I sit in the lounge in my apartment after my shower. I wanted to feel refreshed after work. I'm sitting in a recliner with a glass of red wine in my hand, thinking back to yesterday. I do not want my step father showing up here. After all this is an apartment he bought for me, I didn't get this apartment on my own. Back in Seattle, I had my own car which he gave to me as a gift on my eighteenth birthday. When I left for college, I decided that I didn't want to have the car anymore.
My mom was against me studying architecture, sometimes I would be in my room and sketch for hours. The house is beautiful that my mom and Dan, my step father, lives in. The property is huge. When my father was alive, I remember we just had an average house like any normal family. My father was a construction worker on the sites, I would sometimes go with him to work. He loved his job and that is why I love it myself. He taught me from a young age how to sketch houses, floorplans, elevations, site plans and perspectives. My mom on the other hand, was a housewife. She would go to clubs and bars, sometimes she would go out with friends. My father didn't like it one bit. He was always with me, we had a very close bond. She would shove me into beauty pageants hoping I would win, and of course I did. The prizes were cash, and that's all she wanted.
The door opens and Clara enters the lounge, breaking me from my thoughts. I put my glass of wine down onto the coffee table.
"Hey, how was work?" I ask her.
She walks tiredly with her satchel over her shoulder to the sofa. She sits down on the sofa, looking at the wine bottle that I left on the coffee table with an extra glass just for her. It was our usual routine. "Tiring, and I miss you. I can't believe your boss made you resign" she says, putting her satchel on the sofa next to her. She leans forward, taking the bottle of wine in her hand and pours the wine into the glass, then puts the bottle down again. She lifts the glass to her mouth, taking a sip of the wine.
"He is an ass like I said. Apparently his clients go there, so I'm pretty sure most of them saw me already. He is attractive but he is cold and rude. Some of his words hurt me, but I brush them off quick. There is a client, MR Landon, very handsome man, he saw me dance on stage and my boss was with, that is why I had to resign" I shrug.
"Damn, I would've been embarrassed"
"Well embarrassed... I still am. I carried on with my show and tried to be seductive, who was I kidding. Being seductive with my boss. It didn't work though, same cold and rude ass he is" I roll my eyes.
"What did this MR Landon have to say about it though?" she asks me eagerly to find out more details.
"Nothing, when I was in a meeting with him and My boss earlier, he kept looking my way and smiling at me, which made me blush. And my boss saw our glances at each other, he told me that I blush like a silly teenager and to steer clear of him after MR Landon asked me out for dinner tomorrow evening." I smirk.
"Well your boss sounds jealous, you are beautiful. Anyone would want to be with you. How was your dinner by the way with this ass of a boss?"
"It was okay, here and there he would say rude remarks, but it was okay" I shrug.
"I would like to see him though. I can tell when a man is jealous or in your case just rude" she grins. She is very good at that. "What happened with your mom? She was really angry at the club"
I sigh " She saw me for the first time dancing on stage at Ravings, according to her its inappropriate. She wants me back home but I'm not going back. I told her not to follow me or contact me. I got home, she was banging on the door, I never opened it. She called me a dozen of times, I basically left my phone on silent"
"She is really a piece of work, I can't believe that she thinks I'm a bad influence. She doesn't even know me" Clara shakes her head in disbelief.
"Trust me, she assumes the worst of almost everyone around me" I roll my eyes.
"Well I'm off to shower, its been a long ass day" Clara gets up and she walks to her room. Clara moved in with me during my college days. We attended the same college but she also needed to get a job to pay off her bills, but I offered for her to share an apartment with me. I never really had friends. Clara is my only real first friend, and then I met Laura.
I walk into my room, and I look inside my closet to get a perfect outfit for work tomorrow, and my dinner with MR Landon. Thinking about his smile, makes me smile out of nowhere. yet my mind goes to Connor when he catches MR Landon and I looking at each other. I'm sure that the dinner isn't a big deal, but why is it for him? Has MR Landon done anything that Connor wants me steer clear of him as per his words. I roll my eyes. It can be either one of the two. Jealousy is the first one on my list. Clara always nails it when she knows before hand that the guys are jealous or just being a prick. I trust her, so all I have to do is go ahead with dinner, see how my evening goes. He is a client, and I want to try to keep Holt Architecture on the number one list of recommendations.