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