Date part 2

1746 Words

(Sophie) "Here's your stop" the Uber driver said looking at me "Thanks for the ride" "Oh no problem" she said still looking at me "Um is something on my face?" I asked "No" "So why are you staring?" "Am I? I'm sorry it's just I just wanted to let you know. You're really brave." "What?" "I mean I can't imagine living with someone who admitted to cheating on you and in the janitor's closet no less. Honesty I personally don't think high schoolers should even be having s*x. I just wanted to let you know you have my full support." "Um thanks" I said getting out of the car. I looked oddly as the car drove off. Deciding to shrug it off before going into the building. I looked around at all the eyes in the room looking at me. I swear to God living in such a small town could be a nightma

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