Dates part 1

4899 Words

(Carl) "Hey look it's him" "Who is he?" "You haven't heard" "Heard what?" "Seriously. Don't you have a phone?" "No my mom took it" "I can't believe you haven't heard" "Can you just tell me already" "Well he's the guy that got caught sleeping with his best friend's mom" "No way" "Uh huh." "How do you even know it's true" "The party I went too last week Friday. He and the mom were there and they flat out admitted it" "Oh my god that's so gross. What kind of person would sleep with their best friend's mom. He's not a very good friend" "Oh you know that guy James" "The guy really hot genius guy. Yeah he's in my former Chem class" "Well, you know Sophie right?" "Uh huh they're lab partners" "Well what if I tell you they might've been a thing" "I'd totally believe you. I mean

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