Day After

4594 Words

Sophie) "What the f**k?!?!" I yelled looking at the disgusting sight of Mister Taylor naked on top of my mother. I couldn't believe it even though it was happening directly in front of my eyes "Sophia" Mom let out a surprise yell as Mr. Taylor jumped off her. I stood there in shocks at the horrid scene of them scrambling to put on their discarded clothing "Sophia" Mom called again snapping me out of my horrified trance before I slammed the door and ran to my room closing it behind me "Sophia wait!" she called out chasing after me soon she came knocking on the door "Sophia let me in" she said but I didn't answer "It's not what you think" she lied "Oh so what he trip, fell and landed in-between your legs?" I yelled sarcastically at her "I can explain Sophia just open the door" she s

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